The first taboo in the world

Chapter 489 Today’s World

Chapter 491 Today’s World

The most miserable era for the creatures on earth has passed, but the changes in the entire world have just begun.

In the following time, the universe changed, and eight vast continental worlds emerged in the starry sky. Each continental world was countless times wider than the entire earth. This phenomenon could not be explained by existing science at all. It had already exceeded all Cognition and understanding of life on earth.

After that, the thick fog on the earth receded, and the seven continental plates were connected together in one day. This triggered countless natural and man-made disasters, and various terrifying earthquakes and huge volcanic eruptions lasted for three days. More than a month.

However, the earth's creatures suffered very little losses in this drastic change of heaven and earth, because at this time, most of the earth's creatures who were still alive had cultivated their abilities.

It's just that this sudden change in the world has further broken the inherent understanding of the earth's creatures about the heaven, earth and universe. Human beings, in particular, have some deep doubts about the science that they were proud of in the past.

Perhaps, the development of scientific and technological civilization by human beings is just like what the alien beings said. It is because the civilization has gone astray, the spiritual energy has come, the cultivation civilization has opened, and individual transcendence is the goal, and then it can be considered as returning to the right path.

The unification of the seven continents can be regarded as the second stage of the changes in the world. After that, there will be even greater drastic changes, which completely shattered mankind's inherent understanding of the world.

In the fourth month after the seven continents were unified, that is, half a year after Xu Zifan left the earth, the entire world changed dramatically again.

In a way that is mysterious and mysterious and incomprehensible to ordinary people, it has changed from the previous appearance of a planet to a continent floating in the universe, and the total area of ​​this continent far exceeds the total area of ​​the entire earth in the past. This strange phenomenon makes All creatures on earth, especially humans, are numb. There are too many unexplainable things.

According to the alien beings, this is the true face of the earth. The earth that humans knew in the past was just an illusion. Supreme beings used special means to deliberately cover up the truth of the world and change the laws of the universe. A means to delay the development of earth civilization.

I would like to ask, the world that the creatures on earth recognize when they open their eyes is false, and the laws of heaven and earth have been deliberately changed. What is the role of the civilization developed based on this kind of recognition?

It is just a tragic futility, and the entire civilization has gone astray. As long as the world returns to its original state, the previous inherent civilization will immediately collapse, and the efforts made by generations of human beings for the progress of civilization will naturally be in vain. Nothing works anymore.

This statement makes all human beings despair. Could it be that the entire history of human civilization was just built on falsehoods?

So why does the black hand behind the scenes target the creatures of the earth so much and lead the earth's civilization astray? What is its ultimate purpose? What's the benefit to him?

Of course, this is just a statement made by creatures from another world. The specific truth or falsehood cannot be determined based on the current abilities of creatures on earth.

However, many people believe this statement, firstly because the facts are before their eyes, and secondly, the creatures from other worlds are not monolithic. They come from different worlds and rely on different inheritances. But in this matter, they The views are all consistent, which in itself explains a lot of problems.

Moreover, the creatures from other worlds are all superior. In their words, they don't even bother to deceive the creatures on earth. Whether you believe it or not, in their eyes you are just an ant, so what does it matter if you believe it or not?

In addition, when the earth's world was undergoing great changes, the sky was not peaceful either. The eight vast continents floating in the starry sky were actually connected together to form a vaster world. Later, this world was even more connected with The new world of Earth is connected to each other.

The connection point is the large black crack that suddenly appeared in the sky at the beginning of the earth's world change. Now it has become the place where the two continents are connected to each other.

All this seems mysterious and unpredictable, and at the same time it seems to be in line with some kind of laws of heaven and earth, as if it has been destined for a long time, or everything should be like this.

In this way, the nine continents merged into one, vast and vast, and the sky and the earth were thick, forming today's new world.

According to the alien beings, this world has been like this for countless years. It has a name among all the heavens and worlds:


Only later, as the tide of spiritual energy rose and fell, powerful clans from all over the world fought for hegemony here, Kyushu was destroyed, the world was destroyed, civilization was buried, and countless terrible catastrophes were experienced, among which eight states were turned into tribulations, and all life was extinct. Only the last state is left, and it starts from scratch, and civilization has only developed for a few thousand years.

And even in these thousands of years of civilization history, people have deliberately led them astray.

