The first taboo in the world

Chapter 636 The Immortal Golden Body

The sunset is almost dusk, which is infinitely better after all.

A great sun shines brightly in the western sky, illuminating the earth.

At this moment, Xu Zifan sat quietly on the top of the mountain, with an extremely bright golden divine light emitting from his whole body. Like the ancient divine sun falling on the human world, the brilliant golden light was extremely bright and extremely dazzling.

At this moment, when viewed from a distance, the sun in the sky was dwarfed by Xu Zifan's, and no longer looked so dazzling.

The seventh level of the Golden Wall True Body is a very special node. This state is perfect. There are mysterious Tao runes in Xu Zifan's body that are generated from the endless blood. They are imprinted on the bones of the whole body, integrated into the blood of the whole body, and carved on the skin all over the body. On the body, the divinity of his entire body was greatly increased, exuding an extremely sacred Taoist charm from the inside to the outside.

Xu Zifan felt himself carefully, and felt that his entire body was filled with endless power at this time. It was countless times stronger than before. It could not even be described as transformation, it was completely a qualitative leap.

At this moment, he even had a feeling that the void of heaven and earth in front of him had become much more fragile, just like a piece of paper. He could tear it completely or fold it at will with just one stroke of his hand. , into the shape you want it to be.

At this time, it was very simple for him to break the void and penetrate the heaven and earth.

Of course, before practicing the Golden Wall True Body, he could also use the supreme Taoist method to tear apart space and travel through the void at will, but the feeling of being able to do this with his physical body alone is completely different from now.

Using the supreme Tao method to tear open the void is the effect of using the divine power of heaven and earth, giving people a feeling that the rules of the Tao are under control.

But now Jinbi's real body has reached this stage with the power of the physical body, and it gives people a different feeling. It is an invincible feeling that all the great powers of the heavens are gathered into one body.

In fact, this is also the essential difference between the Immortal Way and the Body Refining Path. The Immortal Way focuses on understanding the ethereal rules of the great avenue between heaven and earth. Once the Immortal Way is completed, it controls the great avenue of heaven and earth. Using the order of the great avenue between heaven and earth as its soldiers, it has mysterious magical powers and countless techniques. .

The body-refining process is about developing the physical universe and emphasizing the integration of all the mighty powers of the heavens into one body. The emphasis is on tempering one's own body and using one's own power to defeat all laws in the world.

Therefore, the immortal monks are as ethereal as immortals and mysterious, while the strong body refiners are soaring with fighting spirit and are invincible. The two are different. Although they live in the same world, what they see and feel are naturally different.

Xu Zifan settled himself and realized it carefully. It was not until seven days later that he became completely familiar with this terrifying power in his body, and then he resumed the practice of the Golden Wall True Body.

From the perfection of the seventh level of the Golden Wall True Body to the completion of the eighth level, more golden runes were produced in his body. Every inch of flesh and bone in his body was golden and contained endless divine will. However, this level of practice actually cost him a whole life. year time.

However, after reaching the eighth level of the Jinbi True Body, his physical strength was much stronger than at the seventh level. After reaching this level, he was close to the completion of the Jinbi True Body. At this time, his physical body was connected to the gods, and every move he made contained The supreme principle of heaven and earth, infinite power, just sitting there quietly, made the void around him blur, and the heaven and earth were about to burst apart, unable to bear his extremely terrifying body.

Xu Zifan has a feeling that if he enters the Kyushu world at this time and takes full action, he will not be afraid of the gods of all realms and can freely come and go anywhere in the world.

At this moment, he became a god in his physical body, becoming more powerful than ever before.

It is said that armed with a sharp weapon, murderous intention arises from the beginning. At this time, the vast power of Qi and blood in his body and the endless mysterious charm of the Tao that arise from the Qi and blood give him infinite fighting spirit. The power of his body makes his heart unexpectedly Gradually, I felt like I was invincible, and I wanted to leave the world, enter the world of Kyushu, search for the gods of all realms, fight against the gods and demons in the sky, and test the world.

However, Xu Zifan still held back after all. He could go further. It was not the time to leave seclusion yet. He understood that this feeling was due to the natural invincibility of his body that was too powerful.

In fact, this is also the main reason why body-refining monks are generally more militant than qi-refining monks. Not only do they temper their bodies in battle, but their bodies are also strong and full of vitality, so their fighting blood will naturally boil, and an invincible spirit will be derived from their hearts. The heart of a warrior.

Xu Zifan once again meditated to comprehend the mystery of the physical body. After a few days, he began to absorb the infinite life energy to push the golden wall true body to perfection.

Time flies. From the eighth level of Jinbi True Body to the ninth level of Jinbi True Body, that is, to the completion of Jinbi True Body, it actually took him five years. Compared with starting from absorbing the five elements of heaven and earth to the eighth level of Jinbi True Body. The time it takes to regain Consummation will be even longer.

Of course, during this long period of time, he gained huge amounts.

The completion of the Golden Wall True Body represents the opening up of another important node in the Huntian Body Refining Technique.

At this time, Xu Zifan's body became much stronger again. As the golden divine light circulated, he exuded an immortal aura. In his body, the bones all over his body turned into immortal golden bones, and his blood completely turned golden, becoming With the blood of gold worthy of the name, his body is still called the Immortal Golden Body.

The first great realm of the Huntian Body is the Immortal Body. At this time, the Jinbi True Body has been completed, and it already contains a trace of the true meaning of immortality.

A trace of immortality is born in the body. The body of flesh and blood is comparable to all kinds of gods, gold and immortal iron. The resilience is even more amazing. It is almost immortal. Even if the body is exploded, it can be reborn instantly.

And his vitality has greatly increased. After reaching this state, Xu Zifan has a feeling that even if he lives for another three thousand years, it will not be a problem.

In addition, after reaching this state, the physical body is immortal. Even if the lifespan comes to an end in the future, the body can last forever and be immortal.

Xu Zifan stood up, his golden blood shaking the heaven and earth. The aura he naturally revealed caused the void in the surrounding heaven and earth to burst instantly, unable to heal, and turned into a huge black hole.

At this moment, Xu Zifan was surrounded by golden light. Just standing there quietly, he was emitting an aura that shook the heaven and earth, frightening all spirits and shaking the world.

At this time, he had reached the peak state of his life. His golden body was immortal, and black lightning struck out from the black hole in the void behind him. However, he could not get close to his body before being obliterated by the endless golden divine light.

Xu Zifan felt himself, from the inside out, giving him a feeling of great perfection. The Hunyuan was unified, the golden body was immortal, the true body was immortal, and all laws were inviolable. Even in the face of the rules of the order of the three thousand avenues, he could still No leaves touch the body, and one can easily move in it.

At this time, Xu Zifan's whole body was covered with golden light, as bright as the divine sun, even more dazzling than the gods.

Within a radius of thousands of miles of the forbidden land of the gods, all living beings, regardless of their level of cultivation, even Xiaobai, Yun Yilan and Yiyi Xian, who had reached the realm of gods, suddenly felt something in their hearts, throbbing, and looked towards the mysterious forbidden land. They couldn't help but have a very special feeling, as if a true immortal was coming there, their souls were almost out of control, and they wanted to kneel down and surrender.

Everyone was very shocked. They understood that the gods in the forbidden land had made another breakthrough and reached an incredible realm.

It's just that this special throbbing feeling came and went quickly, dissipating in the world like a breeze.

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