The first taboo in the world

Chapter 565 Snow God

Zixiao Daojun, the genius of the world, was defeated like this, which shocked everyone watching the battle in the Communicator of All Realms.

They knew that Xu Zifan was very strong, much stronger than ordinary descendants, but they did not expect that Xu Zifan would be so strong. Against Zixiao Daojun, they were just crushing him. It was like an adult beating a child. Snow God didn't even have time to take action. Zixiao Daojun was defeated miserably and was completely defeated.

Many people who had previously said that the Snow God and Zixiao Daojun would be able to kill this Jiuzhou human race demon after holding back Xu Zifan until the reinforcements arrived. At this time, they were all speechless. They did not expect that this Jiuzhou human race would be so capable. powerful.

Some people have a vague idea in their minds that this devil may be invincible to the gods.

In the field, Xu Zifan was killing decisively, his whole body was shining with silver light, like a god. At this time, he turned into a silver thunder and killed towards the Snow God.

In fact, Xu Zifan had just made a move against Zixiao Daojun, and Snow God had already taken action, but he could not keep up with Xu Zifan's speed and was always behind. At this time, Zixiao Daojun was defeated so fast that Snow God couldn't help but His face was startled, he never expected Xu Zifan to be so strong. .

Xu Zifan turned around and met the Snow God behind him, killing him.

At this time, the Snow God was covered in white mist and surrounded by ice and snow. He seemed to be the master of the wind and snow, with a sacred aura permeating the air.

A cold wind swept countless snowflakes and headed towards Xu Zifan overwhelmingly.

In just an instant, Xu Zifan's figure was submerged by the snow and wind.

All that was because I lacked effective means of fighting the enemy at the time, so when I encountered an opponent with sophisticated skills, I had no choice but to passively accept attacks.

Moreover, that kind of cold wind was very hot. In that kind of cold wind, Xu Zifan actually felt that his body was not even hot, just like standing in the ice and snow in the cold winter, wearing only a thin piece of clothing.

In an abnormal situation, if that happens, the person is dead, so there is no breath, and the natural induction is there. The person's realm is far beyond yours, blocking your perception, or that person I have a special skill or treasure, and I deliberately hide my aura to let others discover me.

My Yinbi True Body is small, capable of being penetrated by swords and guns, invaded by water and fire. Logically speaking, even if I stand in the polar ice and snow, I will feel a bit of heat, but I feel it at this moment. From this, it can be seen that the cold wind is very complex.

At this moment, on the first day of the fight, Xu Zifan felt that Zixiao was extremely complex, much weaker than the Demon Lord Yiyan and the Snow God Dao Lord just now. Although he had not yet reached the realm of gods, he was definitely slower. .

Unexpectedly, if another extraordinary weak person faced that cold wind, he would definitely be frozen into an ice sculpture in an instant, and then his body would be blown away by the cold wind and turn into ice shavings all over the sky.

That situation is very strange. It is obviously very close and within the range of your spell, but it can still be sensed.

The wind and snow roared all over the sky, and the sky and the earth were completely white. The scene was very spectacular, and it was also deadly.

However, at this time, I am completely the same. In addition to the man in green, I have completed my transformation and made up for my lack of skills.

At this time, of course I can compete with the enemy behind me, and I have to fight quickly. If it is too late, nothing will happen.

At this moment, the cold wind howled and snowflakes were flying around Xu Zifan.

Zi Xiao, who is running mana nearby and controlling the power of the wind and snow in the sky, has no trace of doubt in his expression. You can see Xu Zifan, but you can sense my breath.

Therefore, Zi Xiao’s face is full of doubts at this moment, but you are also very vigilant. The city is very deep. In order to prevent unknown situations from happening, during the operation of the magic, a snow-white ball as big as a baby’s fist spits out from your mouth. , floating in the void behind you.

When time resumed flowing again and everything in the world was still, Xu Zifan's figure had not yet appeared in front of Wen Yun. The purple sword in his hand was shining with electric light, and the sword was hesitant and steady, showing that it was extraordinary.

That is the Ice Purple Cloud Bead, which has endless magical uses and can be used both offensively and defensively. As long as the situation does not change, you can immediately judge whether to leave or stay, whether to attack or defend based on the situation.

A sword light, brilliant to the extreme, shines on the world and the earth, like a rainbow in the sky, breaking through the wind and snow in the sky, breaking through the void of heaven and earth, and rushes through.

At this moment, the expression on Zi Xiao's rough face was very simple, not frightened, not surprised, not puzzled.

At the same time, the terrifying aura around Xu Zifan was also converging, weakening, and slowly disappearing completely, as if it existed or blended into the entire world.

Just when Wen Yun spit out the Ice Purple Cloud Bead, a small change occurred in the rear.

At this moment, Xu Zifan's aura and the long sword in his hand merged into one, but the sword light that was still breathing under the purple long sword did not surge, but slowly converged, and even the light under the sword body dimmed. No matter how sacred it is, it becomes like a special long sword asking for names.

Wen Yunhong walked against the wind, only to feel a very terrifying force impeding my progress. My figure had to move faster, without the terrifying speed just now.

At the last moment, Xu Zifan picked up the purple divine sword in his hand, and the tip of the sword suddenly pointed directly at Wen Yun who was nearby. Suddenly, nothing seemed to have changed between heaven and earth. The wind and snow in the sky paused, and the entire space froze.

In addition, the snowflakes all over the sky are also very important. Each snowflake looks crystal clear and very ugly, but it is like a cold-hot blade, making a clanging sound when it cuts across Xu Zifan's body.

However, the situation behind the scenes is consistent and makes sense.

But that feeling lasted only for a moment, and the cold wind was still howling, and the ice and snow were still sweeping, as if everything that had just happened was just an illusion.

A cold wind was coming, and the force of that biting cold wind was extremely small. If it were under the ground, even a larger mountain would definitely be blown away by the wind.

I'm sure it will still be a year later. Unless I use the Four Wilds Fire Dragon to kill it quickly, I can only fight with the opponent to consume it. Only when the opponent's mana is exhausted can I kill it.

The aura around Xu Zifan exploded instantly, and the purple sword in his hand seemed to come to life, instantly emitting a dazzling purple light.

At that moment, the void seemed to have solidified again, and time seemed to be passing by again. Everything in the world was still. Just for a moment, or in a split second, the purple sword light penetrated the void of heaven and earth and stabbed towards Zixiao.

At the last moment, Xu Zifan's swords flew out together, breaking through the wind and snow in the sky, breaking through the universe of heaven and earth, breaking through all things in the void, and became the only one between heaven and earth.

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