The Forbidden World

Chapter 1170: Blood-colored magatama

"Avengers of the past?"

Maitre didn't understand what Bai Jingyue meant by the Avengers. He and Coral shouldn't have provoke the mainland monsters before.

"Isn't you looking for revenge... Didn't you just say that? The other party is from the mainland and is a monster two hundred years ago. So, what happened more than two hundred years ago, remember?"

Maitre frowned.

Since Bai Jingyue asked him about this human thing two hundred years ago, that is to say, it was clearly recorded in history books.

And two hundred years ago...

"The Yuan invasion?"

"According to the records of our family, a group of monsters and Yuan troops came here two hundred years ago, and it was the father of Inuyasha's fighting tooth that was fighting against these monsters."

"So, they are..."

"Well, they were looking for Inuyasha's revenge. They came to you completely because you are Inuyasha's teammates."

Sitting on the ground, Maitreya sighed.

"This is really a catastrophe."

"So what are you going to do next? Should you go back and meet Inuyasha first, then find the door together, or..."

"Of course I came to the door."

There was a fire in Coral’s eyes, and she was now full of anger at the two monsters who had her hands in her hands.

"Mica was taken away by them, I don't worry."

"But your weapon is still in the city, in case of danger..."

"Master Maitreya will protect me."

Coral's words made Maitre shrugged. Since Coral trusted him so much, he couldn't let coral down, did he?

"Mr. Shirai, you just said, go back and meet Inuyasha before you come to the door. Do you know where their den is?"

"Well, to the west, don't return to the forest. It's also the place where the head of the flying monster moth family was defeated by Inuyasha's father."

After receiving information about the other party, Maitreya and Coral embarked on a journey to return to the forest, while Shiraitsu chose to go back.

Agate Maru wants to break the seal to get his father's endless demon power, and needs the power of iron broken teeth. The other party has led him away for so long, and he should have already started.

Then next, you should take Inuyasha to the door and completely wipe out the flying monster moth family.

When we returned to the city, the sun had risen. When Shiraizuki and Aoqi returned to the house, Sure enough, Gewei had disappeared. There were only the intoxicated Inuyasha and Qibao in the house, and the moth scale powder everywhere.

"Moth monster? Are you going to save someone? How about taking me one?"

Going here to prepare to bid farewell to Shiraizuki and others, Nu Liang, who saw this scene, immediately came to have fun. How could anyone dare to start with Bai Jingyue and his group?

He really wanted to know what would be the final result of the monster who robbed Ge Wei. Was it broken into pieces by Inuyasha? Or was it frozen into ice sculpture by Shiraizuki?

"You want to come too? Then come."

With the help of Nuliang Slider, Bai Jingyue was very welcome. Just as Inuyasha was drunk, he needed a coolie to carry Inuyasha to the non-returning forest.

Seeing that Shiraitsu had given him such a job, the handsome face of Nu Lianghuaxiu was directly deformed. Fortunately, there was a Nuliang group behind him, which directly let other monsters go forward carrying Inuyasha.

When the monsters took over Inuyasha, something happened that scared everyone. Some monsters carried Inuyasha and felt that the iron broken teeth in Inuyasha's waist were too obstructive, so they called out other monsters to temporarily hold the iron broken Tooth, unexpectedly, a powerful enchantment directly blooming on the iron broken teeth will bounce the monster!

Suddenly, not to mention holding iron broken teeth, even Inuyasha, the monsters are a little afraid to approach.

"Don't be so timid, just a bound weapon."

Despite that, Bai Jingyue stretched out his hand and picked up the iron broken teeth. Among the people present, only he can pick up the broken iron teeth.

As for Kagome and Aoi Saki?

Is it embarrassing to let a woman take heavy things?

In this way, under the leadership of Bai Jingyue, a group of people marched towards the old nest of the flying monster moth!

On the other side, back to the glaze and glass of the nest, some anxiously asked the agate pill to perform another job.

"Master Agate Maru, how is it going?"

"As you can see."

As he said, Agate Maru showed Ge Wei who was bound back to the two.

"That little girl?"

"The bait to lure Inuyasha."

"Bring Inuyasha...?"

Both glaze and glass are a little puzzled. Their original plan, but let Agate Maru directly grab the broken sword iron broken teeth, but now need to lead Inuyasha over?

"There are enchantments on the sword of destruction, and only Inuyasha can hold it."

Agate Maru turned to look behind him, where there was a faint purple light trapped under countless branches and a huge canine tooth.

Agate Maru said: "If you don't lift the seal of your teeth, you won't be able to hold a succession ceremony, so the guy's broken iron teeth are necessary."

"Can this woman lead out?"

Glass is puzzled, what do you think, the agate pill brought back is a human, will the monster go into danger for a human?

"Will come, before the guy's father liked a human, so there is the half demon Inuyasha. Now, this half demon is mixed with human women."

Seemingly remembering something fun, Agate Maru waved to the glass: "Glass, control this woman."


Glass is a little puzzled. In the past, she controlled all the warriors useful to the flying monster moths, humans? Is there this value?

"In order to clean up that half demon, I think of a sideshow."

Agate Maru had a smile on his mouth, and he wanted to know how Inuyasha would choose to face a woman who was controlled to kill herself.

"I understand!"

After handing the mica in his arms to the glaze around him, the glass came to the bound Gewei, and one hand pressed against the jade mark on his forehead.

After the magical power surged, a new Gouyu appeared in the hands of the glass, and then she put the Gouyu towards Ge Wei's forehead.

Controlling other creatures with this substantive demon power of Gouyu is the ability of glass. As long as this Gouyu is integrated into Gewei's body, Gewei has to obey her control!

However, that Gouyu had just approached Ge Wei and was bounced away by an inexplicable force!

The sound of Gouyu falling to the ground echoed in the empty cave, causing Agate Maru to frown slightly: "What's going on?"

"This girl has strong spiritual power! Is she a witch?"


Agate Maru took out a jade piece of four souls from his arms, which was the same piece that awakened him.

"Try this."

As the strength of the hands holding the four-soul jade fragments increased, a drop of blood overflowed from the fingers, and the original pure four-soul jade fragments suddenly became filthy!

"Really can?"

Liuli is a little puzzled, but this is a good thing that can enhance the magic power!

Agate pill showed a trace of disdain. Following his father for many years, he knew the truth: "The real strongman does not need this kind of thing."

With that, Agate Maru threw the contaminated Four Soul Jade into the glass.

The glass clung together the Four Soul Jade and the Gouyu in her hand, and then a new blood-red Gouyu appeared in her hand.

Then, she just pressed the blood-red Gouyu towards Ge Wei's forehead!

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