The Forbidden World

Chapter 1208: Broken iron teeth

"Careful! Inuyasha! The wild bone of the large armor, inlaid with the fragments of the Jade of the Four Souls, there are two!"

When Bellflower is so weak that it can't make a sound, Ge Wei takes on the role of eye. She clearly sees how the wild bones use the inheritance inherited from bone refining.

But it was too late. After saying hello to Inuyasha, Manbone threw a knife wind directly!

In the blink of an eye, Daofeng had approached Inuyasha's body.

In a hurry, Inuyasha took out the iron broken teeth, and finally was barely blocked, and at this time, some humorous voice came from the wild bone.

"Because I was injured a bit last time when I confronted you, I repaired the wound with fragments, how powerful is it?"

"Still a long way to go!"

"Huh, is it? Chatting ends here, watch tricks!"

Barbarian jumped forward, heading towards Inuyasha as a cut, and Inuyasha stepped back half a step, leaving a gap for his next attack.

"This time I must cut you to pieces! Wind wounds!"

However, something that stunned everyone happened.

The violent demon power is spinning on the edge of the wind wound, but just can't send it out!

Wind wound, failed!

"It turns out that I understand why he wants me to wait for you here!"

As a mercenary, Barbarian will not consider fairness, he only considers the outcome of life and death, so in the face of sudden situations, he directly increased the attack!

Inuyasha finally understood the problem at the moment.

At this moment, he was on an island with encircled borders!

Wind wounds, a form of magical power, cannot be used here!

Not to mention the wind hurt, his own strength has also been suppressed a lot!

"Hahaha! Compared to last time, Inuyasha, you are a lot weaker! It is simply weaker than weird! How about being obedient? This will save some time!"

"Think beautiful!"

The black dread enveloped Inuyasha's body, and his figure suddenly became unreal.

This is Inuyasha's awe-inspiring power from Slave Slave, capable of generating phantom power.

However, just half of this ability was activated, and the black fear power was purified by the enchantment.

Barbarian laughed and waved his weapon, flying Inuyasha directly.

Although Inuyasha's simple jump attack is also very strong, but with weapons, the right hand of the wild bone has a total of four four-soul jade power blessings, which exceeds the upper limit of the attack that Inuyasha can withstand when its strength is weakened by the enchantment.

Seeing Inuyasha being suppressed, the boy ran towards the ancestral hall, hoping that Baixin could help Inuyasha. However, when he ran into the ancestral hall, he discovered that there was nothing in the ancestral hall.

Whether it is the flesh-and-blood Buddha of Baixin, or the instrument originally used to worship.

In this regard, Maitreya and others were not surprised. This has been determined to be a trap for Naraku, so the sweetheart who is responsible for maintaining the protection of Naraku's enclave is naturally impossible to be thrown here as an abandoned child.

Obviously, Master Baixin should be in Bailing Mountain at the moment.

But the question is coming, since Baixin is in Bailing Mountain, how is the boundary of this island arranged?

Thinking of this, Maitreya took out a charm from his arms, moved part of Qibao's enchantment onto the charm, and threw it out.

He wants to use the principle of enchantment to purify demon power, find the center of the enchantment, and break the enchantment!

As long as the enchantment is broken, Inuyasha will recover its strength, and naturally it can solve the wild bones.

As for other people, corals are not very good at enchantment. Although Ge Wei will enchant a little, he cannot find the center point of the enchantment arranged by others.

Bellflower can do it, but Bellflower has been reluctant to keep itself from falling down. It is up to him to find the center of the enchantment.

As for the woman named Hui Ye brought by Shirai, Maitreya did not expect it.

After all, it seems that Hui Ye is a character like a princess. Such a character has a special ability to understand. He doesn’t expect anything from fighting.

Soon, one of the scattered spells flew away into fly ash, and there was the center of the enchantment!

Maitre hurried over and found that on the ground, there was a piece of cobalt, a Buddhist tool. At this moment, Du Cobalt is constantly flashing light.

Maitreya immediately used a zen stick wrapped around his mana to hit Du Co.

Perhaps the person who arranged the enchantment is very strong, but the enchantment arranged by an appliance has limited power. Under the full attack of Maitreya, the enchantment was finally broken!

However, it is too late.

Before the enchantment was broken, Inuyasha had been struck away several times, with bleeding wounds all over his body.

Even if the enchantment is broken, Inuyasha has some physical strength.

"Okay, leave it to me here."

Bai Jingyue, who had been watching for a long time, lifted the ice mirror covering his body, revealing his figure.

As he walked towards the middle of the wild bone and Inuyasha, Shiraiuki warned Inuyasha: "Although you are suppressed by the enchantment, but these are only a few pieces of jade from the Four Souls? Inuyasha, your strength needs to be improved."

After a loud grunt, Inuyasha put away the iron broken teeth.

Although he really wanted to fight with the wild bone, but when Shiraitsu was dispatched, he had no room to shoot. Don't forget, this is the center of the lake! It is Shirai's home field!

Seeing Shiraitsu for the first time, the wild bones ran away, but in his heart the hatred value far exceeds those of Inuyasha!

After being rotated a few times in the air, the big dragon named Barbaric Dragon was controlled by Barbarian Bone and slammed towards Shirai.

Just as Dayun was about to hit Shiraiuki, huge ice cubes fell from the sky! First hit the big armor.

The huge impact made the wild bone arms tremble, the blade didn't know where to go, Shiraitsu didn't move.

The wild bone looked up and found that countless huge ice cubes were condensed into the shape of a sword in the air, and the direction of the tip of the sword was all facing him, exuding a very fierce atmosphere.

"I don't know, can you stop this trick."

The ice sword surged across the sky! Even the wild bones are a bit timid!

These are not the kind of light arrows, but countless huge ice cubes! The impact of each ice sword falling is enough to make his hand shake now, if all fall, it is simply unimaginable!

At this moment, the cobalt found by Maitreya suddenly flew and floated to the side of the wild bone, emitting a soft light to wrap the wild bone inside.

After a while Du Cobalt, and the wild bone, all disappeared! And the huge ice sword in the sky just ended up being lonely.

Of course, this is Shiraitsu's statement. In Inuyasha's eyes, the whole island was smashed by more than half!

"I knew I was here! You are too exaggerated!"

Feeling the island fully tilted under his feet, Inuyasha couldn't help but vomit.

Shiraizuki shrugged, saying it was not his pot. He also destroyed an island, and the wind damage of Inuyasha often destroyed the city.


"Is it because I didn't solve it yet?"

Bai Jingyue's words made Inuyasha speechless for a moment. After a while, Inuyasha shouted angrily: "This brutal bone is handed to me! I will definitely split him in half next time I meet!"

Hearing this, Shiraitsu smiled happily.

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