The first taboo in the world

Chapter 68 Planning starts

Both parents passed away. At this time, Lin Pingzhi was heartbroken. He hugged the bodies of his parents and cried so hard that his eyes were swollen from crying.

Outside the ruined temple, among the trees, there was the sound of grass being stirred, and the sound of footsteps.

Xu Zifan came out of the temple gate, looked up, and saw a group of familiar figures walking towards him. The person in front of him was a scholar in a green shirt, with a light robe and a folding fan in his right hand. His expression was very chic. Who else could it be if it wasn't Yue Buqun?

And after Yue Buqun, there are disciples such as Luo Denuo and Yue Linshan.

Xu Zifan had already expected the arrival of everyone from Huashan. Last night in Hengshan City, before he left, he told a group of Huashan disciples that Yue Buqun should come here to meet.

At this time, Yue Buqun also saw Xu Zifan and others at the entrance of the ruined temple. He smiled from a distance and said, Zifan, where have you been this year? You didn't even talk to your teacher. There was a hint of complaint in his tone, There was another feeling of relief.

Xu Zifan knew that before he suddenly left without saying goodbye and left for a year, the situation in the world was very serious. Yue Buqun might have had some other thoughts. For example, he sent Laudeno and Yue Lingshan to Fuzhou just like in the original work. , close to Lin Pingzhi.

Seeing Yue Buqun and others approaching, Xu Zifan raised his hands and saluted, with a sincere expression, and said: I'm sorry, master, I'm sorry. I left suddenly a year ago because of something urgent. I didn't have time to tell master and my wife. I was wrong. Please punish me, master.

Senior brother, why is dad so willing to punish you? You don't know that last night you scared thousands of martial arts heroes out of their wits and made me, Huashan, blush.

Before Yue Buqun could speak, the graceful Yue Lingshan, dressed in a lake green shirt and an emerald green skirt, had already walked out from behind Yue Buqun and said with a smile, her expression proud and full of pride, as if she was the one who intimidated the martial arts heroes last night. generally.

Nonsense, the righteous way is one family. Now that the demon sect is powerful, we should unite all the righteous forces at this moment. Yue Buqun said seriously to Yue Lingshan, and then suddenly, as if he thought of something, he knew that Xu Zifan This disciple has always been mature and prudent, and there must be a reason for what he does. He turned to Xu Zifan and said: Zifan, do you have any plans?

Xu Zifan nodded slightly, motioned Yue Buqun to step aside, and began to tell him his plan.

Senior Brother Xu is so stingy. If you have something to do, you won't let us know. You have to talk to dad alone. Seeing this, Yue Lingshan was furious. Then she turned to look at the temple and said, Who is crying? It's annoying. . Then he walked towards the temple.

Lao Denuo, Gao Genming and other disciples also looked at Xu Zifan and Yue Buqun with curiosity on their faces.

It's just that the two of them deliberately avoided others when talking. Not to mention the disciples of Huashan, even first-class masters such as Tian Boguang and Mu Gaofeng who were standing aside at this time failed to listen to what Xu Zifan and Yue Buqun were discussing.

Only from Yue Buqun's constant sounds of surprise and expressions of disbelief, we could tell that what the two discussed must be of great importance.

What Xu Zifan and Yue Buqun were discussing at the moment was indeed very important. It was an important part of Xu Zifan's plan in this world. Xu Zifan had thought about it a long time ago, but he was not strong enough to speak out before.

At this moment, Xu Zifan is confident that he has the absolute strength to take action and advance his plan. If this plan is implemented smoothly, the entire world of martial arts will undergo subversive changes.

In the rivers and lakes, there are swords and swords, conspiracies and calculations, and killings continue every day. The entire rivers and lakes may not know that the fate of the world is about to change, and an unprecedented change will take place.

At this moment, what Xu Zifan and Yue Buqun discussed will have a profound impact on future generations of martial arts and the future structure of the world.

It was not until half an hour later that the conversation between Xu Zifan and Yue Buqun came to an end.

Zifan, are you sure you want to implement this plan?

At this time, Yue Buqun was shaken in his heart and his voice was trembling. He still had not recovered from the plan that Xu Zifan had just mentioned.