The aliens who descended from the other world were aloof and regarded the earth's creatures as trivial matter. Although they caused endless havoc on this land, some of them claimed that it was precisely because of their arrival that the masterminds behind the scenes were afraid and made Kyushu return to its throne. The world has returned to its original state, so the creatures of Kyushu should be grateful to them.

Not only do people who have come from other worlds often talk about this, labeling themselves as the saviors of this world, but even some of the creatures on earth are either brainless, or they just want to please people who have come from other worlds, or they have other motives. Purpose, too, echoed, indicating that this was indeed the case.

People's hearts are complicated, and there is no such thing as this. Even in such a terrifying apocalypse, there are all kinds of people.

Today's new world is called Kyushu. Although the creatures on earth are still accustomed to calling themselves the earth world, the name Kyushu has become the consensus of all the worlds. Nowadays, more and more people are gradually calling this place under their feet. The land is Kyushu.

Kyushu is vast and vast, countless times larger than the original earth. The sky is really high and the sea is vast, the sky is vast and boundless.

Even the sun, moon and stars are rotating around the Jiuzhou Continent, turning into an embellishment on the sky.

Such a world is shocking. When Xu Zifan learned this, he couldn't help but be shocked. It turns out that the world has become like this.

At the same time, Xu Zifan was also surprised in his heart. According to what he learned, the nine states were unified and turned into the majestic and vast land under his feet. So what happened to the vast world he saw through the Xuanming Mirror above the nine heavens? What's going on? Is it really the legendary heaven in the upper realm?

Regarding this matter, Xu Zifan talked with five people and found that they did not know that there was a vast world outside the sky that was ups and downs.

This made Xu Zifan feel even more solemn. Perhaps the changes in the world were still in progress, and there might be big changes in the future.

The heaven, earth and the universe are undergoing great changes. This is the change of the laws of heaven. No one can stop it. When Xu Zifan understood this, he felt extremely heavy in his heart. What else could he say? Not to mention him, even the legendary immortals and gods could not do it. Use the means to change all this.

In addition to the great changes in the heaven, earth and universe, the pattern of the human world has also undergone major changes.

The Ten Thousand Years Adventurs built cities as a place to stay in the world of Kyushu. They were not monolithic with each other, and they also had conflicts. Some races even had so much hatred between them that they would kill each other when they met.

Regarding the intelligent creatures on earth, most of the people who have descended from all realms have an attitude of indifference and complete disregard. A small number of them are hostile and will kill the creatures on earth at every turn, such as the creatures from the Demon Hell Realm entrenched in Ebony City, and the creatures from the Fire Cloud Demon Realm that a few people encountered just now. , falls into this category.

Of course, there are a small number of people who behave neutrally, and as long as they are neutral, they will look friendly to the creatures on earth. In their cities, creatures from the Kyushu world can also enter, exchange what they need, and treat them equally.

In addition, the original intelligent creatures on earth also have their own cities.

The human race has four cities in total, Shenzhou City, Holy City, Baqi City, and Xianwu City.

The demon clan has three cities, Tianyao City, Wanling City, and Corpse Ghost City.

The Hai Clan has six major cities, namely East Sea Dragon Palace, West Sea Dragon Palace, South Sea Dragon Palace, North Sea Dragon Palace, Jinguang Island, and Neptune City.

These thirteen cities are the last habitats of the earth's creatures on the land of Jiuzhou. Even those who have descended from all realms all recognize that these cities and the surrounding area of ​​100,000 miles belong to the earth's creatures.

Because this is the designated area when heaven sends down immortal decrees to protect the creatures on earth. Other creatures from other worlds are not allowed to enter without reason.

Moreover, these thirteen cities are relatively concentrated. Among them, the four cities of the human race and the three cities of the monster race are all on the east coast of China. The names of the six cities of the sea tribe sound like they occupy the four seas in the southeast, northwest and northwest. In fact, they are all located on the east coast of China. Within thousands of miles of the East China Sea coast.

As for the so-called Shenzhou, it was the original name of the seven continents of the earth after they were unified. It was also the only viable big state left after the collapse of Kyushu in ancient times.

It sounds like the area occupied by the earth's creatures now is relatively vast, but in fact this is not the case. Although it is said that the area within 100,000 miles of each city belongs to the earth's creatures, and those who descend from all realms also abide by the decree of the Immortal Dao, so designated, but The thirteen cities are too concentrated and have large overlapping areas, so in fact there is not much habitat for life on earth.

