The Forbidden World

Chapter 1337: Into the city

Kyoto, this ancient city exudes a terrifying atmosphere in the dark, countless clouds floating in the sky, and looking from a distance, it looks like a dead city.

As the crowd approached the city gate, the somber breath became more apparent, and the sense of danger became heavier and heavier.

From time to time, some light shines in the city, but it is fleeting.

From time to time, the flame rises from the city, but it instantly extinguishes.

They knew that this was the battle between Onmyoji and the monsters. In this city, Onmyoji fights to protect humanity, fights to death, or becomes a winner, and then invests in the next battle, or shines the last light of life, and then dies.

In this way, they used their lives to create a scene of prosperity for ordinary people living in Kyoto.

"Go, let us end this!"

Bai Jingyue took the lead to the city gate. The others looked at each other and followed.

What surprised them was that they were stopped at the gate!

At the gates of Kyoto, two Onmyojis stood in front of everyone, preventing everyone from entering Kyoto.

One of them stepped forward and kindly advised: "Guys, Kyoto is very dangerous now. Please come back after a while."

The Onmyoji who said these words were very helpless. Look at the composition of the team in front of you, a witch, a demon wizard, two mages, and four demon experts! For today's Kyoto, any combat power is very valuable, let alone four.

But this morning, their homeowner only issued an order to ban foreign demonists from entering Kyoto.

It is said that the current situation is very grim, and perhaps soon, the entire Kyoto will fall behind. Although they will not give up on Kyoto, they must also be prepared for failure. If they fail, these demon-seekers who are willing to support them are the last kind of humankind!

Therefore, since today, they have banned foreign demon people from entering.

At the same time, they began arranging manpower to transfer the classics of the family and those who have not yet grown up.

They are not afraid of death, but the inheritance cannot be cut off. These inheritances are all the survival of mankind in the future, and even rely on the counterattack of monsters!

"If it's not dangerous here, we won't come, let's go in, little brother, we don't want to break in."

The Yin Yang teacher wanted to say something, and then he saw Inuyasha and Qi Yao walking behind the team.

Inuyasha is okay, the appearance is not obvious, but the appearance of Qi Yao can be recognized by individuals!

Monster, and the legendary big monster Nine-Tailed Fox!

Yin Yang Master was suddenly stunned. Why does such a monster appear in such a team with four demonists?

Could it be that the type of god?

How powerful are these demon figures in being able to treat Nine-Tailed Fox as a deity? Even if he is stupid, he understands that such a strong aid is enough to change the current situation!

Yin-Yang master took a sip of saliva. Although they are all well aware of the battle for human death, it is of course best to be able to die!

It is a pity that he cannot decide this matter, and he still needs to report it to his superiors.

Just as he was about to let his companions stabilize the group of people for a while, he went back to inform himself, and a familiar voice came from behind him.

"Leave it to me here."

He looked back, then quickly bent down.

"Yes! Master Xiuyuan!"

In the shadows, a man appeared.

A plain white yin and yang suit, highlighting his identity, **** the crown, so that the face that looks young and even beautiful, looks a little serious.

The two strands of hair hanging down in front of the crown of the head hang in the corners of the eyes like a curtain, up to the chest.

"Xiu Yuan? I heard that every generation of the head of the Huakaiyuan family is named Xiuyuan. Are you the head of this generation of Huakaiyuan family?"

"Everything is not talented, it is just below."

The man didn't seem to have the arrogance that Kyoto's famous Onmyoji family head should have, and his face had always been faintly smiled.

But if you look closely, you can find that his palm is constantly sweating!

"I wonder if you are?"

Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan has never been so nervous as he is today. Even if he faced the current situation that Kyoto would lose his position at any time, he did not experience any confusion, but at this moment, he was really nervous.

Today, he should have arranged the evacuation of his juniors with his brother. As a result, just halfway through, he felt a huge demon power approaching. Out of fear for his subordinates, he quickly came to the gate of this side to support, As a result, something more horrifying was discovered.

The Nine-Tailed Fox, who can feel the huge demon power over there, just forget about it. In this group of people, he can't feel the existence of strength or weakness.

There doesn’t seem to be strong, but there is a mage with a strong seal on his hand; that girl who looks ordinary but holds a bow and arrow; that looks like a witch, but a slightly transparent soul body; that looks very stupid half demon ; And the mage in front of him who made weapons with seemingly ordinary ice.

Except that the female is normal except for the demon master, everything is abnormal!

It would be fine if it was just this, but why did this guy appear at the end of these people! ?

The green-haired woman who is holding a parasol in the dark and seems to be hanging out, why is she here? ?

Hua Kaiyuan Xiu Yuan still remembers what happened when Yu Yi had never made a comeback and had not returned to inherit Xiu Yuan.

He was on a mountain peak, and through the gap between two rocks, he saw two monsters who were also holding parasols fighting. One of them was a blonde female using strange space ability, and the other was this guy in front of him!

At that time, the magical cannon full of demon power, wiped his clothes and flew over, directly flattened the hill where he was. Such a force, he can't forget it so far!

What is this for destroying the entire existence of Kyoto at this time? ?

Humans, is there any hope! ?

Just when the heart of the flower-opening show Yuanyuan turned rapidly, seeking the so-called hope, Shiraitsu answered his question.

"My name is Shiraitsu, I don’t know. Have you ever heard my name?"

Huayuanyuan Xiuyuan was surprised for a while, and then the whole person was stunned.

He has not only heard the name Bai Jingyue, he even wrote about whether the clerical leader recorded in the family collection is Su Zhanming respecting the gods!

The problem is that at that time, the name Shiraoi appeared in the book collection, he really did not think that the owner of this name would appear in front of him!

It is as if learning will inevitably avoid Qin Huanghan Wuwu, but if one day, Qin Shihuang Yingzheng or Han Gaozu Liu Bang really appeared in front of you and reported your name, how did you react?

It should be said, is it true that Yakumo Zi originally chose Inuyasha as a teammate? After the extreme shock, Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan calmed down and did not ask Shirai's identity, but just put Shirai Yue et al. ushered into the city.

Although I doubt the truth of Shiraitsu in my heart, but at this moment, humanity has reached the point of desperation, what can't bet! ?

Even in the unlikely event, he is willing to believe!


Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan looked back and saw Youxiang, and then calmed down a bit.

[It is only in that kind of existence that you can control such a monster...]


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