The first taboo in the world

Chapter 393 Breakthrough

Chapter 395 Breakthrough

The Huntian Body Refining Technique was inherited from an inexplicable existence by Xu Zifan's chance encounter with the underworld soldiers. It is a supreme chapter and a supreme skill. It has long transcended the scope of martial arts. Xu Zifan even had doubts about this kind of body refining technique. Can cultivating to the highest realm also lead to the taboo realm?

This body refining technique, from low to high, is divided into three major chapters and three stages, namely the immortal body, the destructive body, and the chaotic celestial body.

Now Xu Zifan is practicing the immortal body. At this stage, the main goal is to build an invincible physical body, pursue immortality, and cultivate the flesh and blood body to the extreme. It is only a small achievement to be able to fight against magical weapons and magic weapons. The ultimate goal is to make the physical body last forever. Last forever, no fear of the passage of time.

Xu Zifan attaches great importance to this body-refining technique. His achievements and strength today are inseparable from this body-refining technique. Moreover, because he has practiced this body-refining technique, he can avert danger in countless crisis situations. , this supreme body refining technique is a heavenly skill that he will major in in the future.

This body refining technique is divided into many small stages in the immortal body stage, such as blood and energy like a dragon, blood and energy containing divine body, silver wall true body, golden wall true body, etc.

And he is currently cultivating to the peak stage of blood energy and divine body, and is about to break through to the silver wall true body.

Cultivating to the stage of Silver Wall True Body is considered as the initial formation of the immortal body. Strictly speaking, this stage can be regarded as the first key node in the immortal body. After reaching this stage, the physical body will contain the charm of immortality. , a great sublimation and a great leap, truly separated from the mortal body, invulnerable to fire and water, invulnerable to swords and guns, and even capable of being evaded by all means.

And the most important thing is that after cultivating to this stage, you can have a physical magical power. The extraordinary power of this body refining technique will also begin to show its signs with the physical magical power.

It can be said that when he truly reaches the Silver Wall True Body stage, his strength will be greatly improved by leaps and bounds, and will skyrocket a lot, far better than before.

And Xu Zifan, who is proud of the Jianghu world here, came here as soon as possible after recovering from the injuries he suffered in the fierce battle with many strange people in Ebony City. He was ready to take the step of refining the art in this uninhabited place in Kunlun Snow Mountain. a very crucial step.


Xu Zifan waved his sleeves, energy overflowed, and the strong wind swept across. The thick snow under his feet rolled towards the sky like a stormy wave, and a large pit with a radius of hundreds of feet appeared in front of him, and inside it were the bodies of countless demon soldiers. .

These were some demon soldiers that he killed outside and inside Ebony City. During the battle, he intentionally transferred the bodies of these demon soldiers to the world of Swordsman.

These demonic soldiers were not in human form and were murderous. Xu Zifan had no burden in killing them at the beginning, and now he is even preparing to use them to break through his current bottleneck in body refining.

Among these demon soldiers, all had reached the realm of kings in their lifetime cultivation, and their flesh and blood essence contained a large amount of divinity, which was exactly what Xu Zifan needed at the moment.

Next, the sharp sword light in Xu Zifan's hand flashed, skinning and bones were peeled off, and demonic blood flowed out in the no-man's land of Kunlun Snow Mountain. Soon after, it was frozen into green ice crystals by the terrifying low temperature, and then was destroyed by the world. The falling snowflakes cover and bury them.

After working for more than an hour, this huge project was finally completed, and Xu Zifan obtained dozens of tons of the most exquisite demonic flesh on the bodies of strange creatures. The demonic flesh was black, looked extremely ugly, and even disgusting. , but it contains a large amount of divine essence. If he eats it and absorbs and digests it according to the techniques of body refining, it will be of great help to him, and he will have a high probability of breaking through to the Silver Wall True Body stage.

After doing this, Xu Zifan teleported with these demonic flesh and came directly to a prosperous city in this world.

There is one of his manors here, and there are countless chefs on standby. Xu Zifan directly ordered these chefs to make the most exquisite food from these demonic meats.

And he didn't let these chefs help dissect the monster's body, not because he didn't want to, nor because he had any special hobbies, but because although these strange creatures were dead, they looked too scary, like a demon, and Xu Zifan didn't want to let them These simple, ordinary people were frightened.

