The first taboo in the world

Chapter 663: Stepping into the Starry Sky

Chapter 665 Stepping into the Starry Sky

What you see in front of you is the original order of heaven and earth, and all the secrets of the rules of the universe are clearly visible.

Xu Zifan closed his eyes and listened with both ears, and a burst of strange syllables came. This was the sound coming from the seemingly silent outer universe. It was the sound of the stars, the sound of the great avenue of the universe, and in the silent universe In fact, it is not quiet. This sound has existed forever, but only creatures that have reached this level can hear this sound.

Open your eyes to see through the origin of heaven and earth, close your eyes and listen to the sound of heaven!

This is the unique ability of the true immortal level powerhouse. At this time, Xu Zifan possesses this ability, which means that he has reached this level and obtained the true immortal fruit that countless creatures have dreamed of throughout the ages.

Xu Zifan stood up, and the five-color fairy light around him was dazzling, shining through the sky in all directions. There was an immortal aura flowing through his body, and a peerless and transcendent supreme immortal aura emitted.

Compared with becoming an immortal through cultivation, he achieved the status of a true immortal by refining his body. It can be said that he became a saint in the physical body.

After cultivating oneself and becoming an immortal, one can control the laws of heaven and earth, drive the laws of heaven and earth with a single thought, and use the mighty powers of the heavens to fight against the enemy.

The true immortal who has become a saint in the physical body is different. He pays attention to the attribution of all great powers to himself and achieves the supreme immortal body. The immortal body is comparable to a heaven and earth or a universe, and can derive the supreme laws of the road.

There are two different paths to becoming an immortal, and their feelings are naturally different.

At this moment, Xu Zifan could feel that his physical body had undergone a radical change. Every inch of flesh and bone contained supreme immortal charm, which was far superior to the previous Jinbi real body. The most special thing was that there was an immortal aura flowing around his body, making time pass. It's hard to leave a mark on him.

The most intuitive feeling is that at this time, there is a terrifying power in his body that he has never had before. Even when facing the entire world, he can look straight at it with confidence.

At this moment, the void of heaven and earth in front of him looked like the most ordinary paper, which could be torn easily.

Everything in the world seems fragile to him, and he can turn the world upside down and overturn millions of miles of mountains and rivers with just a few moves.

Even if he wanted to, it would be no problem to catch the stars and the moon, he could do it easily.

The endless terrifying power naturally gave him the confidence and heroism to conquer mountains and rivers.

At this moment, he felt like he was in control of everything in the world, and he had no fear no matter who he faced.

The next moment, Xu Zifan took a step forward, and the sun, moon, mountains and rivers were retreating, accompanied by the five-color fairy light shining around him. One step was hundreds of thousands of miles away. After a few steps, he saw that in the blink of an eye, he had arrived in the starry sky.

In front of him was the dark and cold starry sky and universe. It was his first time coming here, but he couldn't feel any fear in his heart.

This is absolute power, giving him confidence and confidence.

Xu Zifan continued to step forward, and the five-color fairy light under his feet extended directly to the end of the starry sky, paving a five-color fairy road. As he walked on it, the light flickered and the fairy glow filled the air. In an instant, he had reached the deepest part of the starry sky.

When he got here, Xu Zifan raised his hand and punched out, and the void suddenly turned into chaos, and nothing existed anymore. Then he pointed out, and a meteorite weighing hundreds of millions of tons immediately exploded, turned into powder, and dissipated. In the starry sky.

Achieving the status of a True Immortal with the physical body is so violent and direct. Every move and gesture is accompanied by endless mighty power that can destroy everything. However, this is just the most ordinary attack, and it has not yet activated the power of law that comes with the Glazed Holy Body. .

Then, Xu Zifan's whole body flashed with five-color fairy light. Sometimes he turned into a true fairy of flames. He carried the supreme fire law in his attacks, burning up the starry sky. Sometimes he turned into a vast giant. Every move he made contained the vastness of earth. The power can suppress all enemies, sometimes it turns into a true fairy in the water, evolves into blue sea waves, sweeps across the starry sky, sometimes it turns into a wisp of green wind, seemingly invisible and traceless, but with an extremely terrifying The dangerous aura sometimes turns into various golden weapons, sweeping across the starry sky and the universe, killing unparalleled enemies.

