The Forbidden World

Chapter 1195: Sleeping bone

Shi Sheng Wan left.

Although he didn't see Shirai's figure, Shi Sheng Wan didn't want to have any relationship with the man.

So after knowing what he wanted to know, Shi Sheng Wan didn't say hello, turned around with evil views and bells and left.

Inuyasha watched Shishengwan leave, slightly puzzled.

Naraku's strength is also seen in the killing pill. Although the killing pill is very strong, but the strength of the killing pill alone cannot solve Naraku, and the killing pill should be very clear about this.

However, Shi Sheng Wan did not give him the opportunity to ask, and he could only watch the back of Shi Sheng Wan's gradual departure.

Inuyasha glanced back at everyone, except Qibao, everyone was injured, it was too dangerous to continue to pursue it, and now it can only temporarily stop and rest, hoping that Shishengwan can drag the enemy's footsteps before they arrive. .

When Inuyasha chooses to stop and rest, another person has come to the foot of Bailing Mountain, it is the platycodon that is looking for the trace of Naraku for revenge.

After dealing with the hair of the confessed robber, Campanulaceae was invited by the local villagers to come to Qirenzuo.

"This seven-person tomb is a burial mound for burying the bodies of the mercenaries of the Sevens. The tomb was split in two recently."

Behind the bellflower, the villagers introduced the origin of the Seven People's Tomb.

"It's not just that. The seven bones that should be stored in the tomb are also completely gone. We are very worried about what is causing trouble..."

"Got it, let me clean it for you..."

"Thank you, Master Miko, so we can rest assured!"

The platycodon grandiflorus was very grateful to the villagers. Since the destruction of the Seven People’s Tomb, their entire village has been terrified, especially the recent rumours of the Seven Team’s undead, which made them afraid and afraid of the Seven Team. Undead will appear in their village.

Now, there is a witch who is willing to purify them, which can be said to remove the timidity in their hearts.

The bellflowers of the villagers promised not to speak, but just looked at Bailing Mountain not far away.

In fact, there is no evil atmosphere at all, and it is quite clean. According to rumors, the spirit mountain that can purify the filth of any sinner does not seem to be groundless.

It's just that Bellflower always feels something is wrong. If Bailing Mountain is really as strong as rumored, then why can the undead of the Sevens appear? It stands to reason that they should not be purified by Bailing Mountain before they appear?

Moreover, the area around Bailing Mountain is too clear. You should know that there is no fish when the water is clear. The area that is too clear is not a good place for humans.

If it appears here occasionally, it is good to purify the filth on your body, but living here for a long time is by no means a good thing.

After bidding farewell to the villagers, Campanulaceae strolled around Bailing Mountain and looked around. She always felt that Bailing Mountain was a bit weird.

The bellflower suddenly frowned before it had gone far.

Just now, she felt the breath of the Four Soul Jade.

Walking towards the perceived position, after walking a narrow mountain road, a humble house appeared in the field of vision of Bellflower.

In the humble house, a handsome man helped an old man, while wrapping up the injured left hand for the old man, he asked: "That's fine, wait for three days before changing medicine."

"Thank you so much!"

Behind the man, several children are busy, some are ready to wipe the cloth, some are grinding herbs, and others are simply playing around, like a harmonious and beautiful picture.

But the bellflower frowned slightly.

She clearly saw a piece of jade of the Four Souls on the neck and chest of the physician named Sleeping Bone.

"Wow! What a beautiful witch!"

At this time, a child saw the bellflower. The beauty of the bellflower surprised the child, and the bellflower bent down and touched the child's head after hearing the child's voice, and asked, "Which one is that?"

"He is a sleeping doctor."

"Chiyo, are there any guests?"

After sending away the old lady who was ill, Sleeping Bone also noticed the movement here. He hugged the children who were around him and came to the bellflower.

"Are you a doctor of sleeping bones?"

"Well, who are you?"

"My name is Bellflower..."

Bellflower looked at the debris on the man's body and was shocked.

Whether it is a monster or a human, once the fragments of the Four Soul Jade are put into the body, as long as there is a trace of evil thoughts in the heart, the fragments will be immediately contaminated. However, the fragments of the Four Soul Jade on the doctor named Sleeping Bone are not dirty at all. ! It can even be said to be as pure as the Four Soul Jade that she once purified! It's incredible!

Seeing and laughing, these children who lost their loved ones due to famine and epidemics coaxed into the sleeping bones of the dream. The balloon-shaped heart couldn't bear it. This doctor named Sleeping bone reminded her of her past.

In the end, Campanulaceae decided to observe for a while.

If the Four Soul Jade on the Sleeping Bone did not change, she let go of the Sleeping Bone. Anyway, her goal was Naraku, and the Four Soul Jade was no longer her duty.

Bellflower is not aware of this fashion, she thinks that there is a strange Bailing Mountain, hiding the Narao she has been looking for! She also did not know the true identity of the sleeping bone doctor who was so kind and shocking at the moment.

Time flows like this. Campanulaceae looked at the sleeping bone in the sleeping bone hut and took care of the children for two days.

And on the third day, things changed.

On this day, another injured villager appeared, seeking treatment for sleeping bones.

In the course of treatment, the peculiar reaction of sleeping bones attracted the attention of Campanulaceae.

Obviously only a simple treatment, but the sleeping bones seem to be very tense and sweat a lot, which makes people feel strange.

Seeing her sleeping bones start to tremble~ Campanulaceae can only take over the patients, and she will treat the villagers.

At the end of the treatment, Sleepy Sit sat and sighed.

"It's really embarrassing. As a healer, every time I see blood, I can't help shaking."

Bellflower is a little strange. If he trembles when he sees blood, how did he become a doctor? Physicians who cannot see the blood must at least lose half of their ability.

"Is Dr. Sleeping Bone in this village?"

"No, I was born in the Eastern Kingdom. I went to many villages to practice medicine, and finally settled down here. I like this village. Although it is poor, it is remote, so it is not affected by the war and is very peaceful."

Bellflower didn't notice, what longing was revealed in the eye pupils of the sleeping bones when saying the word peace!

That is the most longing thing in the sleeping bones, because only peace, [he] as a mercenary will sleep forever!

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