The first taboo in the world

Chapter 634 The True Body of the Golden Wall

Chapter 636 The True Body of the Golden Wall

Half a year passed by in a hurry, and Xu Zifan lamented that time passed too fast. As his cultivation level improved, a long time in the outside world might pass after a retreat.

Thinking of the calamity of Kyushu Heaven and Earth, this made him feel even more urgent.

However, before he formally retreated and broke through the golden wall, he still went out to take a look.

In the Swordsman Zhuxian Realm, practitioners from the two continents have begun to come into contact and compete with each other. However, because the leaders of the two continents, the Divine Forbidden Land and the Huashan Sect, have acted according to Xu Zifan's instructions, nothing bad has happened. Everything is developing in a direction beneficial to both parties.

It is not necessarily good for one party to be dominant. It is easy to slack off over time. Competition is a good thing. Competition can promote progress. Therefore, the cultivation worlds of the two continents are full of vitality at this time, and everything is booming.

In response, Xu Zifan nodded and felt relieved, and then he went to the Jiuzhou World.

The gods from the heavens have descended, and countless masters from other worlds have come to the world of Kyushu. What he is most worried about is actually here.

Compared with the gods from other worlds, although there are masters among the creatures from Kyushu, their overall strength is still too weak, and they are completely at a disadvantage compared to the creatures from other worlds.

Sure enough, the situation of the creatures in Kyushu at this time has declined again, and they are completely compressed within the area designated by the Nine Heavens. There is no way to go out and find opportunities.

At this time, the gods from the other world came, and any soldier was a master in the realm of gods. They completely crushed the creatures of the Nine Provinces. The gods of the other world were all aloof and did not take the creatures of the Nine Provinces into consideration at all. If it hadn't been for the decree from the Nine Heavens, the Nine Provinces would have been destroyed. There is no way for the creatures to have a place to live, and they will all be killed.

Xu Zifan found Feng Qingyang and sent some people to the Xiaoao Zhuxian world again. At the same time, he suggested that Feng Qingyang gather the old Qinling troops and prepare to send them all to that world.

The concentration of spiritual energy in the Xiaoao Zhuxian world is now the same as that in the Jiuzhou world. In terms of safety, it is much better than here in the Jiuzhou world. It is meaningless to continue to stay in the Jiuzhou world to experience, so Xu Zifan is planning to move all the old Qinling troops there. At this time, If you practice in the Xiaoao Zhuxian world, you can definitely break through to a higher realm without worrying about being blocked on the road.

Whether it is to cope with the future catastrophe of the world in Kyushu, or Xu Zifan's doubts about the motives of God's nine heavens to protect the creatures of Kyushu, this step is now the time to start preparing.

On that day, Xiaoyin, Qu Feiyan, Liu Qing and others followed Xu Zifan's call and returned to Swordsman Continent again.

Feng Qingyang and some people stayed behind to continue to gather the old team, waiting for Xu Zifan to come here next time to bring them to the world of Swordsman Zhu Xian.

After doing all this, Xu Zifan once again looked at the vast land of Kyushu. Seeing that the creatures of Kyushu were completely compressed in a corner on the earth, a cold light flashed in the depths of his eyes, and then he disappeared here without saying anything. In heaven and earth.

In the Swordsman Zhuxian Realm, in the forbidden land of the gods, Xu Zifan began to retreat again.

The energy of the five elements of the body has been completed, and now it is time to break through to the golden wall true body.

As a storage bag was opened, infinite practice resources containing the energy of life appeared in front of Xu Zifan.

Looking at these great cultivation medicines, he no longer hesitated, and started to run the body-refining technique. The silver flames around his body burned, covering all these cultivation resources, and then the endless life energy was gradually absorbed into his body.

In just one day, the energy and blood in his body surged, and the silver light emanating from all over his body transformed into a golden divine light.

At this time, his whole body was shining with golden light, like a golden saint, exuding a majestic and terrifying aura. Just sitting there in the cross-legged position gave people a strong sense of oppression.

The golden wall is complete!

Xu Zifan opened his eyes and looked at the golden light shining on his skin. At the same time, he felt the endless terrifying power contained in his body. He had a clear feeling that his body had undergone a terrifying transformation again and was much stronger than before.

Xu Zifan raised his hand, and his golden palm gently brushed the void in front of him. The void was blurred at first, and then cracked open. Black lightning flashed in the cracks in the void, exuding a terrifying aura of destruction.

With another flick of his backhand, the cracks in the void slowly closed, and all the visions and breaths disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

Xu Zifan nodded. At this time, he could shatter the sky and penetrate the endless void with just the power of his physical body.

Jin Bi's true form did not disappoint him!

The realm of gods represents the power of being able to penetrate the void. Obviously, at this time, Xu Zifan's golden wall body has just begun to form, which means that he has reached the realm of gods with only the strength of body training.

At the same time, he suddenly felt something and quickly looked inside his body. He saw a mysterious golden rune bred from the endless golden energy and blood essence in his body, rushing straight into his Purple Mansion Sea of ​​Consciousness.

The next moment, endless Taoism poured into his soul. There was a vague Taoist chanting sutras, and the sound of Buddha's Zen chanting sounded in the depths of his mind. He was confused, in a trance, and confused, and he didn't know what was going on. After a while, Xu Zifan felt that he had grasped a secret of heaven and earth in his instinct, and then gradually woke up.

At this moment, he smiled and understood what had just happened.

The next moment, a bright light surged between his brows, and a little man about an inch tall, covered in golden light, slowly emerged. This was his soul.

At this time, his soul was actually wearing a golden robe. There were extremely mysterious golden lines on the robe, with endless Taoist rhyme flowing, which was mysterious and extraordinary, giving people an unfathomable and mysterious feeling.

Great supernatural power - divine clothing!

Every time you break through a key node in the Huntian Body Refining Technique, you will realize a magical power as you practice it.

When he broke through the Silver Wall's true form, he understood the divine power of the sacred heart, known as the source of immortality, and possessed endless magical power.

Today, he broke through to the real body of Jinbi and realized the great supernatural power and divine clothing.

This kind of magical power mainly acts on the soul, like putting an immortal robe on the soul, maintaining the immortality of the soul and defending against all attacks against the soul.

This is a very practical magical power. Although it does not have the ability to actively attack, the soul is the foundation of a person. It can protect the soul and block attacks from external spirits. It can be said to be a very good magical power. Xu Zifan is very satisfied.

After he broke through to the real body of the Golden Wall, his physical strength greatly increased, and his soul became relatively weak. At this time, he mastered the great supernatural power and divine clothing to protect the immortal soul, which can be said to have made up for his weak point, which came just in time.

In the future, even if he encounters some weird magic that specifically attacks the soul, he will not be helpless. Instead, he can use this magical power to turn passive into active, catching the opponent off guard.

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