And this is only the most basic change. The five elements are mutually reinforcing and inhibiting each other. They combine with each other, and there are endless changes and methods.

What shocked Xu Zifan the most was that the five elements merged into one to form a five-color fairy light. Whether it was used against the enemy or for defense, it was extremely terrifying. Compared with the great magical power he had realized when he broke through the golden wall. The five-color divine light is even stronger.

And this is also the new magical power he gained when he broke through to the true form of Liuli. It can be said to be an enhanced version of the five-color divine light. It is no longer limited to the five elements. It can refresh all things in the world and break all laws in the world. At the same time, it can also Can protect against all attacks in the world.

Xu Zifan experimented in the starry sky for more than ten days before he became fully familiar with the surge of power in his body.

Next, he triggered the thunder calamity to come to the world, and the entire starry sky suddenly flashed with lightning and rumbled.

This is the catastrophe of immortality, which is naturally extremely terrifying. Each thunderbolt contains a special law of destruction, which can destroy the heaven and earth, and can also kill a true immortal.

Faced with this kind of thunder tribulation, Xu Zifan's body was surrounded by five-color fairy light. He stood in the starry sky with his hands behind his back. Thunder struck from the sky, but it was unable to break through the five-color fairy light that protected his body. From this, it can be seen that this new realization he had How extraordinary this magical power is.

The Immortal Tribulation lasted for ten days before finally ending.

At this time, after going through the test of heaven, earth and the universe, Xu Zifan has truly reached the realm of true immortality. The immortality in his body has become more intense, and he can stay in it for a long time from now on.

Congratulations, congratulations, it turns out to be Xu Xiaoyou!

Just after Xu Zifan passed the tribulation, a voice came from the starry sky.

Immediately afterwards, a tall Taoist messenger came across the starry sky with black and white yin and yang energy.

Master Zhang, long time no see. How are you?

Xu Zifan smiled and greeted everyone who came.

The person who came was none other than Zhang Sanfeng, who entered Taoism through martial arts and was known as the real martial artist.

The two of them had fought side by side against the True Immortal Killer from another world before, and they were considered comrades in arms. They were very happy to meet now.

The old Taoist sensed from a distance that there was a catastrophe of becoming an immortal here. When he came over to take a look, he didn't expect that it was you, little friend. I'm really happy and congratulated!

Zhang Sanfeng smiled and spoke.

Next, Xu Zifan and Zhang Sanfeng exchanged a few words, and then the two of them sat cross-legged in the starry sky and began to discuss Tao.

The catastrophe of the world is imminent, and everyone is trying to find ways to quickly improve their strength, and the two of them are no exception.

Moreover, the two of them are both true immortals and have an irreversible relationship. They can confirm each other's knowledge without reservation.

The two discussed it, and it took them half a year to finish.

Zhang Sanfeng gave Xu Zifan a great inspiration with martial arts, and his Yin-Yang Tai Chi Dao is mysterious and profound, and is on the same level as his Five Elements Dao of body refining.

Therefore, in this half year, both parties gained a lot. After the two of them had a drink, Zhang Sanfeng laughed and left.

Xu Zifan, on the other hand, continued to sit cross-legged deep in the starry sky alone.

The Glazed Holy Body was not his ultimate goal, he wanted to see if he could go one step further.

At this time, all his flesh, flesh and bones were transformed into the five colors of colored glaze, which can be regarded as the completion of the true form of colored glaze.

After reaching this stage, although the forbidden power sealed in his immortal golden elixir and soul was about to explode, it did not explode, so he had the idea to take body refining to a higher level to further improve his strength.

The completion of the Liuli True Body can be regarded as the completion of the first stage of the Immortal Body of the Hun Tian Body.

At this stage, there is immortal aura flowing in his body, and he has the characteristics of immortality. Time and time cannot leave traces on his body. His body is immortal and will never be destroyed.

The next stage of the immortal body is the destroyed body.

At this moment, Xu Zifan sat cross-legged in the starry sky with his eyes slightly closed, looking through the memories of the Hun Tian Body Refining Technique in his mind.

The heaven and the earth come and go, but my body is infinite. Eternal years have passed away, but my body is still there!

