The Forbidden World

Chapter 1319: End of training plan

The violent wind raged, and everything was destroyed by scattered hurricanes in the ice wall of Shiraitsuki. X

Although the tornado has been broken, the cohesive demon powers in the tornado have not dispersed, and these demon powers followed the hurricane and destroyed everything they passed!

There is only one place, barely supported in this sky of death hurricane.

That's where Shisheng Pill stands.

At the moment when the hurricane carried the demon power, the killing pill immediately cast Canglong broken towards the front.

It is true that the power of the semi-regular level has a crushing effect on the existence below, but these hurricanes are just the aftermath of the Inuyasha move.

Anyway, he is also a strong man who is infinitely close to this level. With all his strength, there is no problem in dealing with these aftermaths.

While coping with the aftermath, Shi Sheng Wan looked up at the blood-stained figure in front of him.

Inuyasha, his father's son, his younger brother, showed him what is strong.

This time, he lost. Incapable of defeating the crescent moon, Inuyasha is eligible to win this trick. Shisheng Maru doesn't feel ashamed, because this is the battle, and Inuyasha defeated him with great strength.

Moreover, Inuyasha also confirmed his ideas.

He can see that just that Inuyasha did it with his own strength, even if he changed a knife, as long as the blade is strong enough, Inuyasha can still use the previous move.

The perseverance of the knife should indeed be put down.

Of course, admitting defeat does not mean that he is going to catch up! Today's Inuyasha is just free from the broken moon, if Inuyasha can't defeat him, he can release more broken moons, and Inuyasha's appearance is obviously impossible to release this trick again.

So, at the moment when the aftermath disappeared, it was the moment when he and Inuyasha won the game!

While increasing the power output in the hand, the killer pill also began to demonize, he did not become a prototype, but the same as Inuyasha at the moment, double pupil scarlet

Everything around him became clearer in his eyes. The traces of the hurricane, the enchantment mixed with it, and the dark enchantment on Inuyasha in the distance.

! ! !

The eyes of Shisheng Pill suddenly widened! His attention was entirely focused on the figure of Inuyasha in the distance, and then confirmed a fact.

Those who stayed in place were just a phantom of Inuyasha!

So, where is the real Inuyasha at the moment! ?

When he was bleeding all over himself and the runaway aftermath raged everywhere, where did the real Inuyasha go! ?

Shi Sheng Wan closed his eyes and focused his attention on his nose, but soon he found that he couldn't do it. He couldn't completely disturb the smell by the hurricane that sniffed out of Inuyasha and swept the entire space!

In other words, at this moment he really lost Inuyasha's position! He will inevitably face a head-on blow from Inuyasha, a new semi-regular powerhouse!

Absolutely can not pick up!

Shi Sheng Wan is very clear, even if it is a serious injury with **** body, Inuyasha's knife is not something he can bear positively.

He must find out the location of Inuyasha!

Seeing that the aftermath had gradually dissipated, Shisheng Pill suddenly poured a lot of demon power into the natural teeth in his hands!

Under the support of the huge demon power, the thunder of the broken dragon suddenly spread out irregularly towards all around!

The dense lightning is almost inevitable, as long as Inuyasha is waiting for an ambush around him, he will be hit by these lightnings!

And at the moment of thunder's diffusion, a knife flashed suddenly!

Suddenly, the entire space was silent.

The wind stopped.

Thunder is also extinguished.

Behind the killing pill, Inuyasha who showed his body panting, he looked back proudly at his brother and said proudly, "I won!"

Shi Sheng Wan looked at the broken natural tooth in his hand and was silent for a moment.

In the final blow, Inuyasha kept his hand, and he knew very well that he couldn't escape that blow. But Inuyasha just cut off the blade of the natural tooth, and the force that broke everything didn't touch him.

"Dark Dao, it's yours."

After talking, Shi Sheng Wan threw the broken natural teeth aside, then walked alone in front of the ice wall and knocked.

He knew very well how capable of defending against the cracked ice wall in Inuyasha's foul storm. That was by no means what he could plan. If he wanted to go out, he could only open Shiraitsu.

Bai Jingyue didn't mean to kill Sheng Sheng Wan, he opened the ice wall directly, but when Shi Sheng Wan was about to leave with a bell and evil views, he stopped Shi Sheng Wan.

"You should take this thing away."

It was natural teeth that appeared in the hands of Shirai. However, it is not a broken natural tooth, but an intact natural tooth!

"What's going on? Isn't the natural tooth broken?"

Inuyasha, who had been stained red, injected demon power into the iron broken teeth, and after confirming that it indeed contained the power of Nether Road, his head was dizzy.

"How is this going?"

Even if it was a killing pill, he was a bit curious about it, but he confirmed that the natural tooth in his hand was broken before discarding it.

"Natural teeth are the swords of the other world. The iron broken teeth are nothing more than the medium of this world that contains the broken moon, and the blade of the other world's blade will not be cut off."

Standing the natural tooth on the ground in front of Shisheng Maru, Shirai said: "The broken moon is indeed your father's left to Inuyasha, but this natural tooth is indeed your father's left to you."

"What do I keep it for? Do you want to save someone?"

The killing pill is disgusted. This natural tooth now has only one ability to save people, and it cannot be saved repeatedly. That is to say, this natural tooth has no effect on him, after all, both Ling and evil views were resurrected by him with natural teeth.

What do you have for nothing?

But to say so, the killing pill still took over the natural teeth.

After all, this is what his father left him.

Moreover, natural teeth are not completely incapable of attacking, and they are used as a medium for breaking the dragon.

"Kill Shengsheng Pill, are you going to find Naraku next?"

After a simple treatment, Inuyasha walked to Shishengwan's side and asked in a strange tone.

"of course."

The knife's obsession has disappeared, and the most important thing for Shisheng Pill today is to dare to anger him.

And after getting confirmation from Shisheng said: "So, do you want to be with us?"

Everyone was frightened by Inuyasha's speech, and even Inuyasha himself laughed bitterly after the speech. However, Inuyasha did not retreat, he still looked up at Shisheng Pill, waiting for the answer.

"What a joke?"

After dropping the next sentence, Shisheng Pill left the place directly, but just went far away, and seemed to be in a hurry.

Seeing this scene, Bai Jingyue showed a smile on his face, and he didn't expect that Shisheng Pill, a deadly pride, was almost attacked by Inuyasha!

However, this is not the time to laugh. In other words, the most tense moment is coming.

Inuyasha successfully advanced, and his training plan can be said to be over.

Next, it's time to execute Yakumo Zi's plan to finalize the battle plan! rw

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