Of course, on top of these trivial matters, time can be saved as much as possible. For example, Xu Zifan directly threw some wolf monster bodies that he collected on the grassland to the chefs for them to deal with.

These wolf demons, after being killed by him, directly transformed into their true bodies. Although they were a bit huge and different from what the world had seen, they were at least acceptable. Xu Zifan believed that they would not have any psychological shadow on these chefs.

After doing this, Xu Zifan sat quietly for two days again to adjust his condition to the best, and countless chefs in his manor also completed the task through hard work day and night.

In the loft dedicated to food, Xu Zifan looked at the countless delicacies prepared by these chefs, steamed, stewed, baked, boiled, etc., and the fragrance was fragrant. Although it was meat, there was a unique fragrance that was refreshing. , Hearing this made people shocked. Seeing this situation, he smiled slightly, and then his huge spiritual power was released, covering all the food in the attic, and in the next moment, his figure, along with the entire attic All the food in it disappeared in this bustling city in an instant.

There is a vast expanse of white between the sky and the earth, the cold wind is howling, blizzards are falling, and it is Kunlun Snow Mountain again.

Breaking through to the stage of the Silver Wall True Body, his life level will make a qualitative leap. He will transcend the mortal body and approach immortality. This has never happened before in this world.

Xu Zifan didn't know what kind of vision he would have when he introduced it, so after comprehensive consideration, he chose this no-man's land to achieve the first and most critical breakthrough on his path to Taoism.

And he didn't go looking for a breakthrough in the cave, because he didn't know what would happen when he broke through. If the sound was too loud and caused the mountain to collapse, it would be impossible to bury him, but interrupting his breakthrough would make him Injury is still very possible.

So at this moment, Xu Zifan sat cross-legged on an open-air snow ridge with a relatively flat ground and extremely open surroundings. He took a large plate of delicious food from the food shelf next to him and started his gluttonous feast.

At the same time, the energy in his body was also running according to the methods contained in the body refining technique, which helped him digest and absorb the divine essence of flesh and blood in the food and replenish his own body.

As he ate, blood flowed out from all over his body, like red haze, dyeing the sky and the earth red, reflecting the beauty and mystery of this snowy ridge.

And the energy inside his body was even more astonishing. The blood was rolling like a vast ocean, and it was extremely rich. At this moment, his body was like a furnace of heaven and earth, blazing fiercely. You could see a vast white mist rising within dozens of feet around him. This was caused by the snow on the ground melting due to the hot blood in his body, and then turning into water vapor.

As for the howling cold wind and flying blizzard between the sky and the earth, they also calmed down on the snowy ridge at this moment, turning into warm wind and mist.

At this moment, viewed from a distance, a red sun seemed to appear on the white snowy ridge where Xu Zifan was, changing the celestial phenomena and changing the surroundings. It also seemed that a fairyland had appeared, with white fog and brilliant red clouds, which was extremely sacred. .

Ang! Aung!

Suddenly, with the sound of two high-pitched dragon roars, two red dragons soared into the sky above the snowy ridge. Each of these two red dragons were hundreds of feet long and several feet thick. At this time, they were like hidden dragons. Flying straight up like breaking free from the abyss, it manifested in the sky with dragon roars, majestic and majestic.

These two red dragons were transformed by Xu Zifan's blood.

The transformation of blood into two dragons is a sign that Xu Zifan's body refining skills have reached the stage of blood and energy divine body. The endless power of these two blood and energy dragons also shows that at this moment, he has reached the pinnacle of the stage of blood and energy divine body. , can break through to the next level.

At this moment, Xu Zifan's body was filled with red haze, which was extremely mysterious. As he gradually absorbed all the delicacies made from the flesh and blood essence he collected, a silver divine light shone in his body.

This silver divine light appeared everywhere in his body, and all over his bones were intertwined with dense silver patterns. This silver pattern was shining like a divine pattern, looking extraordinary and sacred, and There are also such silver lines intertwined in his flesh and blood, and even the internal organs in his body are intertwined with a layer of silver lines, shining with soft silver divine light, as if his internal organs are covered A layer of silver gauze.

