The Forbidden World

Chapter 1116: Guardian's Blade

Killing pills with evil views and bells continually walked through some dark forest.

"Ling Zun's old friend, live in this forest?"

As he went deeper into the dense forest, the evil opinions could not help but be a little surprised. Those who can become old friends with the Douya are bound to be powerful giant monsters, and it is such giant monsters. A place in seclusion?

Shi Sheng Wan ignored the evil opinion, but walked straight into the depths of the forest. After seeing the evil opinion, he no longer asked questions, but quickly followed.

For another moment, the faint mist gradually filled the forest, and a little sunlight shone through the leaves of the towering trees, refracting the light in the mist.

Suddenly, some low voices came from the air, just like the call from the ancients: "I was thinking, you should almost come too..."

"Did you know I was coming? Park Xianweng."

Shi Sheng Wan stood in front of a huge tree and questioned the tree.

"The reason why you came to me is to talk about the knife, about your father's relics, iron broken teeth."

In front of Shisheng Pill, a wooden face gradually appeared on the surface of the bark.

Seeing this scene, the bell was startled and excited at the same time: "Wow! The monster of the tree!"

I have to say that following Shi Shengwan, Ling saw a lot of scenery that he had never seen before.

"Master Shengsheng Maru, is this...?"

The evil opinion is a bit curious, who is this tree demon, and what can he do to meet him in person.

"A hackberry two thousand years old."

The explanation of the killing pill calm.

"That's right, and the knife left by the father of the killing pill... The iron broken teeth and the sheath of the iron broken teeth were made with my stem."

Park Xianweng introduced himself with a gentle smile.

Shi Sheng Wan is still too young. It's completely unclear how terrible he is about two thousand years old.

That's the existence that has survived from the age of mythology!

Even if Park Xianweng only lived for a period of time at the end of the mythological era, it is also a legacy of mythology!

Because of this, only the scabbard made by his branches can safely accommodate semi-regular iron broken teeth and natural teeth. Sometimes you can even use the scabbard to fight against the blade!

But the killing pills came here, not to explore Park Xianweng's past, but to ask another thing.

"Park Xianweng, you should be the one who knows. What is the connection between Inuyasha and iron broken teeth?"

"Inuyasha... your halfbrother?"

"Well, when the iron broken teeth were bitten, Inuyasha's blood taste changed. From the taste of the half-demon to the same taste of blood as me and my father."

Although it was only once, Shi Sheng Wan still did not relax. There must be other secrets between Inuyasha and Tetsuya.

"[Same] blood? Not sure!"

"How to say?"

"Inuyasha is a half-birth born of monsters and human beings, and it is impossible to become a real monster. At least one thing is that you can do this complete monster like Shisheng Maru, but Inuyasha cannot."

Park Xianweng paused, leaving some time for Shishengwan to understand, and then gave the most critical message: "That's... keep yourself."

"Keep yourself..."

"That's right, Shisheng Pill... Even if you are forced into a desperate battle, you will not be so disheartened that you will lose yourself?"

"How could I be forced into nowhere."

Park Seng Weng's hypothesis was directly rejected by Shi Sheng Wan, as if he had completely forgotten the scene of the wind wound cut by Inuyasha.


Park Xianweng, who lived from the mythological era to the present, is very clear how terrible the world is, but he knows that the argument without evidence does not make any sense, so Park Xianweng does not argue, but just continues to talk about the issue of Inuyasha.

"Inuyasha is different from you. When there is nowhere to go and life is dying, in order to protect yourself, the blood of the monster in the body will start to riot. The blood of the big monster from your father inherited by Inuyasha is too strong for the body of the half demon. Now."

"What will happen if you go on like this?"

"The blood of the monster will gradually eat his heart, and become ignorant of himself, killing himself indiscriminately. This riot will repeat itself again and again, sooner or later, Inuyasha's heart will be completely lost and become only Fighting monsters fight until they perish."

Park Seng-won sighed and said his guess about the Douya Wang: "Your father probably didn't want Inuyasha to be like this, so he gave the iron broken teeth to Inuyasha as his guardian blade."

After hearing Park Xianweng's words, Shi Sheng Wan no longer stayed, turned around and left.

If Inuyasha's situation is really as Park Xianweng said, then he has an obligation to stop Inuyasha.

The noble blood of the dog family is not allowed to fall into the kind of waste that only knows about killing!

After making a decision, Shisheng Pill immediately rushed in the direction of Inuyasha, whether to maintain the glory of the blood of the dog or simply as an older brother, he should stop Inuyasha's rampage!

During the killing pill operation, another person could not sit still.

After seeing that the Douyawang wanted to exercise Inuyasha with new iron crushed teeth, he secretly concealed the method of quickly grasping the iron crushed teeth, hoping to allow the heavy iron crushed teeth to be sharpened first. Inuyasha, after Inuyasha can't stand the monster again, tell Inuyasha that method.

However, after such a long time, Inuyasha seems not to be dragged by the heavy iron broken teeth, and he has not come to him yet, which is a bit inconsistent with the plan.

As a last resort, Dao Dao Zhai had to find the door, and as a result saw an iron broken tooth with a jump cleavage at a depression.

Seeing the huge ravine cut off on the ground, Dao Zaizhai's face twitched.

He did not expect that Inuyasha was not bothered by the aggravated iron broken teeth, but instead developed new moves.

Although the power does not seem to be comparable to the injury of the upper hand, it is difficult to say that this continues.

In this regard, Dao Da Zhai believes that it must be stopped.

It's not that he doesn't think it's a good idea, but because iron broken teeth are not suitable.

As a sword that favors the power control of the wind and the affinity of the wind, at this time when Inuyasha can't fully control it, this attack method can also be used.

Once Inuyasha becomes stronger and can use iron crushed teeth skillfully, the lightened iron crushed teeth will hinder the use of this trick.

This will weaken the fighting ability of Inuyasha.

In order not to let Inuyasha go the wrong way, Daodaozhai decided to tell Inuyasha that secret now.

ps: Happy Children's Day, everyone.

ps2: Please ask the students who are about to take the college entrance examination to put down this book and come back after the tenth.

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