The Forbidden World

Chapter 1130: Failed betrayal

"Why!? Is the condition insufficient?"

The killing pill's answer was somewhat beyond Kagura's expectations, she was completely incomprehensible, and she clearly paid the jade of the four souls as payment! The jade of the four souls on Naraku, but more than half!

"I'm sorry, I have no interest in the Four Soul Jade."

The Jade of the Four Souls is different from weapons. After all, the strength of a weapon is that he holds it in his hand and he uses it. As long as he is strong enough to master the weapon, the strength of the weapon does not matter.

But the Four Soul Jade is different. This is pure foreign power. Using the Four Soul Jade will only make your own demon power cloudy.

This kind of surface can enhance its own strength, but in fact it is just something like a castle in the sky, and Shishengwan has no interest at all.

Kagura has been speechless, and has been collecting the Four Soul Jade next to Naruo. For the first time, she met someone who was not interested in the Four Soul Jade.

"If you want to get yourself, use that shard to defeat Naraku."

Recalling the battle with the leopard cat clan, Shi Sheng Wan made his own suggestions.

Although there is a big difference between the two, Shi Sheng Wan believes that only the freedom he fought for is true freedom.

"Are you so afraid of Naraku!?"

The shy and angry shouted at Shengsheng Pill angrily, but Shisheng Pill just explained lightly: "I just want to tell you that I have no obligation to assist you. If you don't have the consciousness of doing it yourself, don't think of betrayal."

However, Kagura couldn't even hear it. Anyway, Kagura is a woman, and sometimes a woman is extremely unreasonable: "You coward! Are you a man like this!? Huh! I'm wrong! "

Seeing hopeless help, Kagura had to leave here, flying a little confused in the air.

Today's Kagura doesn't know what to do, and it can't escape, it can't be beaten, it can't be beaten.

She doesn't know what to do now.

And while Kagura was in a trance, Inuyasha and his party had already chased here!

At the moment of seeing Kagura, the flying bones of the coral just let go! Straight towards the head of Kagura!

Although Kagura responded in time and blocked the flying bones with the wind blade, it was still shot down.

Looking at the Inuyasha crowd who was gradually surrounding, Kagura's face was very ugly. Even though Inuyasha is now in human form, she cannot deal with Inuyasha alone.

A Cangqi Qingzi is enough trouble, there are Shiraitsu of unknown strength and Ge Wei who can shoot the arrow of the demon.

But now she has no way out.

After taking off, her speed was not bad, but she didn't have time to take off at all.

At this moment, a large group of low-level monsters and numerous poisonous insects suddenly arrived!


Although Naraku himself did not appear, everyone knows that Naraku is staring at this moment.

Unlike everyone who has entered a state of defense, Kagura is simply ignorant. She just wanted to betray Naruo with the Jade of the Four Souls, and Naruo appeared here, which really made her tremble.

If Naraku discovers her betrayal now, her life may end today!

Inuyasha was not stunned, and cut it directly at Kagura!

In a hurry, Kagura raised a small tornado in front of him, intending to stop Inuyasha.

In her view, human Inuyasha poses no threat, and a tornado is enough!

However, Inuyasha's blade directly cut the tornado like that!

The impact of the scattered winds caused Kagura to step back a few steps. She looked at Inuyasha, her face full of consternation.

Kagura couldn't believe it! A powerless Inuyasha actually cut her wind!

But this is the case. After the violent wind was cut, Inuyasha moved forward again, and the second knife was already swung out! If this knife goes on, unprepared Kagura will die!

At this moment, several monsters appeared in front of Inuyasha, blocking the deadly attack for Kagura.

Although Kagura has the suspicion of defection, for Naraku, Kagura still has use value, especially now that he is extremely lacking in people, and before he gets enough power, it is not when Kagura died.

Kagura, who escaped from death, looked at Inuyasha in a human state and said maliciously, "Inuyasha, you... will you lose your demon power every day?"

Inuyasha at the moment doesn't care about this news being known by other monsters, he has reliable teammates! Faced with the evil spirits of Kagura, Inuyasha just roared: "Huh! Then how about it! Still cut you!"

With that, it was another slash that broke the wind!

Before acknowledging the situation of Inuyasha, Kagura dared to fight Inuyasha. While taking advantage of a large number of monsters as his shield, he flew towards the distance with a feather.

At this moment, a ray of sunshine descended from the sky, and the power of Inuyasha returned again!

As if crossing the time, the black hair turned white in an instant, and the claws returned to Inuyasha's hand again. At the same time, the powerful magic power!

Inuyasha, who is recovering his strength, is a wind wound to the Kagura that escaped!

Iron broken teeth, once again revealing the fierce majesty!

However, it was still too late. When Inuyasha waved his sword, Kagura had been flying for a while. The traces of wind wounds spread through the air for hundreds of meters, and then dissipated. At most, Kagura's arm was bruised.

"Damn! Let her escape!"

"Let's keep up with it! Perhaps we can find Naraku's position!"

However, after chasing Kagura for another distance, they lost the trace of Kagura.

The breath of the Four Soul Jade disappeared, and the peculiar smell of Naraku could no longer be smelled, and there was no way to continue tracking.

They chased Naraku again.

"At least, one of our guesses is Like Inuyasha, Naruo lost his strength yesterday, so the enchantment weakened, and after dawn, he recovered his strength."

Bai Jingyue stood up and comforted some depressed people, but this

"But this is of no use to us..."

Maitre shook his head, somewhat frustrated.

Yesterday, Naraku's demon power was weak, but apparently still maintaining the power to maintain the enchantment, but the main fighting force here, Inuyasha, could only rely on slashing.

For them, this day may be even more unfavorable.

In this regard, Shirai can only shrug: "At present, we can only take one step at a time."

The people of Inuyasha who were talking did not notice, but in the woods not far from them, the bellflower looked sad.

Although she was ready in her heart, she was saddened to see Inuyasha again.

However, this road of revenge can only be taken by her.

She is dead, and the relationship with Inuyasha has been broken!

Resisting the unhappiness in his heart, the bellflower once again embarked on a journey to find Naraku.

At this moment, the target Kagura that several people had pursued before, shivered and looked at the huge figure in front of him.

That's a mixture of Naraku's head and a lot of monsters!

"Kagura, is it fun outside? During this period of my deep sleep, did you leave the city?"

"I... I'm going to pick up allies' reinforcements!"

"Oh? Well, this time it doesn't matter, if you dare to mess again next time... Don't forget, you are my avatar."

Looking at Naruo's face in close proximity, cold sweat slipped from Kagura's face.

"I! I know!"

Fear and anxiety emerge from the bottom of my heart, the feeling that life is in control, makes Kagura more yearning for freedom!

However, at this moment, she can only bear it! chaptererror;

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