The Forbidden World

Chapter 1339: status quo

"Your Excellency Shirai, may I ask, are you here to help mankind?"

Now that he chose to believe, Huayuan Yuanyuan gave up the useless temptation, and he directly asked Bai Jingyue about their intentions.

Bai Jingyue, after thinking for a moment, replied: "Although the main purpose is not, we do come to help humanity."

Their primary goal has not changed, is to hunt down Naraku and collect the Jade of the Four Souls.

I went to Kyoto because there were the remaining four-soul jade in Yuhu's hand, because Naraku came here.

After listening, Hua Kaiyuan Xiuyuan couldn't help but struggle, he asked dullly: "Are you also for the so-called, Lord of the Monsters?"

"Demon Lord? What is that?"

Bai Jingyue's words shocked Huayuan.

"It seems that we have a lot of misunderstandings between us, so let’s talk about the current situation in Kyoto first, and we will also tell you what we know later, for example, recently came here and mingled with Yuhu That monster."

Hearing the words, Xiuyuan in Huakaiyuan's eyes lit up, and there was some speculation in her heart.

After glancing at Inuyasha and others, Hideyoshi Huakai was sitting and began to tell about the status quo in Kyoto.

"Talking about the current status of Kyoto, we must first talk about a rumor that does not know when it will begin to circulate-[The monster that rules Kyoto is the master of the monsters in the world!]"


Feng Jian Youxiang sneered suddenly, causing Hua Kaiyuan Xiu Yuan to sweat suddenly, and he looked at the big demon in amazement, thinking in his mind where he had caused her.

Bai Jingyue waved his hand, beckoning the opening of the flower show and continued. The origin of this rumor may be strange to others, but he understands that it must be a masterpiece of Yakumo Zi. Only Yunyun Zi has the ability to spread rumors so quickly and not be discovered.

Feng Jian You Xiang also understood this, so she just snorted, otherwise, when she heard someone wanting to become the master of the world's monster, she hit it at once.

The lack of strength still want to become the master of the monster? Dreaming?

Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan wiped her cold sweat and took a deep breath, then continued: "For the name of this so-called monster master, monsters from all walks of life gathered in Kyoto, and the whole Kyoto was in chaos. We yin and yang The teacher can only support it. If it were not for the monsters to fight against each other for the sake of the monster’s name, Kyoto would have fallen."

"Like what we saw today, right?"

"Yes, what we see today is one of the two most powerful forces among all the monsters, the Nuliang group. I will not introduce the specifics. I want you to know them better than me. It’s a pity that there is only one monster group like the Nuliang group that only hunts monsters and does not deal with humans.”

The faces of Inuyasha and others are all worried. They did not expect that the form of Kyoto is so severe today. In addition to a slave group, the monsters that spread throughout Kyoto are actually enemies! Moreover, if it were not for the monsters to fight each other, the human Kyoto would have collapsed!

"In addition to the Nuliang group, another force is the Kyoto monsters that have long been rooted in Kyoto. Their leader is the reincarnated monster Yuhu. Whenever Yuhu died, they would choose to be silent, but whenever When the Yuhu awakens, they will disturb the Kyoto order! We spent the Kaiyuan family and fighting with the Kyoto monsters for hundreds of years, but they have not been able to defeat them, even in a disadvantage."

Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan is not embarrassed, because the Kyoto Monster, an organization rooted in Kyoto, cannot be solved by his family.

"If the situation continues like this, with the efforts of all our Onmyoji families in Kyoto, it is not a problem to protect and live in Kyoto, but recently, the situation has changed!"

Speaking of which, a look of sorrow appeared on the face of Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan.

"Some time ago, a monster came here and went to the Kyoto monster's station. Then there was a fierce battle there. We thought that the Kyoto monster repelled the foreign monster. Unexpectedly, after that, the Kyoto monster's action The policy gradually began to change."

Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan paused for a moment, seeming to organize his own language, and then he began to describe his findings: "They look like usual, hunting humans everywhere, but after careful observation we found that the other party seems to be looking for something !"

There is no doubt that after that battle, the command of the Kyoto monster changed a character! Mostly it was the monster before! And the identity of that monster, Inuyasha and others already knew it.

"Looking for something..."

Inuyasha and others looked at each other, and if they guessed right, they got the naruto of the four-soul jade on the feather fox. What they were looking for at the moment was the last piece of the four-soul, in addition to the four-soul jade they held. Jade!

"If this is the case, we will not prepare for the family relocation. The problem is that foreign monsters are usually Kyoto monsters who choose to expel or even hunt. They actually began to accept and absorb those foreign monsters! They are organizing a large army! Once they have completed the integration of the monster forces of Kyoto, we will definitely be unable to stop it. The death of Kyoto is the thing that all Onmyoji teachers have done consciousness, but the family inheritance must not be cut off!"

"The army...that is to say, our time is running out."

Bai Jingyue looked behind him while speaking, Inuyasha and others nodded.

If Naraku really assembled the army, then they really have no resistance, even if they successfully killed Naraku, Kyoto will pay an irreparable price!

"Then, let me talk about the intelligence on our side. The monster is called Naraku."


Hua Kaiyuan Xiu Yuan frowned, repeating Naraku's name, which was the same name as Hell Abyss, making him feel uncomfortable.

"Naro is the goal of our In order to solve him, we have tracked him for nearly a year, but he was run away by him every time. Unexpectedly, he actually came to Kyoto this time, out of With some considerations, we cannot let go of our hands and feet in Kyoto, so we can only find you."

Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan looked at the composition of the team and suddenly understood what the so-called consideration means. If such a team really releases its hands and feet, will Kyoto be destroyed?

"As for what you said, what is he looking for..."

Bai Jingyue turned to Ge Wei with a look, and then continued: "That should be the Jade of the Four Souls."

"Jade of the Four Souls?"

Huayuanyuan Xiuyuan was surprised for a moment, and then he saw the fragments of the four soul jade brought out by Ge Wei.

The familiar look made him stand up!

"I... I have a piece there!" 8)

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