The first taboo in the world

Chapter 48 The green mountains are looming

The jet-black magic sword roared and slashed over with numerous ghost shadows. The ghosts howled in bursts, which was extremely terrifying. This was another magic sword of the tree demon.


The purple figure moved sideways, Xu Zifan's whole body was covered in purple mist, and his speed reached the extreme, pulling out a series of afterimages and avoiding them.

At this time, Xu Zifan was standing there, facing the tree demon, and the purple mist was billowing, covering his figure indistinctly.

The tree demon, however, did not hit Xu Zifan at this time and stopped attacking. On the dark green tree body, slender eyes were shining, strange and terrifying, staring at him.

At this time, Feitian King had been rescued, and all the viewers watching this live video breathed a sigh of relief.

No one will belittle or ridicule Feitian King's failure. On the contrary, many people realize that Feitian King is powerful and terrifying.

You must know that the army uses modern weapons that can destroy mountains and mountains. They are extremely powerful and can face most aliens without fear. However, after fighting this monster, they have suffered heavy losses.

But the Feitian King was able to fight against this monster and injure it, which was enough to show how terrifying it was, and he deserved to be the king among strangers.

At the same time, everyone is also very curious about the new alien master.

Who is this person? He is so powerful. He shattered the ghostly black magic sword with just his fists. He is definitely no less than Feitian Wang. In addition, his speed is easy to deal with in front of demons. It is very scary! Someone commented and analyzed.

However, some people held objections, especially the fans of Feitian King, who said: The demon has been severely damaged by the army and Feitian King. Now this person appears, but he has the mentality of picking up the slack and attracting the attention and scheming of the people in the world. It’s too much, and it’s not what a gentleman would do!”

Some people were more pertinent and refuted the above point of view, saying: No matter what he thinks in his heart, he did save King Feitian and was also fighting demons at this time. He is my hero of China and the hope of mankind. I privately commented that he is not a gentleman. It’s too much, besides, there is no absolute gentleman in this world!”

At this time, various comments spread across the Internet, and many people noticed that in a small county in this remote mountainous area, a master no less than the Alien King appeared.

The Feitian King has been rescued, and one of Xu Zifan's purposes has been achieved. At this time, he only has one purpose left: to kill the demon!

After a brief confrontation, Xu Zifan moved, the Zixia magic power was running, and he squeezed the sword skills in his hand. A long purple mist sword extended along the index and middle fingers of his right hand and appeared in his hand.


There was an explosion, and a deep pit was trampled on the ground. Xu Zifan's purple figure shot out, holding a purple mist sword and rushing towards the demon.

The purple sword light flashed, the sword energy roared, and Xu Zifan's figure was like a fleeting shadow, reaching its peak and stabbing the demon's body.

The huge black magic sword was swung, with numerous ghost shadows on it, the attack was unparalleled, and the ghost roars continued, disturbing people's minds.


The pitch-black magic sword was like a black magic mountain at this time, falling from the sky and slashing at Xu Zifan. The ground suddenly exploded, earth and rocks rolled, smoke and dust rose into the sky, another deep pit appeared on the ground, and the magic sword slashed into the air again.

Xu Zifan's whole body was covered with purple mist, and his figure was like lightning. He rushed over and was close to the demon's body.

Illusive and empty, silent and without a trace, the sword light seemed to appear from nothingness and then disappear into nothingness. Xiyi's swordsmanship was once again displayed.

Puff puff......

On the dark green demon body, purple sword wounds are densely covered, like stars, and there are more and more.

Green liquid splashed out, and purple energy invaded along the wound, destroying the internal structure of his body.


The tree demon roared, angry and irritable, and blood-red mist overflowed from its body, dispersing the purple energy in its body.


The earth exploded, and two black human leg-like organs of uneven thickness under the tree demon's body suddenly penetrated into the earth.

Brush brush brush...

Countless black roots drilled out of the ground, covering the surroundings of the tree demon, like black snakes, dancing wildly in the air, choosing people to eat.

The black rhizomes are of different thicknesses and lengths, criss-crossing in the air, shuttling in and out at extremely fast speeds.

The root was like a magic whip, whipping towards Xu Zifan, the air was blown away, like a long sword, penetrating the void, coming and going, forcing back the purple figure in front.

Xu Zifan's body was filled with purple mist, his figure was like lightning, and he retreated.

Then he looked at the demon opposite, with murderous intent in his eyes.


A roar, a sonorous voice, full of the flavor of iron blood.

The sword light in his hand dances, which is profound and mysterious. The true energy in the body is circulating, and the purple energy is rising.

Indistinctly, a majestic green mountain stands high in the sky. The green mountain is strangely dangerous, majestic yet beautiful. It is shrouded in white clouds, with quiet vegetation and a hanging silver waterfall.

As Xu Zifan's sword light moved, the green mountain became more and more real, as if a big mountain had really moved over.

At this time, everyone watching the live broadcast was shocked and said: What is going on? Why did a big mountain appear out of thin air?

This should be the manifestation of energy. A foreign master said with a solemn look and uncertainty.

At this time, everyone knew that this new alien king was very powerful and might actually be able to kill monsters.

At this time, the tree demon was shrouded in black roots, and its slender dark green eyes became more solemn.


The sound of ghosts crying was heard, and ghost shadows came out from the broken broken magic knife in his hand. Then the broken knife gradually dissipated and turned into a black ghost mist.

On the tree demon's body, the human face and mouth organs are like a black hole. It is extremely dark. Between each one, black shadows are spit out again, and they are gathered in the black ghost mist. .

The ghost mist rolled and ghosts roared one after another. The temperature around the world dropped a lot, making it eerie and terrifying. Then another wave of Yin Qi swept across, and the ghost mist seemed to be drawn, flowing in the air towards the only dark magic knife in the tree demon's hand, and poured into it.


The magic sword vibrated, ghosts roared heavily, and the pitch-black magic sword became much darker, like an icy black hole, making people feel as if they were facing a netherworld, soul-stirring, and hearts trembling. At this time, the power of this magic sword increased a lot. .


The towering green mountains in the sky moved slowly, then shuttled through the void, and quickly appeared in front of the tree demon.

The world overturned, the towering green mountains covered the ground, the majestic momentum was earth-shaking, and it suppressed the tree demon.

Brush brush brush...

The tree demon's countless black roots twisted and whipped through, blocking the front.


There was a dense sound of rhizomes breaking, and all the black rhizomes were crushed by the majestic green mountains and continued to be crushed.


The cold and dark giant magic knife was so heart-wrenching that it slashed over and slashed into the majestic green mountains.

The green mountains are majestic, majestic and beautiful. They are transformed by Xu Zifan's sword intention, which is infinitely powerful. Every soil, stone, flower and tree on it, including white clouds and waterfalls, are all condensed by the light of the sword.


The sound of dense weapons clashing came, and the towering green mountains in the sky flashed with light, and were actually struck by the magic sword. On top of the dark and dark magic sword, dots of purple sword light pierced, melting the ghost energy on the magic sword, and the whole sword The giant dark black magic sword shrank in size at this time.

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