The Forbidden World

Chapter 1148: Rewarding Gaeng for the Mengzhu [Dark Star Emperor] (...

"What a pity! As long as Lord Lord recovers, we will win!"

Seeing Bai Jingyue's regretful expression, Xia Lan was a belly-burning fire, and immediately a flame hit the Baijingyue, but Baijingyue did not flash or hide, just standing there, waving her hand to disperse the flame, use A pitying look at everyone.

A few people were a little inexplicable, but Dong Lan, the most mature one, thought about a possibility, but it was too late.

The sharp claws swept across their bodies from places they could not have imagined.

Slowly turning back, looking at the familiar figure, Dong Lan's eyes suddenly hollowed out. They were the leader who wanted to be resurrected, but now they became the murderers who killed them! Betrayal from the most trusted person completely defeated her.

It could only be said that the body was seriously injured, and suddenly went to death.

Four different strengths were just transferred from the four leopard cat generals to the leopard cat leader. Suddenly, the withered body began to recover.

With the death of the four generals, the four forces are completely absorbed by the leopard cat leader, and the leopard cat leader is officially resurrected!

After a long absence to gain life again, how can you not hunt well?

Just as the leopard cat leader was going to the village over there to feed, Shiraitsu's voice sounded: "Just ignore me like this, okay?"

"A human being, do you want to stop me?"

Seeing the small figure of Bai Jingyue, the leader of the Leopard Cat clan sarcastically smiled, and then he threw a thunder down and walked towards the town not far away.

"Look at humans, but you will lose a lot~"

The leopard cat leader frowned, and instead of the annoying voice disappearing, he was even more noisy.

He turned back, intending to get rid of the annoying flies first. As a result, he just turned his eyes and saw a scene that surprised him.

An icicle slightly larger than his body floated in the air!

Without waiting for him to react, the huge ice thorn quickly shot at him!

The leader of the Leopard Cat Clan was too late to evade. He could only raise his hands and use his hands to pick up the ice thorn.

The towering ice thorns were blocked, but this was just the beginning. One after another small ice thorns emerged from Bai Jingyue, and then they looked like machine guns one by one toward the leopard clan leader. The leader couldn't avoid it at all, and was instantly stabbed in the body by countless ice thorns.

The pain caused him to let go of his hands, and the towering ice thorns immediately went forward after losing their obstacles and directly inserted into his chest!


The miserable wailing spread all over the town, but the voice was full of breath, obviously not the look of a dying person.

The leader of the leopard cat clan that was stabbed through the body of the body seemed to stand there as if nothing else.

"I won't die!"

"Can't die?"

Bai Jingyue is going to be hungry and shakes his head, responding defiantly to the arrogant leopard clan leader: "You just rely on the Four Soul Jade and your few loyal subordinates to stretch the waste."

As soon as he finished speaking, the thorns on the leopard cat leader began to deform, and then turned into a layer of ice film to spread on the leopard cat leader.

"It's useless!"

As the leopard clan leader roared, flames rose from him, fighting against the elongating frost, and at the same time, the leopard clan leader flashed thunder on his paws, and thunder thundered toward Shirai.

The thunder hit the ground, the ground shattered, and the entire altar area was filled with smoke and dust.

For a long time, there was no reaction in the dust. If the frost on the body was still spreading, the leopard cat leader thought that the human had died.

"Asshole, come out for me!"

"I'm here, how can I talk about it?"

Above the head of the leopard clan leader, a figure stands, it is Bai Jingyue who is playing against it.

It seems that Bai Jingyue's standing on top of his head was an extreme insult to him. The leader of the leopard cat clan was violent directly, and he no longer even managed to control the frost that spread on his body, and directly gathered all the forces toward the top of his head.

Wind, fire, thunder and ice, the four forces merged into a powerful field, like a grinding disc pressing towards Shirai.

The four-color grinding disc keeps whirling around to crush the only foreign object here!

However, no matter how much power the leopard cat leader puts in, the person in the center of the field seems to be nothing, and does not use power, but just stands there motionless.

Fear suddenly appeared in the mind of the Leopard Cat leader, he realized that maybe this time he really kicked the iron plate.

"Alas, if it's four elements of earth, water, fire and wind, you can get a four-element field, and you can look at it anyway, your way is too far."

Once on the plane of the forbidden world, the four-element creation field created by Steele and his three apprentices, but how many leader-level demons have besieged, and this field can only be seen.

"I said, have you ever felt, really hopeless?"

Bai Jingyue's words are still bland, but when heard by the leader of the leopard cat clan, it seems to be the cold wind of the severe winter, and the heart is suddenly cold and cold.

No, not right. Not psychologically cold, but feeling cold at the heart!

The head of the leopard cat looked down, and the frost covering the body did not know when the armor had penetrated into his heart and spleen.

At the same time, the leopard cat leader felt that his blood flow suddenly slowed down, and even began to stagnate.

"How can it be!"

"Your biggest mistake is to remove the flames against frost, otherwise you can live a few more minutes."

Between the words, the frost had spread over the neck of the leopard cat leader and gradually wrapped his entire body.

"While you can still speak, let me ask again, have you ever felt real despair?"

The leader of the leopard cat clan did not answer Bai Jingyue. He widened his eyes in horror, fearing for the upcoming death. He directly lifted the domain that suppressed Bai Jingyue, and used all strength to fight the spreading frost.

However, everything was in vain. After a while, the entire Leopard Cat leader turned into an ice sculpture. In Bai Jingyue's soft sigh, it became a piece of land.

Pick up the slightly larger pieces of Four Soul Jade that have been fused together from the Shiraitsu walks towards the village.

There are villagers who were shocked by the power displayed by Shirai, and Gewei who was worried about Shirai's safety.

After throwing the Jade of the Four Souls to Ge Wei, Bai Jingyue asked: "How could you be caught? Those four generals are not weak, but they can deal with you. Is it far behind?"

Ge Wei was trying to explain to Shiraii that the shout of Inuyasha was heard not far away: "Ge Wei! Where are you!?"

"Inuyasha, I'm here!"

Relative to He Baijingyue explaining why he was arrested, Inuyasha is more important. Looking at Ge Wei, Shi Jingyue shook his shoulders and followed.

As a result, Bai Jingyue stopped walking a few steps before.

In front of him, Inuyasha, with iron broken teeth, confronted Shisheng Pill.

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