You know, now that the nine states are united into one, in addition to China, the other eight states are gradually glowing with vitality under the influence of spiritual energy.

Kyushu is so vast, but the creatures on earth only have a small part of the land above China. This is really unreasonable.

And although the creatures on earth have suffered countless casualties in several drastic changes, the combined population of the three races is several billion, and how many people can the thirteen cities accommodate?

However, there is no way. I am not as strong as others, so I can only bear it silently. Even if the entire China is the former homeland of the earth's creatures, I can only accept the arrangement, otherwise it will only lead to the extinction of the species.

Moreover, strictly speaking, the purpose of the Immortal Law is that it saves the creatures on earth. The creatures on earth will only be grateful to it, so how can they dare to be dissatisfied?

This is the situation in today's world. Strong aliens occupy hundreds of millions of miles of territory, while the last habitat of mankind is less than a million miles. It can be said to be extremely serious.

In addition, Xu Zifan also learned about the situation of the Qinling Mountains in the past and the current location of the Qinling Mountains through five people.

Qinling was a place he once focused on. After the changes in the world, he conquered many demon kings in Qinling, and moved many masters from the world of Swordsman to Qinling. Finally, he let his parents, relatives, and friends all settle there.

He hoped that in this era where they could practice cultivation, with his protection, they could go further and be safer.

However, an accident happened to him and he was trapped in Ebony City. It was only now that he returned, but what he faced was a huge change in the world, a change unprecedented in history.

According to what the five people said, Qinling suffered heavy losses when the powerful men from all realms arrived, and many people died. However, countless masters also appeared, killing thirteen batches of those who descended from the Black Mist Realm one after another, shocking the entire world.

Later, as more powerful men from the Black Mist Realm arrived, and the Qinling Mountains retreated, the Huaxia Kingdom took action, and the ultimate weapon was lowered, once again killing countless alien creatures.

Then, in the face of ruthless killings by powerful men from all realms, the four major civilization centers disappeared, the world was in chaos, and all life on earth entered the most miserable era. During that time, the powerful men of Qinling faced countless powerful men from other worlds to suppress them. Killing, again many people died, almost extinct.

It wasn't until the creatures in the forbidden land took action to intimidate the world, and God issued the Immortal Edict that the powerful people in Qinling managed to retain the last trace of their vitality. Later, they jointly established the Immortal Martial City with some survivors and became one of the strongest forces in the human race.

Xianwu City is located at the eastern foot of the original Qinling Mountains. Since the area of ​​100,000 miles is under the jurisdiction of Xianwu City, the entire Qinling Mountains still belongs to the human race.

As for where the Qinling Mountains are now, according to the five people, it is two hundred thousand miles away from here.

After the seven continents were unified and transformed into one continent, the entire continent expanded countless times. To the east of Ebony City and to the west of Qinling Mountains, many unfamiliar areas appeared, which were extremely vast and stretched for nearly twenty years. Thousands of miles, and this is the reason why Xu Zifan has not found the Qinling Mountains along the way.

And the five of them were Tibetan people who also passed through this place and went through all kinds of hardships, preparing to go to the human settlements.

In today's world, the creatures on earth can only be considered truly safe if they reach the shores of the East China Sea and belong to the territory of the creatures on earth. Otherwise, if they wander outside, they will sooner or later be hunted by creatures from other worlds.

Therefore, there are many more earth creatures like the five people. No matter how far away they are, they all head towards the territory belonging to the earth creatures, where hope lies.

This is the information Xu Zifan got from the five people. In addition, the five people also took out something like a network communicator, called the Communicator of All Realms. It is an item sold by the messenger of God to all intelligent creatures in the world. One, its function is similar to the network communicator before the earth world changed, but the difference is that its users are all intelligent creatures in the world of Kyushu.

The five people were in hiding and knew the situation in the world, and it was through this communicator of all realms that they learned this information.

As for who is the messenger of God?

The five people said that no one knew for sure. They only knew that all the powerful people in the world respected them and even kept it secret. They were very mysterious. Legend has it that they were the messengers of heaven. The immortal decree that once protected all creatures on earth was behind them. promulgated by its existence.

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