The first taboo in the world

Chapter 467 Before returning to the earth world

Chapter 469 Before returning to the earth world

The world of Zhu Xian has lasted for ten long years!

Thinking of this time, Xu Zifan sighed and felt helpless.

He changed the plot of this world a lot, and sent Xiaobai, the nine-tailed sky fox, to protect Caomiao Village under Qingyun Mountain in Middle Earth. Will the original plot still happen?

Regarding this point, Xu Zifan is not sure that it will not happen. After all, the world has too much inertia and anything can happen.

Above the sky, there are white clouds and dogs. Who can see through the reincarnation of heaven and earth?

However, he had no intention of paying attention to the details of the plot in the Zhuxian world at this time. One of the reasons why he came to this world again was for the medicinal herbs that Heimu and Yun Yilan had collected for him in the past five years. , and secondly, refining weapons in the world of Xiaoao Jianghu consumed too much of his energy and energy. He wanted to rest for a while. He wanted to return to the earth world in his peak condition and face the most terrifying battle in the near future.

Next, for the first time in five years, an edict came from the forbidden land of the gods within the Shiwanda Mountains, asking Yun Yilan, the owner of the Fenxiang Valley, and Heimu, the leader of the demons in the Shiwandashan Mountains, to come to see them.

No one dares to disrespect the orders of the gods. Even Yun Yilan, one of the three great figures of the Righteous Path, gave up his rebellious intentions after witnessing the horror of Xu Zifan five years ago and devoted himself to helping.

Therefore, in the afternoon of that day, Heimu came to the forbidden area with countless medicinal herbs, and due to the distance, Yun Yilan also brought all the precious medicinal herbs that Fenxiang Valley had collected in five years five days later. Come here to meet me.

This time, after Xu Zifan received the medicinal herbs, he briefly asked about some developments in the world in the past five years.

What surprised Xu Zifan was that the inertia of the world was really terrifying. Caomiao Village at the foot of Qingyun Mountain was actually massacred. Only three people escaped with their lives. Two of the weak children were taken back to the mountain gate by disciples passing by Qingyun Sect. Accept him as a disciple.

In addition, all the ethnic groups in Southern Xinjiang have submitted and are willing to obey the orders of the Witch God. Today, the lineage of the Witch God is well-known in the entire world of cultivation. Some people even say that the lineage of the Witch God in Southern Xinjiang is the strongest in the entire world. power.

After Xu Zifan made a brief inquiry, he was silent for a long time, and then announced the retreat again.

Until seven days later, in the forbidden area of ​​100,000 mountain gods, the earth suddenly shook, the wind and clouds changed, and the majestic blood pressure covered the sky. At the same time, nine bloody dragons roared to the sky, dancing in the sky, but it was Xu Zifan's blood power that finally broke through It has reached the realm where blood and energy transform into nine dragons.

At this state, his physical strength has become stronger again. Both the physical membrane and the bones are stronger than before. The Yinbi True Body has truly become complete and has reached perfection.

Even if he absorbs the five elements of spiritual essence into his body at this time, his body refining skills will surely reach a higher level and reach the realm of the Golden Wall True Body.

The Golden Wall True Body will be another realm in the Hun Tian Body Refining Technique, and it will be an important node. Once he reaches that realm, his strength will rise to a big level again.

However, there are countless details to absorb the spirit of the Five Elements, which cannot be completed in a short time, so Xu Zifan temporarily stopped practicing.

At this moment, Xu Zifan felt the explosive power in his body, feeling like he could break through the sky, and his confidence in returning to the earth was once again strengthened.

Afterwards, Xu Zifan sat cross-legged for another day, adjusted himself to the best condition, and checked his many backup options. Then he took out the sky gemstone ring, his eyes were as sharp as a divine sword, and his fighting spirit was surging.

He is going to return to the earth world and settle everything with the devil in Ebony City.

It's just that ten years have passed in the Zhuxian world, and one year has passed when converted to the Earth world.

After the changes in the heaven and earth, the earth's world looks the same day by day. Now one year has passed, what will the earth's world become? What about your parents, relatives, friends, master, grand uncle, fellow disciples, etc.?

There are also many demon kings in the Qinling Mountains, the cold and stunning Red Devil Demon King, the toad spirit who likes to flatter others, the disaster star demon king who also curses strange magic, the Shenliu King who is in seclusion only to break through to the extraordinary realm, and the innocent What happened to the Immortal Monkey King who was a maniac in cultivating his mind, Xiao Lu and Xiao Yin who followed him from the world of Jianghu to the earth world?

One year, before the changes in the world of heaven and earth, was nothing, but after the changes in the world of heaven and earth, it didn't take long until he traveled to the world of Zhuxian, and within this short period of time, the world of earth... Has been greatly changed.

Now that another year has passed, what will the earth be like?

At this moment, when he was about to return to the earth world, Xu Zifan actually felt a sense of cowardice in his hometown.

Even if his Taoist heart is as strong as iron, at this time, there will inevitably be waves in his heart, which makes him a little uneasy.

For five years in the Zhuxian world and more than half a year in the Swordsman world, he practiced hard and tried every means to improve himself. He never had a moment of relaxation and never wanted to go home or return to his hometown.

At this moment when he is about to return, he is afraid, afraid that everything will come to nothing. Time flies. Are the people he cares about okay?

After the changes in the heaven and earth, the civilization of gods and demons began on the earth, and with it came all kinds of monsters, monsters, and strange creatures from other worlds that were unheard of and unseen. In addition, there were countless bloody and terrifying incidents.

One year is enough time for a lot of things to happen. Maybe when he goes back this time, he will hear countless bad news. At this moment, Xu Zifan is really uneasy. He is worrying about gains and losses. He understands that time is the most terrible thing. It can change everything and it can also be erased. everything.

Xu Zifan took a deep breath and adjusted his mentality again. Maybe his relatives and friends were fine, but he was overthinking it at this time.

After all, when he left, most of his relatives and friends were in the Qinling Mountains, and the Qinling Mountains had been integrated by him. Not only were there more than a dozen demon kings, countless little demons, but also countless masters who had migrated from the world of Swordsman.

The entire Qinling Mountains can be said to be as strong as an iron barrel and full of martial virtue. In China, as long as the country does not take action, the Qinling Mountains will definitely be fine.

Although he thought so, Xu Zifan still had a vague feeling in his heart. When he went to Ebony City, strange creatures appeared all over the world, killing humans and preying on the earth's creatures.

Although the overall strength of Qinling is good in the earth world, what if it encounters strange creatures from other worlds? Perhaps by then Qinling Mountains will become the first target of those strange creatures because of the many masters.

Thinking of this, Xu Zifan became worried again. At this moment when he was about to return, he was even more filled with hatred for the demon deep in Ebony City.

If it weren't for this devil, he wouldn't have been forced to leave his homeland for so long, unable to see his relatives and friends.

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