This process does not happen overnight, but proceeds slowly. At this moment, as Xu Zifan's body-refining skills are running, more and more blood essence energy is absorbed. Eventually, the bones, flesh, blood, tendons, etc. in his body are all densely intertwined. The silver lines on it open up into a brilliant silver color, which is extremely sacred.

At this moment, even Xu Zifan's eyes turned into silver, with no distinction between the whites of the eyes and the pupils. However, they did not look as evil as imagined. On the contrary, they looked divine and extraordinary.

That's not enough!

Xu Zifan shouted in a low voice. He could clearly see the interweaving process of countless silver lines in his body through his spiritual consciousness.

The true form of Yinbi is extraordinary and refined, has a close approach to immortality, has the effect of repelling all kinds of magic, is very sacred, and is extremely powerful.

According to the records of the body refining technique, those who have achieved the true form of the Silver Wall are transcendent from the ordinary world, their bones are like sacred silver and gold, invulnerable to all means, their flesh and blood contain the divine nature of immortality, and they can control the magical powers of flesh and blood.

At this moment, his whole body was shining with silver and extremely brilliant, but this was not yet the breakthrough to the stage of the Silver Wall True Body.


The roar inside Xu Zifan's body was like thunder roaring from the sky at this moment, terrifying and intimidating. He was mobilizing the red blood energy all over his body to run crazily according to the method recorded in the body refining technique.

At the same time, as the energy and blood circulated in his body, endless silver divine light suddenly gathered all over his body, and finally a group of silver flames emerged, floating in the void in front of him.


As Xu Zifan drank softly, the silver flame flew directly to the food shelf next to him like a living thing, slowly passing over various delicacies.

And those countless delicacies that contained the essence of flesh and blood turned into a gray dust-like powder in an instant after the silver flames flew past, without any trace of flesh and blood essence inside.

Go back!

After all the delicacies were flown by this ball of silver flames and turned into a bunch of gray powder, Xu Zifan softly drank again, and the ball of silver flames slowly flew back with his drink. Then it floated in the void in front of him again.

At this moment, the silver flame was much brighter than before, and the energy within it surged, as if it had turned into substance. It actually absorbed the divine essence of flesh and blood in all the food.

Seeing this situation, Xu Zifan did not hesitate, opened his mouth and inhaled, and the silver flame floating in front of him was directly sucked into his body.

And this ball of silver flames containing endless flesh and blood essence exploded suddenly after entering his body, turning into endless silver divine light, slowly integrating into every part of his body.

At the same time, during this process, some of the bones covered with silver lines in his body crackled and slowly broke apart, with red blood flowing out from the broken bones.

This process is very painful, and one's own bones are slowly broken. This is a very cruel physical torture, and few people can endure it.

Fortunately, Xu Zifan had practiced the Thousands of Tempering Techniques and experienced soul pain even more terrifying than this kind of pain. Although he was sweating profusely and his body was shaking uncontrollably, he still persevered and did not faint.

This is the critical moment to break through the Silver Wall True Body. If he faints, the consequences can be imagined, but it is lucky to fail to break through. It is very likely that countless bones in his body will shatter, causing him to be paralyzed.

At this moment, Xu Zifan looked inside and found that some parts of the broken bone sections were still white and had not turned into brilliant silver.

The Hun Tian Body Refining Technique is extensive and profound, and it is the supreme body refining technique. At this moment, as he is running the technique, he is actually checking for deficiencies and filling in the gaps on his own, finding out all the bones in his body that have not turned into silver.

The endless silver divine light merged into the broken bones in his body, and the white bones on these broken bones actually either fell off, or gradually turned into silver, shining brightly, emitting silver divine light, and followed closely Later, as these original white bones were gradually replaced by silver divine bones, the fracture surfaces of their bones spread, and then they were connected together. As the silver divine light shone, the two merged into one.

This process of bone transformation is very direct. Bones are broken, bones are regenerated, and bones are regenerated in one go. However, it is very terrifying. It is like being tortured directly on the human bones. It is extremely terrifying.

During this process, Xu Zifan's whole body was soaked and trembling. From the pores of his body, black and red blood flowed out, exuding a fishy smell.

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