The first taboo in the world

Chapter 33 The world is like a tide and people are like water

After Xu Zifan saw the cute way of swearing by the leader of the Sun and Moon God Cult, he looked at other places on the stone wall.

I saw a line of words carved on the stone wall further up: This is the sword technique of Fan Song and Zhao He breaking Hengshan Mountain.

Next to this line of words are countless humanoids, every two humanoids are grouped together, one wields a sword and the other wields an axe. A rough calculation shows that there are at least five or six hundred humanoids. It is obviously the axe-wielding humanoid that is deciphering the sword-wielding humanoid. Swordsmanship.

Xu Zifan looked at other parts of the stone wall and saw that most of them were like this. The swordsmanship of the Five Mountains was broken one by one.

He was not as depressed as Linghu Chong in the original work when he saw that the Huashan swordsmanship he had practiced for many years was broken. Instead, he was very happy.

He now wants to collect as much martial arts as possible to enrich his knowledge and increase his martial arts foundation.

Although the pictures on the stone wall only contained martial arts routines and no corresponding methods of internal force operation, Xu Zifan still carefully observed and studied, not only the swordsmanship of the Five Mountains Sword Sect, but also the martial arts of the Sun Moon God Sect. , integrate into oneself.

Time flies, winter turns to spring, flowers bloom and fall, Swordsman is proud of the world. One year has passed. Xu Zifan goes out early and comes back late every day. He has been studying the swordsmanship of the Five Mountains Sword School and the martial arts of the Sun and Moon God Sect.

At this time, he learned Hengshan Sword Technique, Hengshan Sword Technique, Songshan Sword Technique, Taishan Sword Technique, and even the unique skills of each sect, such as the Huashan Sect's deadly three-immortal sword, the Taishan Sect's Five Great Swords, and the Hengshan Sect's sword. The Five Divine Swords of Hengshan, the Ten Thousand Flowers Sword Technique of the Hengshan School, and the Thirteen Movements of Zhenyue of the Songshan School.

Although it was just a move and did not correspond to the operation method of internal energy, it still greatly solidified Xu Zifan's martial arts foundation and greatly touched him. From the swordsmanship of various sects, he understood many secrets of swordsmanship, which greatly improved his swordsmanship. A step forward.

Xu Zifan started to dance with the sword. At this moment, he was just practicing simple sword moves, so he did not use his inner strength.

The sword light flashed, the sword roared, Xu Zifan moved the sword like the wind, and the sword skills in his hands were sometimes light and elegant, sometimes heavy and solemn, sometimes changeable, and so on.

Now he is demonstrating the mystery of swordsmanship with each move. The connection between sword moves is like an antelope hanging its horns, natural and profound.

'What about Daizong' is a good move! Xu Zifan couldn't help but sigh. Legend has it that this move was created by Taoist Dongling, the founder of the Taishan sect, and it is the pinnacle of the Taishan sect's swordsmanship.

If you have a chance, you have to go to Taishan Sect to see it! Xu Zifan was planning in his mind.

During this year, Xu Zifan's internal strength has broken through to the Great Perfection of Huashan Mental Dharma, and his internal strength is even stronger than before.

When Yue Buqun knew that Xu Zifan's skills had reached the first-class level half a year ago, he promoted Xu Zifan to an inner disciple without hesitation.

He is not stupid. A first-rate master would be the head or elder of any sect. They all have their own dignity and cannot act as internal agents.

Nowadays, Yue Buqun attaches great importance to Xu Zifan and regards him and Linghu Chong as the key to the revival of the Huashan Sect. He not only taught Xu Zifan the Yangwu sword technique, but also Taiyue Sanqingfeng and other sword moves.

During this year, Xu Zifan discovered Feng Qingyang secretly several times while practicing at Siguoya, but Feng Qingyang never showed up, so he did not reveal the truth.

Everyone has their own considerations when doing things. Since Feng Qingyang didn't show up, it means that he thought he was not a suitable successor of the Lonely Nine Swords or for other reasons. Xu Zifan didn't want to cause trouble for himself, so he kept pretending that Feng Qingyang was not there. exist.

