The first taboo in the world

Chapter 82 Here Comes the Monk

At this moment, Zuo Lengchan was spinning his sword light, his sword intention taking shape, and his momentum was majestic, but it was broken by Xu Zifan.

In the main hall, the heroes were shocked. Zuo Lengchan's swordsmanship was so powerful and domineering, and his momentum was magnificent. No one present thought they could compete with him. They were all horrified by the strength Zuo Lengchan showed at this time, and their hearts were shaken.

But even such a powerful person, the best master in the world, was still no match for Xu Zifan, the Huashan Sword Demon.

How strong is this Huashan disciple's martial arts? All the heroes were shocked.

It's just unfathomable!

It's almost enough without being invincible, right?

At this time, everyone was amazed by the strength Xu Zifan showed. Although they were enemies, they also admired his martial arts skills and were shocked in their hearts.

Zuo Lengchan was even more frightened at this moment and his face was solemn. He knew that he was absolutely unbeatable, but deep in his eyes, there was a hint of madness.

The sword light was flying, opening and closing, with a magnificent momentum. Zuo Lengchan's sword skills continued in his hand, and his sword intention took form, condensing his supreme understanding of the way of the sword.

The white mist flowed, the ice was extremely cold, and the internal energy of the ice energy was running wildly. At this time, Zuo Lengchan's internal energy was operating to the extreme, and the energy in his body was churning, exuding a biting cold breath.

There were snowflakes forming and falling down in a two-meter radius around its body.

The entire hall quickly became cold, and the tea spilled on the ground had frozen. At this time, the heroes once again stepped back a foot away, and the breath they exhaled turned into white mist.

Ice Qi, according to legend, was created by Zuo Lengchan. It reaches Yin Zhihan and is a very unique martial art in the world of Xiaoao Jianghu. It is a wonderful skill.

At this moment, the breath in Zuo Lengchan's whole body was rolling, and he had circulated the ice energy to the extreme. The white cold mist around him made his whole body look cold, ruthless, and hazy.

At this time, Zuo Lengchan was running the sword light with one hand, fighting with Xu Zifan in swordsmanship, but he was retreating steadily and had no power to parry, so he was obviously unbeatable.

Zuo Lengchan looked at Xu Zifan and saw that the other man was handling the sword with ease and ease, obviously not trying his best, and there was even a hint of admiration in his eyes.


Zuo Lengchan was extremely angry and let out a roar. As a powerful overlord of the generation, how could he accept such a result? At this moment, the look of madness deep in his eyes was even worse, which was very shocking.

brush! brush! brush!

His other hand was swaying in the air according to an inexplicable trajectory. As he waved, the power of frost condensed on his hand, and white ice crystals emerged. Then, the breath in his body rolled and flowed through the veins of his arms. , gathering towards this hand.

The aura of coldness filled the entire hall at this time. Zuo Lengchan's arm seemed to have turned into an ice sculpture at this time, especially that hand. More and more ice energy was gathered at this moment, and it was actually a little transparent. It looks like jade, crystal clear, but it is wrapped in cold white mist, which is a bit ethereal and mysterious. The most special thing is that there is a soul-chilling mysterious power flowing.

The heroes were terrified at this moment. Even a few feet away, they could feel the terror of Zuo Lengchan's hand. It was the source of the coldness and the starting point of the coldness. It forced people's minds, as if that hand was waving out. , you can freeze everything, and no one can resist it.

At this moment, snowflakes were flying in the entire hall. An icy wind blew, whistling and dancing. As Zuo Lengchan waved his hand, the wind gathered into a vortex, and that hand became the center of the vortex. , extremely cold, extremely cold.

At a certain moment, the wind stopped, and the white mist around Zuo Lengchan also faded, but the entire hall became even colder. At this time, there was an inexplicable sense of oppression, which was very depressing, making people feel like falling into an ice cave or hell. .

The source of all this is Zuo Lengchan's hand. At this moment, the white frost on his arm has disappeared, but that hand is like a piece of transparent jade, like a work of art, crystal clear with white mist. The flow above is hazy and mysterious.


Zuo Lengchan's sword-wielding figure retreated, the sword light in his hand stopped, but his other hand, now like ice jade, exuding a cold and soul-stirring aura, was placed on his chest, with the palm facing outward, with white on it. The fog is flowing, and there is a faint white cold light flashing, which is very mysterious.

As for Xu Zifan, when Zuo Lengchan flew back and retreated, he did not pursue him. The sword light in his hand stopped moving, and the sword net light curtain around him gradually disappeared, leaving only a thick layer of purple mist surrounding his body, which looked abnormal. mystery.

At this moment, he looked at Zuo Lengchan's hand that was like ice jade, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he had some kind of suspicion in his heart.

At this time, on the Shengguanfeng mountain road where the Songshan sect was stationed, a group of people were silent and galloping over.

The weather was in August at this time, and the sun was scorching. These people were walking on the steep mountain roads as if they were walking on flat ground, and their speed was very fast. No one even broke a sweat. It can be seen that these people are all people with advanced kung fu.

I saw the three people in front of me, all with white eyebrows and beards, wearing light yellow monk robes, with bald heads and a few ring scars. They were obviously monks.

These three people have strong auras around them, as deep as the abyss and the sea, and are unfathomable. They are all super masters who stand in the peerless realm, not inferior to Zuo Lengchan.

One of them has skin as rosy as a baby's face. His white eyebrows are about a foot long and very shiny. He is energetic and moves with the strides of a dragon and a tiger. At first glance, he is a person with profound internal strength.

The other person has a dry and skinny body, but the blood energy all over his body is rich and very compelling. His body is burning like a divine furnace. The most eye-catching thing is his pair of palms, which are more than twice the size of ordinary people. The joints are thick and strong. It is powerful and covered with calluses. It can be seen that the kung fu on its palms is very good.

The last old man held a long knife in his hand. Although he was a monk, his face showed a ferocious look. There was a long scar diagonally across his face, which further highlighted his ferocious image. His entire face was full of ferocity. The person gives off a sharp and domineering aura, like a peerless heavenly sword, with its edge clearly revealed.

Behind the three people, there were also monks, a total of 18 of them. Each of them was naked, with bulging muscles and strong muscles. Their bronze skin shone with a metallic luster in the sun, like a golden Arhat coming into the world, with a masculine air. It was so blazing that it gave people a great sense of oppression, and each of these monks held a wrought iron rod about ten feet long in their hands. As they walked and ran, they were like wind blowing, and their figures were like thunder and lightning, extremely fast.

Not long after, these people arrived at the Songshan Sect's station. One of the three leaders took out a token from his arms and raised it forward. After seeing it, the Songshan Sect disciples all let him go.

In the main hall, behind Xu Zifan, Liu Jing and Qu Feiyan watched Xu Zifan block dozens of masters by himself. They were shocked in their hearts. Looking at the figure shrouded in purple mist in front of them, their beautiful eyes flashed. The reverence is beyond words.

At this moment, Zuo Lengchan looked at Xu Zifan with a solemn expression and said: Master Nephew Xu is indeed a genius. His level of swordsmanship is far beyond mine! But I haven't been defeated yet. There is a palm here. Let's see if you can take it. Down?

After Zuo Lengchan finished speaking, the palm on his chest, shrouded in white cold mist and like ice jade, slowly pushed out in the direction of Xu Zifan. The speed was very slow, as if pushing out this palm exhausted all his strength.

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