He even suspected that he was in a dream today, otherwise how could there be anyone in the world with such thoughts as Xu Zifan? If the plan failed, he would be disgraced and be torn into pieces.

But if the plan succeeds, wouldn't the world's martial arts world be like a pasture, being tended by others? By then, he will not be able to revive the Huashan sect. The Huashan sect will surely usher in the highest honor in the world and become the only martial arts school. Holy Land, this is not a revival, this is the only peak since the founding of the sect.

Thinking of this, Yue Buqun couldn't help laughing at this moment, even though the city was usually very deep and his emotions and anger were invisible, and he couldn't close his mouth.

Then he felt a little scared, and asked Xu Zifan again with uncertainty: Zifan, are you sure about that person from Heimuya?

At this moment, Xu Zifan saw that Yue Buqun had already confirmed it to him many times, but he still couldn't believe it. He also smiled and understood Yue Buqun very well, and answered Yue Buqun again, which was supposed to give him reassurance.


That Zifan, I will go back to Huashan to prepare early.

After a discussion, the two walked together. Yue Buqun had to quickly return to Huashan to prepare some things. Great changes were about to take place in the world.

Master, the amount of work is huge, and there is no rush. You and the senior brothers have just arrived, so you should have breakfast before heading back to the mountain! Seeing Yue Buqun's anxious look at the moment, Xu Zifan couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Master Lin, please forgive me! At this time, a voice came from the temple. The voice was soft and sweet, but also a little sad and uncomfortable. It was Yue Lingshan who was trying to persuade Lin Pingzhi.

By the way, master, I have accepted a disciple for you, the son of my old friend. Xu Zifan heard the voices in the temple at this moment and said to Yue Buqun.

Well, okay, there must be no problem with Zifan's concern. Yue Buqun agreed without thinking at this moment. Xu Zifan's heart at this moment was hope.

Xu Zifan then introduced Lin Pingzhi to Yue Buqun. After a chat, the two parties got to know each other somewhat. At Xu Zifan's request, Lin Pingzhi no longer called him his benefactor, but instead called him Senior Brother Xu.

After everyone rested for a while and used dry food, they were ready to set off on the road back to the mountain.

When Yue Buqun saw Lin Pingzhi lying on his parents' bodies and crying bitterly, he said, Ping'er, stop crying. It's important to take care of your parents' funeral.

Lin Pingzhi stood up and responded: Yes! Looking back, he saw that the corpses of his parents were thin and weak, with multiple wounds and bruises all over the body. Thinking that this must be Yu Canghai's doing, he couldn't help but burst into tears again, his eyes His heart was full of hatred, and he gritted his teeth and said: If I don't take revenge, I will be worse than a beast like Lin Ping! He punched the pillar next to him with his fist.

His martial arts skills were mediocre, but because of the anger in his heart, the punch was so powerful that it only caused dust to fall from the beam.

Seeing this, Yue Lingshan said to Lin Pingzhi: Junior brother Lin, it can be said that this incident is caused by me. You will take revenge in the future. As a senior sister, you will never stand idle.

Lin Pingzhi bowed and said, Thank you, senior sister.

Yue Buqun sighed and said: Our Huashan sect's motto has always been 'I will not offend anyone unless they offend me'. Apart from being a mortal enemy of the Demon Cult, we have no quarrel with any sect in the martial arts world. But since then Then, Qingcheng Sect... Qingcheng Sect... Well, since you are involved in the world, how easy is it to avoid offending anyone in everything?

Xu Zifan also said at this time: Junior Brother Lin, killing Yu Canghai is as easy as searching a bag to retrieve something for me. You only need to say, Senior Brother, I will kill him immediately.

...When my father and mother passed away, I was able to accompany them without being alone. It was all thanks to Senior Brother Xu's help. I... I can't thank you enough. It's just that Yu Canghai has a big grudge against me. , I will kill this enemy with my own hands to comfort my parents’ spirits in heaven!”

Hearing what Lin Pingzhi said, Xu Zifan couldn't help but improve his senses. He nodded slightly and said, If you learn martial arts in Huashan from now on, if you don't understand anything, you can ask me.

Thank you, Senior Brother Xu! Lin Pingzhi said gratefully with his eyes red from crying.

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