The Forbidden World

Chapter 1150: Induced confrontation plan

"Yes! I get it!"

Under the gaze of Kagura, Naraku lowered her head to a woman in the room and accepted the woman's order with a very humble gesture.

"It's a reliable way to do things. You must get both Shisheng Pill and Inuyasha in. If anything goes wrong this time, you will be useless."


It's useless, it should be discarded. In order not to be processed, before his next round of evolution separates the heart, he must listen to the command of Yakumo Zi.

After Yayun Zi closed the gap, Naraku stood up straight, and he glanced at Kagura, frowning slightly.

There are too many things this avatar knows, but the manpower is scarce at present. The death of Kailangtai borrowed from Kyoto made communication between him and the Kyoto monster a lot more difficult. This time the task can only be done by himself. .

Now I have to wait. When I don’t need this avatar, just kill it.

"Kagura, you go and grab the girl bell next to Shisheng Pill, and then give her to Amber."


Glancing at Naruo quietly, there was an uneasiness in Kagura's heart. Recently, when Naraku and Yakumo Zi met, she didn't evade her. This is a bad sign. As an avatar, she seems to see too much to watch s things.

But now she doesn't need to worry too much. At least now she has Shiraitsu behind her. Since Shiraitsu wants her to monitor Naraku, she won't let her be killed by Naraku.

Watching Kagura leaving the city, Naraku called out Amber and asked him to go outside the city to prepare the place where the bell was imprisoned, and Shen Wu was sent to another more important place by him!

There, it will be a great place for him to get rid of the control of Yakumo Zi!

The night gradually filled the wilderness.

In the dark night, the two figures sneaked into a field. The slightly larger figure picked up the food in the field and reminded the other figure: "Grandpa Xie~ You have to look good! I Just two or three more!"


The evil view sighed for a long time, somewhat helpless.

In the past, when he was only with Shi Sheng Wan, how chic was that! Go wherever you want, eat whatever you want.

But since Shisheng Pill adopted Bell, everything has changed.

Today, when killing pills, they usually take care of Ling's feelings. Since the last time I went to fetch ghosts and gods, I found that a lonely bell with a dangerous monster such as Kagura appeared next to him. Too.

Either let the mount stay, or let his evil view stay.

And the itinerary has also accommodated.

In the past, Shishengwan would only go in a straight line. As long as there were humans in front of Shishengwan, Shishengwan would kill them mercilessly.

However, now, in order to allow the bell to eat human food, the place where Shisheng Pill rests every day will not be too far from the human area, enough for the bell to quietly obtain some food that is sufficient for life.

And like today, he has been stealing crops for the bell cover many times.

What made the evil view unexpected was that when he sighed for a long time, a gust of wind suddenly blew over, and a woman appeared in front of him and Ling.

"You, you are!"

The evil view looked at this woman with a nervous expression. He knew this woman and it was the avatar of Kagura that used to kill Naruto!

"Hum... The killing pill is too careless. Even the people around you are not optimistic."

Kagura couldn’t help but complained, although she didn’t expect the killing pills to kill Naraku anymore. After all, the two terrifying guys were behind Naraku, but anyway, the killing pills were people she had high hopes for, Now that she sees that the killing pills are designed by Naraku, she is still disappointed.

A wind blew the evil opinion aside, Kagura pulled the bell directly and then left here by the wind.

Her task is to kidnap the bell and give it to Amber. As for the next thing, she will not be responsible for it.

A moment later, on a plain, Shi Sheng Wan looked at the moon in the sky, while waiting for the return of evil views and bells.

However, he only waited for the advent of evil opinions.

"Master Shengsheng Maru! Ling... Ling was arrested!"

The running evil views panted and told Shisheng Pill this news.

"Broken by that Naraku, that woman called Kagura."

However, it seems that Shi Sheng Wan did not listen to the report of the wickedness, but focused his eyes behind the wickedness.

I guess I knew I was found, and the shadowy figure came out: "Please rest assured, kill Sheng Wan. As long as you accept the request below, the girl named Xiao Ling can naturally return safely."

"Nairo... what conspiracy do you want to play this time?"

"Nothing special, just want to ask you to kill Inuyasha."

" was for this matter."

Naraku's morbid hatred of Inuyasha makes it difficult to understand Shisheng Pill, but he doesn't want to understand it. Now he only knows that Naraku actually wants to use him again.

A sword beheaded this puppet of Naraku, and Shisheng Maru's eyes were cold.

"Do you think I will kill your life pills for the sake of a human girl?"

A few days ago, the Shengsheng Pill, who was angry because of the leopard cat's affairs, can now be said to be angry and rushing to the crown. How can it be left to Nairobi's control?

Immediately, Shisheng Pill chased past the smell of Naraku in the air.

Some things are also time to settle the accounts.

However, this action of Shisheng Pill was falling out of his arms. His goal was not to let Shisheng Pill and Inuyasha fight from the beginning, but to lead Shisheng Pill and then use the girl bell to provoke the dispute between Shisheng Pill and Inuyasha.

This is the task that Yunyun Zi entrusted to him. Although he didn't quite understand, why Yunyun must insist on letting him provoke the relationship between Shisheng Maru and Inuyasha.

Now, the killing pill is on the hook, almost inuyasha.

Thinking of this Naraku deliberately weakened the enchantment and released her own magic power.

Inuyasha, who has been lingering in this area because of the last leak of Naruto, smelled the trail of Naruo for the first time!

"It's Naraku! You can't be wrong! This time you must find the fellow Naraku! Then kill him!"

Everyone followed Inuyasha in the jungle, and at this moment, Ge Wei suddenly said: "There is a breath of jade fragments of the four souls! Although there is only a little... from the mountain..."

This is near the Naraku Castle. Generally speaking, the Jade of the Four Souls should have been collected by Naraku. The fragments of the Jade of the Four Souls suddenly appearing here must be related to Naraku.

After deliberation, they were divided into two teams.

Inuyasha with a sharp nose and Shiraitsu went to the place where Naraku smelled, while the others went to the place where Gewei felt there was a jade of four souls.

At this time, Shisheng Pill also came to the neighborhood along the air of Naraku.

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