The Forbidden World

Chapter 1357: Battle 8

"Yuan···Master Yuanshou! We can't hold it anymore!"

In the chaotic battlefield, the Onmyoji who was responsible for the communication reported the current situation to Tuyumen Yuanshou who was mourning for his friend.

Tuyumen Yuanshou nodded, indicating that he knew. Then he continued to look at the corpse in front of him who spent all his life and slept completely.

"Master Yuanshou?"

Being interrupted again, Tu Yumen Yuan Shou was a little displeased. He actually knew what to do now. It's just that the sadness of losing a friend is really a bit difficult to heal.

But anyway, he is also a man with the surname of Tuyumen. Eventually, he adjusted his mentality and began to order.

"Notify all those who are capable of the taboo technique to use the taboo technique collectively at the moment when the blockade is broken! There are too many enemies and we must clear a safe space!"

In fact, they were able to support it. After all, the third layer of the blockade gathered the most elite onmyoji in Kyoto, and the monsters they faced at the same time were a fraction of the previous two blockades! In fact, their pressure is much smaller than they thought, and they were very relaxed at the beginning of the battle!

However, the collapse of the frontline outside the city directly led to the collapse of the entire battle situation! Countless monsters are coming from behind, even if they are just some fish, it will also cause a fatal blow to the front!

The enchantment was quickly broken, and the entire third-level blockade line was caught in a dogfight.

The monster's body strikes the Yin-Yang masters from all directions. The claws, giant mouth, upper limbs, for the humans who have lost the enchantment protection and are fragile, these things are all deadly!

And this time, the enemy came from all directions! Perhaps you have just dealt with the threat in front of you, and a spike behind you will kill you!

Blood was sprayed on the streets, and humans were losing ground, but after a while, one-third of the Yin and Yang teachers were killed by monsters!

Fortunately, the Onmyoji divisions guarding the third-level blockade line are all elites. Under their desperate struggle, they finally managed to maintain the third-level blockade line, and once again established a protective barrier, which was temporarily stabilized. War situation.

Of course, everyone knows that this is just a moment of peace. Countless monsters are wandering here, and the enchantment will not last long. When the enchantment is broken again, it is time for them to fight the monster.

After arranging the follow-up missions, Tuyumen Yuanshou turned his head slightly and looked to the side of Cangqiao Yangjie's body.

"Lan, I'm going."

After whispering, Tuyumen Yuanshou left all the worries and fears, sadness and sorrows in his mind.

The rest is only a dead fight!

The enchantment that shrouded the blockade gradually began to shake, and finally lost its light under the nibble of a monster.

At the moment when the enchantment was broken, several old Onmyoji who had been standing on the edge of the enchantment suddenly burst into black light.

Taboo! ——Shen Jiang, Su Zhan Ming Zun!

It was darker than the night! That is a nightmare more terrible than evil!

The black flame is like an abyss, engulfing all the contact, and no monster can survive under the black flame!

The monsters are constantly struggling to escape, but to no avail, as long as they stick to a little, these black flames will continue to burn, without burning the target completely, never give up!

The black flames spread gradually around the users, just like flowers, blooming in the densest places of monsters. They are all flowers of the abyss that the Yin and Yang teachers poured out with their lives!

The technique of taboo, although it is listed as taboo, has never been forgotten, because the strength it brings is enough for humanity to reverse the situation in desperation!

The blossoming flowers of the abyss, but for a moment, all the monsters in the third layer of the blockade are empty!

The monsters outside those areas saw this scene and they all stepped back in awe.

Even if the forbidden technique is over and the black flames are all extinguished, these monsters dare not take a step forward for a while.

"Very good! All alive! Let's take advantage of this time and prepare for a large onmyoji! No one knows when His Excellency Shirai and Hakukai will succeed, we must fight again! Fight for time!"

Tu Yumen Yuan Shou shouted and issued orders, and the other Onmyoji teachers all acted according to orders, and no one noticed the moment when the sharp blade pierced.

Tuyumen Yuanshou only discovered that he was attacked after he was pierced into the heart.

But also, who would have thought that a gift from a friend before he was comatose, who had been guarding himself behind him and protecting himself, would actually attack himself?


Tu Yumen Yuan Shou struggled to turn around and looked in the direction of Soma Lan, then he saw the scene where Soma Ma was stabbed to death by another kind of **** of his own.

Tu Yumen Yuan Shou suddenly froze. Could it be that the gods are going back?

No, no!

Although his vision began to blur because he was on the verge of death, he still saw it, in the void, connected to the two types of gods, the few undetectable thin lines!

What shocked him was that above the thin line, there was actually spiritual power! The man who controlled himself attacked himself was actually human! ?

who is it! ? Who actually attacked others at this time? Are you not afraid of being rejected by all humans after being discovered? What kind of hatred is really worth doing? ?

Tuyumen Yuanshou struggled to look around, trying to find the enemy, but it was completely useless. In the field of vision, he could not see anything except the thin line that controlled the entire stronghold.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed through my mind. Tuyumen Yuanshou suddenly remembered who attacked him. When thinking of this answer, Tuyumen Yuanshou couldn't help but want to laugh. With such a simple answer, he almost didn't think of it.

Dare to attack mankind at this time and have invincible hatred with is naturally the Abe family who was betrayed by him, standing on the side of the feather fox and wanting to resurrect Abe Harumi!

"Hahahahaha! You guys will pay the price sooner or later!"

Tu Yumen Yuan Shou is very happy. Anyway, he is mortal. What is the difference between early death and late death? On the contrary, it is the Abe family who has done all the work, but they still don’t know who their enemies are and what terrible existence they will face!

"I'm waiting for you in hell! Poof!"

The last shout finally exhausted Tu Yumen Yuanshou's last energy, and he fell into the pool of blood like that. With all the people in this stronghold, he was swallowed up by the countless monsters who threw up.

When everything fell silent, a girl wearing a long black dress and holding a puppet came out of the corner of the alley.

She looked at the place where Tuyumen Yuanshou fell, puzzled, whispering: "Why...betrayal?" 8)

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