The first taboo in the world

Chapter 590 Tu Bai Gu Ridge

Chapter 592 Tu Bai Gu Ridge

A total of nine thunderbolts descended into the world during the divine thunder tribulation, each one more terrifying than the last. If you can survive it, you will take one step further. If you cannot survive it, your body will die and your path will disappear.

Xu Zifan practiced the Immortal Sutra of Gods and Demons, which can directly reach the realm of immortals and gods. He also had black iron clothes and body protection in the Xuanming realm, as well as the great silver heart power known as the source of power. Naturally, he could get through it safely.

Moreover, when the ninth most terrifying thunder tribulation came, he directly released his three divine weapons and used the power of the thunder tribulation to refine the divine weapons, making the divine laws contained in the three divine weapons more perfect. The power has naturally increased to a higher level.

After surviving the thunder tribulation, he only suffered some skin injuries. As a layer of silver light flashed on his body, these skin wounds were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. After just a moment, all the wounds were healed.

As Xu Zifan's body shook, a layer of black burnt shell fell off the surface of his body, revealing the shining divine body inside.

During this time of overcoming the tribulation, Xu Zifan also discovered that it was not a bad thing for the tribulation thunder to enter his body. Although it injured some parts of his body, it also brought him the complete rules of this world.

Because he broke through to the realm of gods in the Zhuxian world, the laws of the gods were somewhat incomplete. However, after surviving this thunder tribulation, he actually made up for the incomplete laws of the gods. At this time, he couldn't help but feel a sense of completion. His strength has also improved a step further, and it will also make it much easier for him to break through to new realms in the future.

At this time, Xu Zifan survived the thunder tribulation of the gods and sat cross-legged on a huge rock on the top of the mountain. While stabilizing his state, he was also comprehending the changes in the world and the principles of heaven and earth.

After breaking through to the realm of gods, he could see the avenues of heaven and earth more clearly. At this time, he could feel that the rules of the avenues in Zhuxian world, Xiaoao Jianghu world and Jiuzhou world were still somewhat different.

Among them, the rules of the Swordsman World are the most incomplete. It is impossible to break through to the realm of gods in it. The second is the Zhuxian World. This world is still illusory. The rules of the avenue are somewhat complicated. There is a trace of illusion. True, obscure and mysterious.

The world of Jiuzhou has the most comprehensive rules of the Dao. After he completed the rules of the gods here, he actually felt a sense of completion.

Through the rules of the three great worlds, Xu Zifan's understanding of the Tao became deeper, and his aura became more obscure and deep, like an abyss and a sea, and he unknowingly broke through to the second level of the divine realm.

Seven days later, Xu Zifan finally stopped enlightening and stood up from the boulder.

The fierce mountain wind made his black clothes rustle. Looking at the vast world in front of him and feeling the vast divine power flowing around him, the long-simmering breath in Xu Zifan's chest finally disappeared.

At this time, he has broken through to the realm of gods, and has the inheritance of various immortals and gods. There are few places in this world that he cannot go to, and he does not need to worry too much about his daily actions.

The aliens coming from another world are so powerful that they make the creatures of Kyushu lose their confidence. It’s time to break this evil barrier.

Thinking of this, Xu Zifan walked towards the distance with a cold smile.

Bone Ridge!

It is the base of the zombie demon world in Kyushu.

Among them, there is the Bone Clan led by the White Bone Demon Lord, who is the most bloodthirsty monster. He practices by absorbing the essence of the bones of the living beings. It can be said that he is evil to the extreme.

Since their arrival in Kyushu, their hands have been full of blood. It is unimaginable how many people they have killed, and the crimes they have committed are too numerous to describe.

Legend has it that under the White Bone Ridge, there are numerous bones, and the number of creatures from Kyushu who died here is in the millions.

Within the White Bone Ridge, a group of otherworldly beings led by the White Bone Demon Lord still imprison countless earthly beings for them to break bones, absorb marrow, eat and practice.

On this day, there was a gloomy atmosphere, and a black figure appeared outside the gloomy White Bone Ridge. It was Xu Zifan.

He had chosen to fight here for the first time since his return, and he was bound to conquer this devil's cave today.

A blood-colored long sword with shocking murderous intent appeared in Xu Zifan's hand. The next moment, he turned into a bloody demonic shadow and killed directly towards White Bone Ridge.

For a moment, the city defense formation on the White Bone Ridge shone brightly, but soon it shattered with a crack. Immediately afterwards, countless screams rang out in the White Bone Ridge, and skeleton-like alien creatures were roaring. It was chopped into pieces by Xu Zifan's sword light.

The White Bone Demon Lord reacted quickly and came out of the retreat. However, before he could see Xu Zifan's face clearly, he was killed by a sword. He had not broken through to the realm of gods and could not resist it at all. He was not an enemy of one. .

At this moment, Xu Zifan transformed into the black god of death, his figure was like a black smoke, killing ten people with one step. No living thing could stop him. In just a quarter of an hour, all the alien creatures in the entire Bone City were wiped out, leaving no one alive.

Then he searched for loot as quickly as possible, and like a strong wind sweeping through, all valuable things in the entire White Bone Ridge, whether dead or alive, were all taken away by him to Swordsman Jianghu World.

In the process, he also discovered many Kyushu creatures imprisoned in several dungeons, including humans, monsters, and sea people.

Xu Zifan did not leave any one behind, he transferred them all to the world of Swordsman.

For the same reason, this place is far away from the habitat of Jiuzhou creatures. If they are ignored, they will be captured by other alien creatures.

After doing all this, Xu Zifan's body disintegrated, turned into an orange divine light, and disappeared here.

Outside the White Bone Ridge, not far away, God's messenger saw everything that happened in the White Bone Ridge.

At this time, he watched Xu Zifan leave, and then looked at the mess in the White Bone Ridge. Nothing was left, as if he had been swept away by the most greedy bandits. He couldn't help but grin. He couldn't imagine that there was such a thing in the world. Brutal people.

Next, Xu Zifan did not stop and went straight to another city of aliens who were about three thousand miles away from here.

Blue Devil Palace!

Located on an island in the middle of an unknown large lake, it is the base established by the Blue Demon Clan in Kyushu from the Jialan Demon Realm.

The Blue Demons are all over two meters tall and have a human-like body shape, but their skin is grey-blue, and the males have thick fangs and a blue horn on their heads, while the females have much normal faces, except for their skin. It has a blue appearance and is no different from humans.

However, whether they are men or women, they are extremely ferocious. Since arriving in the world of Kyushu, they have slaughtered countless creatures of Kyushu, and they are among the descendants with the greatest malicious intent towards the creatures of Kyushu.

At this moment, Xu Zifan quickly found this place through the locations of various races displayed on the Wanjie Communicator.

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