The Forbidden World

Chapter 1118: Pierced heart

"Little want to kill me too?"

In the face of Inuyasha's bold words, Long Gujing could not help but sneer.

Even if he is now terrible with a low level of enchantment, it is also a semi-regular level. For monsters of this level in Inuyasha, it is really not in the eyes.

Longye Jing's contempt, of course Inuyasha heard it, but he was not discouraged and declared war directly against Longke Jing: "Come on!"

"Hey, interesting."

Anyway, just got rid of the seal, the dragon bone also needs time to recover, and I think it is also good to play with Inuyasha and to move and move by the way.

Immediately, Long Gu Jing rushed towards Inuyasha!

After avoiding this simple collision, Inuyasha's backhand stabbed the dragon's body, but none of the previous jumps could pierce the dragon's body, let alone this ordinary hack.

The Dragon Skeleton just twisted his body a little and flew Inuyasha!

"Oh, no pain, no itching, my body is not the kind of blunt knife you can cut!"

While the face on the dragon's head was talking, the dragon's fine dragon mouth opened, and the powerful demon power gathered into a ball, which was launched directly!

Although Inuyasha avoided the direct attack in time, he was still injured by the rocks exploded by the magic ball.

"Master Inuyasha! Too reluctant!"

"This is just the beginning!"

Inuyasha jumps back and forth between the peaks, constantly avoiding the demon power ball, and is constantly approaching the dragon bone spirit!

Standing less than tens of meters away from the dragon bone essence, Inuyasha raised his iron broken teeth and aimed at the crack created by the collision between the dragon bone essence and his demon power!

That's the trajectory of wind damage!

However, before waiting for Inuyasha to wave down the wind wound, his whole body flickered and then fell towards the abyss!

Just notice that Inuyasha in front of him didn't see it, just when he was about to use wind wound, the tail of the dragon bone rolled directly over and shattered the mountains where Inuyasha stood on directly!

After losing his footing, Inuyasha fell straight down.

Before waiting for Inuyasha to find a foothold, the second attack of Keel Dragon is here!

Still the tail! The huge dragon tail directly hit Inuyasha on the ground, directly holding Inuyasha on the ground, and then a condensed demon ran!

Just after landing, Inuyasha, who has suffered a lot of pain, has not responded, and the demon cannon mixed with thunder has arrived!

If it is not the surface of the fire rat fur to resist some damage, this time Inuyasha will be paralyzed!

"It's too weak to have the value of killing."

Seeing that it was so easy to let Inuyasha fall down, Long Gujing sighed boredly. Wasn't the son of the man who sealed himself even qualified to let him move his muscles?

Everyone in the air looked at Inuyasha, who was at a disadvantage, and they were all a little worried, and Daodaozhai frowned: "There is only one way to defeat the awakening dragon bone essence, that is, bursting..."

"What is bursting?"

"It is the meaning of iron broken teeth."

The words of Dao Dao Zhai made a few people around look away.

"The so-called mystery, is it more powerful than [wind wound]?"

Facing the problem of Maitreya, Daodaozhai snorted and expressed his dissatisfaction.

"Wind injury is just a move for beginners."

Ge Wei looked at Inuyasha below worriedly, and said anxiously: "But now, Inuyasha can't even use iron broken teeth! Not to mention the mystery!"

"Believe Inuyasha."

Bai Jingyue, with her arms wide open and embracing Aoki Aoi, was suspended in midair, looking at Inuyasha who was fighting and smiling.

"He must be successful."


Climbing up, Inuyasha once again clenched iron broken teeth.

"Humph! Asshole!"

Inuyasha leaped high with his last effort, and now Inuyasha can only try one more jump. This time, he aimed not at the keel's heart, but at the face on the keel's head!

However, this was a wrong decision.

Jumping in the face of the presence of strength is lower than the highest damage that the jump can cause, will cause a locking effect, but in the presence of higher strength, this locking is a joke.

If you can't lock the enemy, this jump is just a waste trick to expose weaknesses!

"It's an idiot to kill me with that bad knife!"

While walking towards Inuyasha, the keel of the keel waved!

Inuyasha, who is in the air, couldn't avoid the attack of the dragon bones, and was directly caught halfway, so the jump was naturally stopped.

After catching Inuyasha, the dragon bone essence is not directly crushed, but it is usually playing again and throwing Inuyasha on the ground again, but this time the intensity is more than before.

Inuyasha, who suffered a heavy blow, was a bit distracted. After Wu Xingui bit the iron broken teeth, Inuyasha let the iron broken teeth go for the first time!

Immediately afterwards, the dragon bone essence was another demon cannon, hitting Inuyasha hard!

Inuyasha, who can't afford to fall, is on the verge of life and death. And now that the iron broken teeth are free, nothing can suppress his increasingly boiling blood.

Inuyasha, demonized again!

The turbulent demon power gushed out from Inuyasha's body, even the keel essence was stunned.

The kind of high-quality magic power reminded him of the fighting tooth king who once fought him!

In the other direction of the battlefield, a person gradually pulled out a weapon around his waist.

"Master Shengsheng Maru!? Are you? Do you want to fight with Dragon Bone?"

The evil opinion is a bit worried, that the dragon bone spirit is a big monster who can be as famous as the fighting tooth king. Can the Shengsheng Pill be able to deal with it?

"Inuyasha can only die in my hands. It is a shame to die here in this posture!"

Just as Shi Sheng Wan was preparing to play, he suddenly felt a chill.

In the distant sky, the suspended figure seemed to look at him.

Shi Sheng Wan suddenly felt stiff.

The collision with Shiraii was too short before I got the ghost fighting So Shishengwan didn't remember it, but this chill appeared, plus this location, finally awakened the memory of Shishengwan deep in my heart .

That was the man who appeared here to freeze him before fighting King Tooth and Dragonbone!

A human who can cross such a long distance to make himself feel cold, a human who should have died because of life expectancy but lived to the present!

Shi Sheng Wan stopped.

In the presence of that human, Inuyasha will not be in any danger, and some unexpectedly, Inuyasha has gradually returned to normal at the moment.

I saw Inuyasha who raised the iron broken teeth again, and cut the demon cannon released by the keel with a weak body, and it seemed that the weapon in his hand had no weight and came to the heart of the keel!

Along with the scars caused by the Douya King, Inuyasha put out the strength of the whole body and cut it with a knife!

Blood burst!


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