The Forbidden World

Chapter 1153: Escaped Naraku

From top to bottom, the irritable demon power tears the wind, as if to crush the whole city!

However, looking at the impending wind wound, Naraku showed a smile instead.

Although there were some changes, the drama finally got on track. Next, just follow the plan.

Naraku propped up the enchantment, preparing to stop the wind damage first.

To be honest, Inuyasha's wind damage is indeed extraordinary, but he is not seen in his eyes at all.

His enchantment is enough to completely block this trick!

It should have been like this.

The pain was all over Naraku's body, and he was shocked and appeared on Naraku's face.

He never imagined that his enchantment was like paper in front of Inuyasha's wind wounds, and was torn in an instant!

Most of his body was cut open! If it wasn't for Inuyasha to leap from a high place and did not control the trajectory of a good wind wound, this knife was enough to kill him!

Seeing Inuyasha's knife, Bai Jingyue's eyes were a little bright.

Inuyasha is indeed talented in absorbing transformation rules.

Be aware that iron broken teeth can absorb monster abilities, and can only contain the absorbed monster's ability attributes in the sword. When it is used, it can be simply excited and attached to the knife for use.

To put it simply, under normal circumstances Inuyasha stimulates the power of iron broken teeth to cut the enchantment, only the flat cut can have the effect of breaking the enchantment.

However, Inuyasha has completely transformed this ability into its own power. Now, not only flat cutting, but also the wind wounds released by iron broken teeth also bring this power.

The power of this rule can be regarded as the first sign today.

After thinking about it, when Inuyasha mastered more than a dozen kinds of special magic powers, a wind wound was mixed with various special effects. Which one could stop it?

Ordinary rule-levels will be deflated if they encounter it.

Of course, Bai Jingyue is not looking at the exquisiteness of this trick, but the progress of Inuyasha contained in this trick. For Bai Jingyue, seeing the progress of friends and future generations is more gratifying than seeing a novel rule.

It is a pity that when someone is happy, someone is sad.

Inuyasha's move seems to be a good progress in Shiraitsu, but it is a terrible note in Naraku!

This is completely different from his plan!

He wanted Inuyasha to make progress, but that was to make progress under the control of Yakumo Zi, under his control!

He originally planned to oppose the killing pills and Inuyasha first, so that after a hard fight, the two will work together to repel him, which has the effect of exercise. Then use the bell and the arranged amber to provoke the two and give him a chance to leave.

But the killing pill almost broke the barrier! This is too dangerous!

To this end, he adjusted the script. First, use those minced meat to trap the killing pills. Next, he should have a battle with Inuyasha. Inuyasha, who was forced to a dead end, first rescued Shisheng Pill and then cooperated with Shisheng Pill to repel him and return to the original script.

But something went wrong with the new script! Inuyasha cut his enchantment alone!

This is more than killing pills!

What is going on with this TM?

What happened when he and Inuyasha separated?

No one answered Naraku's question, Shiraizuki was watching from a distance, for confidential reasons, he could not even ask, he could only swallow the bitter fruit alone.

At this time, the killing pill that was cut off by the wind wound and shattered the minced meat wrapped around his body first glanced at Shiraii who appeared here, and then looked at Naraku with a slightly contemptuous look: "Narui is really ironic. "

There is hatred between Inuyasha and Naraku, and Shishinmaru is very clear, and the powerful Hirai Shirai follows his identity in Inuyasha’s team, and does not avenge Inuyasha, nor does he fight Inuyasha. Obviously, both Inuyasha and Naraku are treated as him Chess piece in the hand.

As for the specific reason, he did not know, nor did he want to know, no matter what Bai Jingyue had planned, it had nothing to do with him.

He came here only for one purpose, that is, to kill dare to play with him Naraku!

In the hands of the fighting ghosts, the blue thunder flashed again, grabbing before Inuyasha, killing Shengsheng Maru and wielding the sword!

"Let me end your tragic fate."

Oncoming burst of a dragon!

However, Naraku is worthy of Naraku. Other aspects may be a little bit worse. It is really first-class in life-saving ability. When the killing pill just raised the sword, Naruo's whole body began to gasify, and countless malaria overflowed from the body to hinder the killing pill and Inuyasha. At the same time, the whole person floated into the air and left towards the distance.

The Canglong Po swept away the malaria left by Naraku, but had no time to catch up with Naraku who had already flown high.

Seeing Naraku gradually away, remembering that Bell was still in Naraku's hands, the eyes of Shisheng Pill could not help but flushed a bit, and the body of the demon began to swell, and it was about to catch up.

"Hey, hey, kill Sheng Maru, instead of chasing me, I might as well pick up the little girl you brought."

Hearing the words, the movement of Shisheng Pill suddenly stopped. Naraku's words can be said to pinch his dead hole. Unconsciously, Ling has become a very important existence for him.

Inuyasha was a little dazed.

The little girl brought by Shishengwan? Doesn't Shishengwan hate humans?

Before Inuyasha straightened out his thoughts, Naruo's words came again: "The little girl named Bell is now with a man named Amber. What does that mean, Inuyasha, you should imagine it..."

Between the words, Naraku's figure has gradually gone away.

However, neither Shengsheng Pill nor Inuyasha chased.

Naruo's words made Inuyasha indifferent. Since Amber was involved, he could not do anything, especially now that Amber is still under Naraku's control.

"Hey, kill Sheng Wan! Are you someone taken hostage?"

Thinking of the bell being taken away, Shisheng Maru was too lazy to talk to Inuyasha who was swept by humans, and flew directly into the distance.

Now that Naraku's enchantment and his smell have dissipated, Shi Sheng Wan can easily smell the smell of the bell. In order to ensure the safety of the bell, Shi Sheng Wan is not willing to delay here for a moment.

After Inuyasha got some information from the evil view of Shisheng Pill's followers, he quickly converged towards Ge Wei.

Naraku's conspiracy must be stopped!

However, when the killing pills and Inuyasha stopped chasing based on Naraku's words, they were already in the conspiracy of Naraku, or Yangmou.

Naraku caught the bell from the beginning to delay time so that he could escape.

Now, he has already gone away and can be said to be safe.

However, Naraku's heart was full of uneasiness.

Don’t be hurt by the wind and Canglong’s badly damaged Naraku speculates on the reason why Yakumo Zi gave him this task. It is impossible for Yakumo Zi to not know the progress of the strength of these two However, she is still in his only When he is barely dealing with one person, let him play against two people at the same time. Is this to borrow a knife to kill?

No, not right.

If Bayunzi wants to kill him, he can do it at any time, there is no need to make a big bend.

After thinking about it, he didn't come up with a naruto, and no longer thought about it, he flew directly towards the back road he had prepared.

This time the evolution is imminent, he must successfully separate that heart!

He has had enough days to be dominated by the horrible woman of Yakumo Zi!

As for Bai Jingyue, who buried something in his heart, he didn't care too much.

Maybe it won’t work once, but one day, he can evolve into a monster that doesn’t need a heart!

By then, he will return all the insults he has suffered over the years to those two guys!

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