The Forbidden World

Chapter 1197: Awake sleeping bones


Because of the extreme surprise, Inuyasha could not help but exclaim.

It has been many days since the last time, and when they saw the seriousness of Baijingyue at the time of separation, they thought that they could not wait for Baijingyue in a short time. They did not expect that Baijingyue had appeared in them again just after they arrived near Bailing Mountain. before.

Inuyasha's shout made the bone-refining complexion instantly gloomy.

Originally, they were short of people, and as a result, new reinforcements appeared on Inuyasha's side, and looking like this, they seemed to be very powerful. But for a moment, the flames of the entire village were extinguished!

There is a sense of retreat in the bone refining heart. If they forcefully wake up, they may all stay here.

Rather than die with sleeping bones, it is better to give up sleeping bones.

Just as the bone refining was about to retreat the snake bone and the fierce bone, a figure suddenly came out of the mist that had not dissipated, and threw a sickle towards Shiraitsu!

Several ice walls rise around Bai Jingyue and block the sickle, but it doesn't matter, the other party's goal has been achieved.


The coral exclaimed that it was the amber that had disappeared for a long time like Naraku.

The appearance of Amber confirmed the relationship between the Seven People and Naraku and others, but at the same time, it also showed that Naraku began to come forward to support the Sevens. The Sevens will be much more difficult to deal with than before!

At least for now, the coral has been taken away by the amber away, and Maitreya has also followed up, worrying about the safety of the coral.

The combatants on Inuyasha's side immediately laid off two of them.

This is not over yet!

After Amber, the puppets commonly used by Naraku also appeared in front of everyone. This time, no one was taken away because the puppets of Naraku directly joined the battle as fighting power.

As soon as they appeared, several tentacles extended from the puppet and swept toward the bellflower.

Bellflower will naturally not be put to death, the backhand is a broken arrow, but to everyone's surprise, this arrow shoots on the puppet as if it were an ordinary arrow, let alone purify, even shoot through Did not do it!

The puppet has taken the opportunity to approach the bellflower!

Worried Inuyasha hurried over and blocked the tentacles against the bellflower with iron broken teeth.

At the same time, a mirror that can absorb the soul appeared behind Ge Wei.


Naruo, the first avatar to be separated, can use the mirror to control the spirit of the human soul!

Although Ge Wei's soul is very large, God can't inhale it at all, but there is no problem in controlling Ge Wei in a short time.

Since then, only Qibao and Shiraitsu remain on the frontal battlefield.

On the bone refining side, besides him, there are fierce bones and snake bones!

The snake bone was sent by the bone refining to wake up the sleeping bone, and the fierce bone was instructed to deal with Bai Jingyue, and he himself and Qibao again faced each other.

Simply talking about flames, he really can't beat the seven treasures, but he has another weapon! It was the handgun he was carrying on his shoulder at the moment!

Enough power to collapse a house makes Qibao have to use illusion to mislead each other.

Originally Qibao wanted to deal with bone refining by the way he had dealt with fog bones before, but he expected that bone refining had already been prepared. Around him was a pile of asbestos nets soaked in oil that had already been prepared. After Qibao’s fox fire lit the oil , Blocked by these burning flames.

Although Qibao's flame is stronger, it is still impossible to make a breakthrough in front of the endless flame.

As for Shirai, it is a cat-and-mouse game with fierce bones, of course, Tom Jerry's version of cat-and-mouse.

When everyone was entangled on Inuyasha's side, the snake bones found sleep bones at a loss.

"Who the **** are you?"

The sleeping bones frowned on the snake bones. They obviously had made so many kills, but they still didn't wake up the sleeping bones, because there was not enough blood?

The helpless snake bone swept toward the sleeping bone. If the blood and death alone could not wake the sleeping bone, then the blood-stained wound and the feeling of dying may be able to wake the sleeping bone.

But what made the snake bone unexpected was that Sleeping Bone actually avoided the blow.

This made the snake bone a little anxious. Although Inuyasha and others were dragged at this moment, they may be defeated at any time. The strength of other people's snake bones is not clear, but he knows that the puppet must not be able to resist the wind damage of Inuyasha!

In a hurry, the snake bone directly attacked several children coming behind the sleeping bone.

Perhaps the instinct of sleeping bones is really powerful, but sometimes, the instinct will be overcome, for example, when a person wants to protect something.

The blade of the snake bone, as expected, cut a long wound behind the sleeping bone.

The blood immediately overflowed the placket of the sleeping bone.

But the sleeping bones endured the pain and comforted the anxious children in their arms: "I...I don't matter, you...not hurt..."

It is a pity that this care has become the doctor's last word for Sleeping Bone, which is already comparable to the Sleeping Bone of the Sevens. After the pain, it ends here.

"The light of the Jade of the Four Souls...has become dirty."

Campanulaceae could not help sighing at the changes in the jade of the four souls on this sleeping bone, and the kind doctor's sleeping bone disappeared.

After a brief silence, the sleeping bone stood up again, but the sleeping bone at this moment was completely different from the previous one. He grabbed the neck of the child who was still under maintenance with one hand and sneered.

Inuyasha, who had just solved the naruto puppet just now, noticed the situation here and hurried over to save the child from the sleeping bone.

Looking at the sleeping bones whose temperament had changed greatly, Inuyasha couldn't help but ask, "What the **** are you?"

"Am I? I am the sleeping bone of the Sevens."

Seeing this scene, the snake bone on the side was relieved. Now that the situation is tense, it is a good thing to have one more combat power.

"Sleeping bone, you..."

Inuyasha is still unbelievable. The seemingly harmless doctor's sleeping bones now seem to be a different person, just like two people just now.

"Hey, the doctor with a hypocritical look has been suppressing me for a long time, and now, I am finally out, that's it."

"Inuyasha, the man named Sleeping Bone, has two hearts in one body."

Bellflower looked at the sleeping bone with a big change in image, and explained to Inuyasha in a complicated mood.

At the moment, Ge Wei, who has broken through the godless blockade, also came to Inuyasha.

"I have heard that some people have multiple personalities, and now it should be another personality that he has been lurking before."

The heart of balloonflower is not an organ, but a human heart. In modern terms, it is called multiple personality. Ge Wei is afraid that Inuyasha does not understand, so I will explain it again. However, neither Bellflower nor Ge Wei thought of it, and all their explanations were in vain.


"Although I don't know what is going on, are you really part of the Sevens?"

That's right, Kikyo and Ge Wei talked for a long time, Inuyasha still don't understand!

Bai Jingyue, who was playing the murderous bones not far away, was speechless.

Saying Inuyasha has a low IQ, he has a terrible comprehension in some respects. Saying Inuyasha has a high IQ, Shiraitsu feels that he can't ignore his conscience.

"Sleeping is enough, so stop here today!"

Seeing the sleeping bone awake, the bone refiner quickly opened his mouth and announced his retreat.

Although the bone strength is good, but bone refining is very clear. Among all of them, only their elder brother Bone Bone can fight Inuyasha. None of the others can resist the wind damage.

Moreover, to be serious, they have won this battle. Inuyasha has no plan to stop them from awakening another personality in Sleeping Bones. They can already retreat.

If you fight again, who knows what will happen?

However, just as the Sevens were about to retreat, Shiraiuki suddenly spoke with a slight regret.

"It's a pity that there are individuals who cannot go back with you."

Bone refining looked up, and the whole person took a breath of air, and he was sent to hold Bai Jingyue's fierce bones. At this moment, he has turned into a huge ice sculpture, and there is no interest.

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