This is the first sentence in the chapter on the Huntian Body Refining Technique. It explains the extraordinary nature of this body refining technique. Every time I recall it, it makes people feel excited. I look forward to one day in the future, I can also achieve such incredible things. realm.

Xu Zifan read through the chapter on the Immortal Body from the beginning again without missing anything.

Next is the body of destruction. In the past, because his level of body refining was too low, he could not see the chapters after the body of destruction clearly and vaguely.

At this time, his immortal body was completed, and the memory of the destroyed body finally became clear. However, the last chapter of the Hunyang Body was still blurry and could not reach the corresponding state. Even the memory in his own mind could not be touched, and this It also proves once again that this body refining technique is extraordinary. If it were not for its own curse and inexplicable evil nature, it would definitely be one of the most perfect body refining techniques in the world.

The true body of Liuli, a small immortal body, destroyed and reborn, reaching the pinnacle.

This is the opening sentence of the chapter on the body of destruction, and its meaning is shocking.

Xu Zifan himself has a deep understanding of the power and terror of Liuli's true body, but this opening sentence says that Liuli's true body is only a small achievement of the immortal body, and only after destruction and rebirth can it be considered the pinnacle.

The destruction and rebirth among them naturally refers to the body of destruction.

With just a small improvement in the Immortal Body, Xu Zifan has the confidence to face all the powerful people in the Immortal Realm. It is hard to imagine how powerful the Destruction Body will be when it reaches its peak?

Is it the Immortal Realm or the Dao Ancestor Realm above the True Immortal?

Xu Zifan was a little thirsty and full of expectations. If he could practice the destruction body, then he might not be afraid of any big enemy. Even if the disaster of the heavens came, he would turn it into his own in all the heavens and worlds. Disaster.

With full anticipation and excitement, Xu Zifan began to check the specific content of the chapter on the body of destruction.

Half a day later, Xu Zifan frowned slightly. There was no specific training method for destroying the body. There were only countless explanations about the ultimate mystery of the physical body. Some of them he could understand, but some felt vague and unclear.

He can only grasp one general direction, which is to be reborn in destruction, so that he can thoroughly refine his immortal body, understand the true meaning of neither destruction nor establishment, and thus reach the pinnacle of perfection.

After reading the entire chapter of The Immortal Body, Xu Zifan was a little confused and didn't know how to start. Only the general outline of the body training chapter was engraved in his heart.

The five colors of glass enter the immortal gate, and you are destroyed and reborn and reach the top;

The immortal road is long and immortal, and the end of immortality is return to true nature.

What is true return? Return to nature? Can you be reborn in destruction and return to your true nature?

Xu Zifan had no idea how to start practicing.

Do you have to let yourself die before you can be reborn? Xu Zifan couldn't take this risk.

If you have misunderstood it, or your understanding is somewhat one-sided, then it is really annihilation, and it becomes a joke.

Xu Zifan thought hard and sat in the starry sky for three months without making much progress.

This is the biggest bottleneck he has encountered since his practice.

On this day, he stood up and prepared to leave here and return to the Nine Provinces Continent.

Sitting there all the time is not the answer. It is common for those who have reached his level to encounter bottlenecks and be in seclusion for tens of thousands of years without a breakthrough.

The catastrophe of the heavens is imminent, so naturally he can't stay here all the time. He has to make other preparations, or find ways to improve his strength in other aspects.

As for the cultivation of the body of destruction, he will not give up. When he has time, he will think about the key points and leave the rest to fate.

It would be best if he could break through before the catastrophe of the heavens came. Even if he couldn't break through, then he would accept his fate.

The main theme is two words, just let it happen!

At this moment, Xu Zifan's body was surrounded by five-color fairy light, and the five-color fairy road under his feet extended towards the Kyushu Continent. But suddenly, he stopped and looked back into the dark and cold depths of the universe.

There, at some point, a vague black shadow stood, exuding an extremely evil aura. Even across a starry sky, one could feel the coldness and terror in the aura.

Xu Zifan's eyes gradually became serious. He had not felt this person before.

When did such a terrifying and powerful man appear?


Suddenly, the sound of a knife resounded across the starry sky. The black shadow remained silent, but there was a black sickle in his hand pointed downwards.

The universe is cold and filled with endless murderous intent. Countless stars have dimmed. I don't know when the gloomy mist has flooded the starry sky and is coming here.

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