The first taboo in the world

Chapter 544 The terrible taboo

Chapter 546 The terrible taboo

Suddenly, a chill arose from the depths of his soul, giving Xu Zifan a creepy feeling.

The blazing fire not only burned within his body, but also burned his soul at the same time, making his soul purer. The entire soul shone brightly with golden light in the fire, and the sacred aura filled the air. Everything was developing in the right direction.

However, at this moment, in the depths of his soul, a bit of blood-red color suddenly appeared in a golden light.

It was this blood-red color that made Xu Zifan involuntarily feel a creepy feeling, as if a mortal was feeling cold when facing a ghost.

This blood-red color appeared between the eyebrows of the divine golden figure, carrying an extremely gloomy and terrifying aura. The moment it appeared, Xu Zifan felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and his whole body instantly became cold, and his skin He tensed up involuntarily.

Immediately afterwards, visible to the naked eye, a strand of blood-red hair, more than an inch long, grew from the inside out on the skin between his forehead and eyebrows. And this was not the end, or even just the beginning. The blood-red hair started from the center of his eyebrows and quickly moved around. spread.

Soon, Xu Zifan's entire face was covered with long blood-red hair. At this moment, Xu Zifan seemed to have turned into a ghost from the underworld. His whole person did not look human at all. He was simply a terrifying and evil ghost with an extremely ghastly aura. Radiating from him.

In the empty antique attic, a gust of wind blew up for no reason, and it was bitingly cold. If you look carefully, you can see that there are a few strands of blood-red hair mixed in the wind.

The moment this situation occurred, the female master in green suddenly stood up from the futon, looking at Xu Zifan with a pair of eyes, showing an unprecedented look of shock and solemnity.

Obviously, even she could not have imagined that a cup of fairy brew could lead to such a terrifying and strange incident.

At this moment, Xu Zifan only felt cold all over his body, and even his limbs were a little stiff. For a moment, he felt as if he had turned into a corpse that had long since died.

However, Xu Zifan soon woke up. He was horrified and snorted coldly at the same time. The magic power around his body surged, and the power of immeasurable energy and blood surged. A layer of divine fire covered his whole body, and the long blood-red hair on his face was quickly covered by Burned out.

However, this was useless. After the long blood-red hair on his face was burned away by the divine fire, it immediately grew back and spread towards his neck.

At the same moment, the blood red spot in the center of his soul's eyebrows became more and more intense. It was very red, with an ominous aura. At first glance, it seemed as if his soul was bleeding, but in fact, where was the soul of a person? There will be bleeding, and this scene looks extremely weird.

The blazing fire in Xu Zifan's body was still burning, but now he seemed to be conscious. All the flames surged towards the Purple Mansion Sea of ​​​​Consciousness, burning Xu Zifan's soul, and was about to drive away the strange blood in the eyebrows of the soul.


With the divine fire burning his body, Xu Zifan once again burned away the long blood-red hair that had grown on his face, but this was of no use at all. It only treated the symptoms but not the root cause. Soon the long blood-red hair grew out again, and his body once again Cold and stiff.

Even at this moment, Xu Zifan felt that his whole body was about to freeze. Wisps of extremely gloomy and terrifying cold air, as if coming from the netherworld, with a strange and ominous aura, kept rising from his soul, and then affected the entire world. Flesh!

If this situation is allowed to develop and left alone, Xu Zifan can be sure that he will soon turn into a cold and stiff corpse, and his soul will be destroyed.

However, in the process, Xu Zifan also figured out where the blood-red color between his eyebrows came from.

He was all too familiar with that weird, eerie and ominous aura. It was the aura of the forbidden-level curse, the Blood Curse of Heaven and Earth Returning Together.

This taboo-level curse method has unpredictable power. It is extremely mysterious, terrifying, vicious, and perverted. It is an unbearable burden not only for the enemy, but also for oneself.

He had used this taboo-level curse technique twice before, once to kill the Howling Moon Wolf God, and once to cripple the Gray Moon Devil. Originally, he thought that he had paid the price of his life span, and that he had nothing to worry about. It was a turn of events, but he didn't expect that the counterattack power of this blood curse would be so difficult to deal with. Deep in his soul, the ominous aura of this blood curse still existed.

Today, he drank the peerless immortal brew given by the female priest in blue, burning away the old diseases and wounds all over his body. Unexpectedly, it triggered the ominous aura of the blood curse hidden in the deepest part of his soul to explode.

Xu Zifan had no solution to this situation. Forbidden-level spells were extremely terrifying and weird. Not to mention him, even a real god could not solve it.

Moreover, today's situation also allowed Xu Zifan to once again see clearly the horror and weirdness of the Blood Curse of Heaven and Earth Returning Together. In the past, he had thought a bit simplistically about forbidden spells.

In fact, in all the worlds, when it comes to the word taboo, there is no simple thing. It is all accompanied by incomprehensible weirdness and ominousness. Everyone is very careful about it, keeping it secret, and is very afraid.

For example, the Blood Curse of Heaven and Earth Returning Together was originally a taboo chapter of a branch of the ancient witch clan.

But now where the Curse Clan is, they can’t be found in all the worlds. Even the Ancient Witch Clan is gone and no longer exists. There are only a few words about them circulating in the world, and they are nowhere to be seen. It seems that In the course of time, the entire ancient witch clan was beheaded by inexplicable beings.

The word taboo is feared in all the worlds. There are rumors that those who practice taboo chapters will not have a good end. They will be accompanied by strange and ominous things in the end. The final end is even more terrifying than the death of their souls.

The ancient wizard clan's spells are already known for their weirdness and mystery. The taboo chapters of this race are even more terrifying. It can be said that it is the weirdest among the weird and the ominous among the ominous. There is no explanation at all, and the practitioners are absolutely Will eventually fall into the abyss of eternal destruction.

At that time, Xu Zifan was a person who practiced this forbidden chapter. Although he paid the price of reduced lifespan by using it twice, there was still an ominous and strange aura that invaded the deepest part of his soul without him knowing it.

At this moment, Xu Zifan's soul seemed to be dripping with blood between his eyebrows. A bit of blood red was alluring and strange. Originally, his soul was covered with bright golden light and filled with sacred aura. However, at this moment, there were traces of blood in the golden light, which made his soul... It looked like it was covered with a layer of blood-colored gauze, and at the same time, there was a hint of weirdness and ominousness in the permeating sacred aura.

At this moment, Xu Zifan's soul looked a little strange and gloomy, making people feel creepy at first glance, as if they were facing a ghost from hell.

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