The Forbidden World

Chapter 1146: 4 dozen 1

"This old guy."

In the quiet wilderness, Shiraitsu walked alone, complaining in a low voice, while recalling the conversation he just had with Douya.

Originally Bai Jingyue was planning to talk about the world with Douya Wang, who had just been promoted to the rule level. However, before he said anything, Douya Wang said a lot of things he speculated.

It seems that because of his identity exposure, the Douya King has too many reminders, and the Douya King boldly speculates in the direction of the gods and the gods at dusk to the reason that Yakumo Zi controls the direction of the world’s monsters. The result even guessed Yaoyun wants to persuade the monster to build a refuge.

If it was not because he had been in the half-demon recently, and he did not go out much, it is estimated that he could even guess the specific circumstances of the expansion plan of the Four Soul Jade.

"How do you feel that your IQ has improved a bit? Is it because of things related to his two sons?"

Thinking of the fighting tooth king who had just met, Bai Jingyue smacked his tongue: "Ah, the villains are not easy, especially for people like us who are clearly decent but have to pretend to be villains. Decent. Hey, it's almost schizophrenic."

After stretching a lazy waist, Bai Jingyue sighed tiredly. Bai Jingyue also felt a little tired of acting around Inuyasha. Now Inuyasha is close to the half rule, and Kagome has also made considerable progress. Bai Jingyue made a decision, and once Inuyasha, Shisheng Pill, and Kagome officially entered the semi-regular level, they began to close the net.

This troubled world is almost over.

Bai Jingyue, who has just made a decision, intends to accelerate back to the village and urge Inuyasha to start a new round of journey as soon as possible.

As a result, as soon as he reached the top of a cliff, he found something that made him speechless.

A group of cat-like monsters, with the comatose Ge Wei, rammed directly into the cliff, and then melted into it as if the water droplets fell into the lake.

Bai Jingyue sighed. This was all seen by him, and he was embarrassed to ignore it, and immediately followed these cat demon into the enchantment.

Just entering the enchantment, a forest reflected in Shirai's eyes, and in front of him was the back of a cat demon who was gradually away.

In fact, it is not accurate to say cat monsters. These cat monsters are more fierce than ordinary cat monsters. If he reads correctly, these cat monsters are the leopard cats who were defeated by the Douya king and expelled from the Western country many years ago. Suddenly appeared at this time, either for the Jade of the Four Souls, or for revenge.

However, no matter what the other party's purpose is, they have to take a break.

Even if the opponent's leader is resurrected, he can't stop the power of Bai Jingyue, the leopard cat family is doomed to failure.

Bai Jingyue didn't chase those monsters, but walked in the jungle without any hassle, admiring the gradually setting sun.

The other party brought Ge Wei to attract Inuyasha. Before the arrival of Inuyasha, Ge Wei would not be in any danger, so Bai Jingyue was like a walk, walking slowly.

After a while, a town appeared in front of Shirai, and it was more prosperous than the cities or villages that everyone had encountered on the journey before. It seemed like a big city like Kyoto, and it seemed that after a thorough planning, the market Districts and residential areas are everything.

However, unlike the big cities, this town is empty.

The people who originally lived here should have been gathered somewhere by those monsters, and this is occupied by those monsters to deal with intruders.

But Shiraitsu has no worries.

No matter what traps are ahead, it doesn't make any sense to him.

There was suddenly one more person in the empty town, which naturally attracted the attention of those leopard cats. Bai Jingyue walked around the town for a while, and a monster blocking the road appeared in front of him.

Most of them are more ordinary leopard clan people. The battle between the leopard clan and the Western monsters led by Shasheng Pill who invaded again for revenge 50 years ago ultimately caused the leopard clan to suffer serious losses. In addition to the four powerful generals, Only these young miscellaneous cat monsters are left.

And in the center of these cat monsters, a burly big man was there.

"Who are you? It's not Inuyasha, or killing pills. But just right, Lord Lord needs more sacrifices!"

The big man didn't say much. He waved his hand directly and let the people around him catch Bai Jingyue.

But one second later, Dahan changed his attention, and even regretted it in his heart. It was not a conscience discovery, but a kung fu of less than a second. All the cat monsters he sent to catch Bai Jingyue died all of them!

One sharp thorn of ice fell from the sky, piercing all cat monsters who intended to approach Shiraitsu on the ground.

For the leopard cat clan that has not recovered for a long time, these clan are very precious, but just a moment of kung fu, actually lost a dozen!

"Damn bastard!"

The roaring big man rushed straight up, and a punch shining with thunder struck towards Shiraitsu!

Bai Jingyue slightly tilted his head, avoiding the other party's attack, while waving with one hand, several ice icicles rose from the ground, as if a tuft of grass generally surrounded the entire Han man.

The big man whose entire lower body was stuck in the ice struggled hard, but he could not break through these ice edges. In desperation, he could only let out an unwilling roar: "What the **** are you?"

"Who? Should be considered a human being."

Bai Jingyue's hands don't know when a blue long knife appeared, and in the end of the setting sun shone inexplicably, putting the ice skater on the neck of Han, Bai Jingyue smiled and looked at each other: "So, say Give your last words."


Suddenly a blue light flashed in the eyes of the big man whose eyes were squinted like a copper bell. In a flash, a mighty thunder came from the sky! Straight towards Shiraitsu!

"go to hell!"

Facing the mortal blow of the other party, Bai Jingyue seemed to be okay, but sighed to the big man: "Is this your last word?"

Subsequently, the blade moved sideways.

At the same time, the Thunder falls!

After the smoke had dispersed, unexpectedly, both of them were still standing.

A light ice barrier like a mirror completely blocked the Thunder over Bai Jingyue, and a thick layer of ice armor appeared on the neck of the big man, blocking Bai Jingyue's attack.

"Are you coming again?"

Bai Jingyue turned to look at the rear of Dahan, where a blue-haired woman with an ice spear stood.

"Your Excellency, why did you come here?"

"Why? Although it's not my opinion, for this era, humans attack monsters, don't you need a reason?"

Saying Shiraoi held the blade high and aimed at the big man again!

Unlike the previous stroke, this time Shiraitsu is a real attack! This is by no means a layer of ice armor!

But this time, Bai Jingyue still failed to kill Dahan.

Just before the blade was about to swing, a flame came from the side, and the blazing fire was like a beast, and Bai Jingyue and Dahan should be swallowed together.

Although Bai Jingyue jumped away from the flame after a jump, he also lost the opportunity to kill the big man.

In Shirai's vision, two figures suddenly appeared out of thin air, a girl with pink petals on her head, and a woman with a red explosive head.

"Any four hits? A little interesting."

The sun fell into the night, and it was dark. The blue blade in Bai Jingyue's hands was even brighter!

"bring it on!"

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