The Forbidden World

Chapter 1205: Not handsome moves, no meaning

"Cough... Master Shirai, did you just that?"

"My spell, the fourth spell besides Winter's Fury, Winter's Scream, and Winter's Enchantment. It's called [Winter Winter Ice Burst]."

"Cough, Master Shirai, we are not asking the name of the spell, how did you do it?"

Maitre looked curiously at the spells that hadn't been scattered around Shiraii. Baijiyue's move was very similar to the curse-killing technique commonly used by black witches, but there was no trace of dark evil spirit.

In this regard, Maitreya was very strange.

"Oh... Actually, these mantras you see are all decorative, but they just look good. After all, this trick is not as powerful as the others, and it doesn't look good."

Bai Jingyue's explanation came to surprise Maitreya and others.

Even the bellflower, who knows Shirai's identity, is in a daze.

This kind of act of adding a lot of spells just for the sake of good looks looks like a child.

However, this kind of discourse was spoken from the mouth of Shiraitsu who has always been very reliable, leaving them speechless for a while.

After all, Shiraiuki is telling the truth.

Just when everyone was speechless, Shiraiuki began to explain the principle of this trick.

"Well, you also know that my ability needs a lot of water to be able to use it. Just now there are flames everywhere, so it can't be used. But there is a place where the water is sufficient and there is no interference."

When everyone thought for a moment, they understood the meaning of Bai Jingyue's words and couldn't help shivering.

How horrible should Shiraitsu really be able to control the water in other people's bodies at will?

A sharp weapon enough to kill people slowly condensed in his body, and then pierced his body, just a few thoughts, a few people felt a chill.

Seeing the appearance of Maitreya and others, Bai Jingyue smiled slightly and then waved her hand: "Okay~ Don't be so nervous, how can I be so powerful? Bluff you~ The preparation time for this trick is not shorter than other times, no See if I played with that guy for a long time?"

After hearing this, everyone was relieved. Co-authored, Bai Jingyue was just bluffing.

"In fact, in the previous battle, I quietly hit some ice needles with a lot of coldness into the body of the guy. The action I just made was just that I was activating the power of those ice needles. Unfortunately, the Jade of the Four Souls The fragments were not taken back."

Bai Jingyue had just finished speaking, and felt a look of contempt. Looking back, it turned out to be Bellflower.

Kikyo, who knows Shirai’s identity, doesn’t believe it at all.

How can Shiraitsu, one of the three gods, fail to control the water in other people's bodies?

[Pretending to be old and immortal! Will lie! 】This kind of information was passed from the eyes of Bellflower.

Perhaps Platycodon grandiflorum is right about Bai Jingyue, and Bai Jingyue also hides many things about Inuyasha.

But this time, Bellflower blamed Bai Jingyue, in addition to the time required to complete this trick, he really did not lie to them.

His freezing ability can't cross the human body and directly act on the human body, which has always been the case.

Kikyo's eye contact with Bai Jingyue, Maitreya was not clear, he was only as a companion, comforting the somewhat annoyed Bai Jingyue: "Anyway, Master Baijing you also solved a person. Now the Sevens are only There are three people left. The Jade of the Four Souls can be recovered sooner or later."

Just then, the sound of Inuyasha came from the other side.

"The smell of water and flowers is the same as last time."

Ge Wei also nodded, saying that these puppets are the same as the puppets that helped the Sevens before, and they are like Bailing Mountain, giving people a clean feeling.

"It seems that outside Bailing Mountain, Naraku really has a stronghold."

This discovery made Maitre believe in Bai Jingyue's judgments before-these puppets must have come from a place that has something to do with Bailing Mountain.

As for why these are not the other party's temporary opening of channels?

You know, Naraku’s enemies weren’t just Inuyasha. They had dealt with one of them not long ago.

That's right, it is killing pills.

It would be fun if Naraku opened Bailing Mountain's enchantment and accidentally put Shisheng Pill in it.

During the transformation period, Naraku, who weakened most of his strength, was not the opponent of Sheng Sheng Wan.

"Let's go, let's go to other places to see, someone must know the story of Bailing Mountain."

Bai Jingyue walked in front of the crowd and led them to the most critical village.

When Bai Jingyue and others set off to find information about Bailing Mountain, the wild bones, sleeping bones and snake bones entered the boundary of Bailing Mountain.

The power of purification that can destroy all evils falls on them, but it does not purify them, but only makes them very uncomfortable.

They guess that this is because they are humans, so they are less suppressed by the enchantment. However, in fact, they are all covered with the light of the Four Soul Jade.

The power of the Four Soul Jade is divided into good and evil because of the right and evil of the people used.

At the moment of resurrection, human beings have no so-called right and evil, good and evil. It's just simple, just resurrected. Naturally, there is no repression.

The Sevens feel uncomfortable simply because of their evil hearts.

In other words, the resurrected life of the Four Soul Jade will not be erased by Bailing Mountain as an evil thing. This is true of the Sevens, as is Amber.

At this moment, Amber was in the enchantment, welcoming the returning wild bones and others.

"Yo, amber."

Say goodbye to everyone. For Amber, the wild bones are very familiar. During this time, it was Amber who was in charge of the communication between their seven-member team and Naraku.

Just after saying hello, Barbarian noticed a girl beside Amber.

"Who is that pale boy?"


After Amber said a name, he turned sideways so that Mangu and others could clearly see the mirror in Shen Wu's hands.

I saw in the mirror ~ ~ showing a monster and a human figure.

"Ah! This guy..."

The snake bone that ambushed Inuyasha with the bone refiner and others recognized this figure. After a closer look, he affirmed his thoughts: "Nothing wrong, together with Inuyasha, the one who killed the silver bone is him!"

"He is Inuyasha's older brother, Shisheng Maru. He has also chased here."

"So what? Did you call us back specifically for this matter!? When I fought Inuyasha to the most intense!?"

The wild bone suddenly angered, questioning the amber collar. Look at his violent appearance, the so-called mercenary's professionalism has long been abandoned to the side, if Amber does not explain one or two, maybe he will do it directly!

ps: The two bills on web text that have been in effect since today can be read by interested book friends.

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