The first taboo in the world

Chapter 461 The Humanoid Ultimate Weapon

Chapter 463 Humanoid Ultimate Weapon

The strong wind was strong, and Xu Zifan stood up out of thin air. He was wearing a long black dress and made a hunting sound. He was like a demon god. When he raised his hand, the earth exploded and an earthy yellow mushroom cloud rose into the air.

This kind of terrifying power is extremely frightening. If placed on the earth, it would be the ultimate humanoid weapon. Before the changes in the world, it was the ultimate means of strategic deterrence and mutual restraint for the four major civilization centers in the world.

At this time, Xu Zifan's body-refining skills went a step further. With the power of his body alone, he possessed such terrifying power. This was very terrifying and extremely incredible in the eyes of ordinary people.

In fact, Xu Zifan was a little dazed at this moment. Unknowingly, was he already so powerful?

It took a total of five years to travel to this world. During these five years, he never relaxed for a moment, and everything he did was just to improve his strength as quickly as possible.

From the foot of the Qingyun Mountain in the Central Plains to the Tianyin Temple in Mount Sumeru, and then to the southern border, there were countless battles along the way, and at the same time, his strength also increased dramatically.

In particular, the Hun Tian Body Refining Technique has reached the eighth level of the Silver Wall True Body at this time, and the blood energy all over the body is as powerful as the sun in the sky, blazing incomparably.

He also has witchcraft cultivation, which has reached a state that surpasses the beast god. He is unparalleled in the world and can definitely aspire to the pinnacle of this world.

In addition, he has also mastered countless powerful and terrifying spells, such as the Demonic Reincarnation Seal, Thunder Control Technique, etc., which have increased his ability to fight enemies, especially the southern witchcraft, which is even more bizarre and unpredictable. Whether in terms of attacking, defending or avoiding enemies, he is more bizarre and treacherous, which greatly increases his chances of winning against the enemy.

At this moment, Xu Zifan clenched his fist slightly, feeling stronger than ever before. His confidence in returning to the earth world and facing the demon blocking his way was once again strengthened a lot.

However, this time he returns, he must be fully prepared. When he returned and was defeated last time, he had a feeling that the devil seemed to have discovered his secret. The next time the two of them meet again, it may be very dangerous. If he is not prepared enough , even if the gemstone ring can travel through the world and escape at critical moments, it may not be absolutely safe.

This feeling is very strong and he must pay attention to it, so since he returned and failed last time, he has not dared to try again.

He has to wait until he is strong enough to return to the earth world, otherwise his life may really be in vain.

As long as life exists, everything is possible. If life is gone, everything is empty talk.

In addition, since the sudden change in the world, the earth's world has been changing greatly every day, and there are strange demons from other worlds watching closely, always ready to invade.

When he entered Ebony City, he had already received sporadic news. Strange traces were found all over the world. He also saw that in Ebony City, strange demons imprisoned countless humans and fed on them. From this, it can be seen that the earth world must have entered an extremely terrifying turmoil. capital period.

So Xu Zifan wants to return as soon as possible, because he still has relatives and friends in the earth world.

In addition, the earth world is his homeland. How can he bear the thought of his homeland being trampled on by devils and occupied by monsters from other worlds.

Therefore, Xu Zifan always wants to return to the earth world as soon as possible, and wants to go to his hometown to see what is going on there and what is happening to his relatives and friends.

At this time, his strength has greatly improved. On the way to Taoism, he can only rely on hard work to slowly improve in the future. So today, if he wants to quickly improve his strength, he must find a way from other aspects, understand the Dharma and practice Taoism, and come to an end first.

As for other aspects, it is naturally refining Taoist tools, which are magic weapons in various myths and legends.

The magic weapon is absolutely terrifying for a person's improvement, and he has already made plans for the refining of the magic weapon. At this time, Taoism has reached a bottleneck, and it is the time to refine the magic weapon. After refining the magic weapon, It was the time when he returned to the earth world and decisively fought against the strange demons in Ebony City.

Therefore, next, Xu Zifan chatted with Heimu for a long time, asking him to continue to command the various demons and alien races within the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and arranged some future tasks.

Subsequently, Xu Zifan designated an area within Shiwanda Mountain as his future training place. It was also a forbidden area. No one was allowed to enter without permission. The specific guards were arranged by Heimu.

Later, he sent the seven-tailed centipede that he had seized from the Qingyun Sect Cangsong Taoist from the Black Jade Magic Bowl to Heimu for his defense.

Fortunately, the witchcraft has its own extremely advanced insect control skills, so Xu Zifan doesn't have to worry about the black wood not being able to control the seven-tailed centipede.

After everything was explained clearly, Xu Zifan entered the forbidden area alone. Then he found several hidden places and placed everything about this world in the black jade magic bowl in these places.

Due to the rules of world travel, Xu Zifan can only do this, otherwise everything in this world will turn into nothingness and disappear from the world when he travels through the world.

After doing all this, Xu Zifan stretched out his hand, and an ancient stone ring full of countless vicissitudes of life appeared in his hand.

The next moment, Xu Zifan's figure gradually faded and disappeared from this world.

Smiling proudly in the world!

The vastness of Kunlun is endless, with thousands of miles of ice and thousands of miles of snow drifting.

At this moment, Xu Zifan's figure suddenly appeared here.

He came here just to get the materials for refining the weapon.

He has two pieces of the ultimate weapon refining materials, namely Qingming Stone and Black Mist Iron Marrow.

A long time ago, he hid these two pieces of ultimate divine materials here. Today, he finally came here again, preparing to take these two pieces of ultimate divine materials away to create his own magic weapon.

The next moment, Xu Zifan stamped his foot, and with the surge of divine power, the earth trembled for a while, and the frozen ground gradually cracked on both sides.

Under the ground, two pieces of ultimate divine material cracked open and appeared in the world again.

Bearing the brunt of the impact, the moment the ground cracked, black mist rolled out, and endless evil aura filled the air. Then, the sky dimmed, and darkness enveloped the surrounding area within a hundred meters, as if a dark evil demon had descended here.

【Black Mist Iron Marrow】

A supreme magic material that has been rarely seen in all the worlds for countless thousands of years. It is the ultimate magic material for weapon refining. The principles flowing on it are intertwined with the laws of heaven and earth. It can affect the darkness of the surrounding space. It has its own laws of darkness and eliminates light. Every time Each black mist iron marrow has its own unique abilities.

The black mist iron marrow in front of him was only the size of a fist, with strands of blood intertwined on it. It was filled with a sinister aura and looked weird and terrifying.

Obviously, this is a magic stone, a supreme magic material, and one of the most precious things in Xu Zifan's hands.

The earth trembled, and the cracks on the ground became wider and wider. Until a certain moment, a seemingly ordinary stone appeared, and the ground stopped shaking.

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