The Forbidden World

Chapter 1124: 7 treasures in love

It has been a while since the Four Soul Jade was taken away by Kagura. Everyone embarked on a journey to find the Four Soul Jade again. On this day, because of a rumor, everyone came to a village.

"Is the rumor wrong? There will be jade of four souls in this village?"

Inuyasha complained and looked around, people were coming and going, and there was a lot of traffic, apparently a village that was not much affected by the disaster.

Under normal circumstances, the monster who got the Jade of the Four Souls will be magnified by the resentment in his heart. How could this village be so prosperous? Mostly just erroneously.

Under Ge Wei's careful perception, he did not find the breath of the Four Soul Jade, which made several people even more suspicious of the news.

However, they have already arrived here anyway, and several people are still scattered to check, at least to find out the origin of the rumor of the Four Soul Jade.

In this way, a group of seven people divided into four teams and began to hang out in the village.

Bai Jingyue is naturally a team with Aoqi Aozi. Bai Jingyue, who knows the situation here, did not care about the fake Jade of the Four Souls, but took Aoqi Aozi to go shopping.

Maitreya wanted to start alone, but the coral saw that he wanted an encounter and followed him.

Inuyasha and Kagome search in the other direction.

Qibao, this time alone, stood on the edge of the river and admired the scenery.

At this moment, the sound of punching and kicking made Qibao turn his eyes around.

I saw that not far away, three boys were violent against a girl. When one of the children kept attacking the girl, she still complained about the girl’s guilt: "May, you stole our persimmon. !"

"I didn't steal!"

The girl was unwilling to explain, but the boys didn't believe it at all.

"You guys! When your brother comes back! Make sure you look good!"

"Fool! Your brother died long ago!"

"Yes! My dad said he was dead and was washed away by the water!"

Perhaps the news of his brother's death spurred the girl, and the girl bit directly on the headed boy (body shēn).

But this was only a sudden outbreak, and the girl was beaten and beaten by the boys again the next moment, more violent than before!

Qibao, who cannot see the past, used illusions to limit a huge phantom to appear in front of several people, and several boys were immediately scared away.

The girl who escaped from the predicament saw that she was all right, and happily touched Qibao's head: "Thank you, little raccoon cat"

"I am a fox"

"Well, in order to thank you for your help, give you half of it?"

With that said, the girl took out several dried persimmons from her arms in May, and Qibao froze immediately.

"Dried persimmon I stole, it's delicious"

Qibao was speechless. It turned out that he thought that the boys had just found a reason to bully the girl. As a result, the girl was a genuine thief. Instead, he was a helper.

But seeing the happy smile on the girl's face, Qibao suddenly left behind what she just had (love qíng).

Stealing something or something may be very serious for humans, but for monsters, it really is nothing. Even in the view of some monsters, it is normal to grab things with great power (love qíng).

That is, the three views of Inuyasha, a monster who grew up in human society, are so correct.

"Are you called May? What about your parents?"

"It's gone, only my brother and I are dependent on each other. After he has made great achievements on the battlefield and becomes a samurai, he will come to pick me up!"

"Did the little devil just lie? They said your brother"

"He will come back, even if he is dead, he will be resurrected!"

Qibao's attention was attracted by the May sentence, and he always felt that there was something terribly hidden behind it.

Perhaps because of Qibao’s direct help, the girl directly took out a shiny crystal from her arms and flaunted Qibao: “Look, it’s beautiful? This is called the Jade of Four Souls, it’s a monster’s baby, just follow It makes a wish, any wish can be fulfilled!"

Seeing their goal at the moment, Qibao froze for a moment.

On the other side, because it was getting dark, the people joined together and then followed Maitreya to find a place to live.

As usual, Maitreya pointed out that all the monsters lived somewhere, and then obtained the opportunity to stay temporarily in the name of demon, but what other people did not think was that this time there were really monsters in this house! After Maitreya put a spell on the wall, a lizard-like monster appeared from the house and then left here.


"Really there."

"Isn't it deceptive?"

"He didn't lie?"

"The sun is coming from the west."

In the face of repeated ridicule by five people, Maitre was also speechless. He was always forced to cheat before, okay? Without knowing when he died (love qíng), he spent his enjoyment as soon as he had money. Then he continued to search for Naraku's journey. Now that he does not lack money, why should he deceive people everywhere?

At this moment, the previously missing Qibao suddenly appeared.

"Qibao? How did you find us?"

Qibao's next words made Maitreya tearful: "Mile usually finds the most wealthy people nearby to perform an exorcism spell!"

But soon Qibao got in disguise, and he came to Ge Wei for another more important thing (love qíng).

"Then I found the Jade of the Four Souls!"

Afterwards, Qibao told Ge Wei about the girl's May (love qíng). UU reading www.

With the Seven Treasures, Ge Wei came to May who was standing outside waiting for the house, borrowing the so-called Four Soul Jade from May's hands, but after reading it, he just let May leave.

"Huh? Ge Wei, what is that fragment?"

"Well, not really. It's just quartz."


The words from the future made Qibao Leng God, but coral gave an explanation of this era: "That is the flower of stone, the stone dug from the mountain, in short, not the fragments of the jade of the four souls."

This news caused Qibao to be struck by lightning. Although the jade fragments of the Four Souls in May's hands are fake, it is May's dream instead of his broken one, but he still feels a little heartache.

If the fake Four Soul Jade cannot help the girl, what about the real one?

Qibao came quietly to Ge Wei's (body shēn), struggling constantly in the heart, and finally, Qibao decided to help the girl. As long as the younger brother of the girl comes back, and then take back the fragments of the Jade of the Four Souls, will it be fine?

However, the idea ended before it was implemented. He was caught in the tail by Inuyasha.

"Seven treasures, do you know how terrible the Four Soul Jade is? This is a power that humans cannot grasp. And why are you helping that little girl?"

"Are you obsessed with others? That girl is pretty (love ài)."

Maitre was also awake, his hands clasped the screen in the room, and looked at Qibao lazily.

"Qibao, at your growth rate, maybe when you grow up, people will be old, do you want me to help you?"

I don't know when, Shiraiuki also came over and teased Qibao.

Unable to bear the ridicule of several people, Qibao was angrily angry, and a fox fire was spilled out. As a result, Inuyasha was strongly suppressed, but had to give up in desperation. It was Bai Jingyue, with some light in his eyes.

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