In the real world, the atmosphere around the world is even more depressing. It seems that another big event is happening at any time, while there are more smaller and weird bloodshed events, happening every day.

Xu Zifan was worried. Although he was already a very good master in the world of Swordsman, he didn't think he could deal with monsters.

We still need to speed up progress! Xu Zifan thought secretly in his heart.

In the world of Swordsman, Yue Buqun was deeply worried at this time. The external pressure was so great that he already had other ideas.

At this time, Yue Buqun knew that Zuo Lengchan of Songshan Mountain was an ambitious generation of tycoons who wanted to unify the Five Mountains Sword Sect, so he was thinking about ways to crack it every day.

Dong dong dong... There was a knock on the door, and then a voice came: Master, I have something to see you for.

Yue Buqun was thinking about a way to break the situation. At this time, he heard Xu Zifan's voice, and he suddenly thought of an idea. Although it went against the tradition of Huashan, it might be feasible, but he still had to think carefully.

Zifan, come in! Yue Buqun said in the study, his voice a little tired.

Master, this disciple has something to report. Xu Zifan entered the study, cupped his hands and said with a calm expression, unfazed.

Seeing Xu Zifan's calm face, Yue Buqun nodded in his heart. Although this disciple was older, he was a martial arts prodigy. The most important thing was that he had a good mentality, stability and peace. Thinking about the fact that Linghu Chong, whom he had placed so much hope on, was no longer young yet still looked like he was doing nothing all day long, Yue Buqun couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Zifan, what's the matter? Yue Buqun looked at Xu Zifan and said with a smile.

Master, my disciple found a secret cave in Siguo Cliff. There are many martial arts and magical weapons in it. Xu Zifan said calmly.

He is a person who knows how to give back. The foundation of his martial arts was laid in Huashan. Although Yue Buqun began to doubt and distrust him, he didn't mind it because Lao Yue didn't take action against him.

So he told Yue Buqun this secret, which was not a secret, as a reward for the first step. Anyway, he has learned all the martial arts now, so Lao Yue can do whatever he wants.

What kind of martial arts is it? Yue Buqun was also very indifferent at this time. When he thought about it, Xu Zifan should have accidentally acquired the martial arts left by a senior in Huashan. He, the head of Huashan, did not have to leave it for a certain senior. Amazed by the Huashan martial arts!

Master, I have various swordsmanship from the Five Mountains Sword Sect and the martial arts from the elders of the Demon Sect! Xu Zifan said calmly, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

What martial arts? Say it again? Yue Buqun said in surprise. He didn't believe that there was such a great opportunity to have the swordsmanship of the Five Mountains Sword School. Maybe he could find restraint through the swordsmanship of the Songshan Sword School. Zuo Lengchan's method. For a moment, Yue Buqun was even more pleased with Xu Zifan.

Master, there are many swordsmanship from the Five Mountains Sword Sect and the martial arts from the elders of the Demon Sect! Xu Zifan said again, knowing that Lao Yue was shocked at this time.

Okay, Zifan, I know this, let's go see it together? If it's true, I'll be rewarded. Yue Buqun made some kind of decision at this time.

There were ups and downs along the way, and after a while, Xu Zifan and Yue Buqun came to Yunu Peak and thought about the cliff cave.

Master, come with me! Xu Zifan lit a torch and led the way into the secret cave inside Siguoya Mountain Cave.

After a while, the two came to the secret place inside the Siguoya cave.

Looking at the sword techniques of the Five Mountain Sword Sects and their corresponding breaking techniques carved on the surrounding mountain walls, and even some lost sword techniques of each sect, Yue Buqun was shocked at first, and then laughed.

Hahaha... God bless me, Huashan! God bless me, Huashan! Yue Buqun said with a happy smile.

Xu Zifan was deeply touched when he saw Yue Buqun so happy. In the original work, Yue Buqun brandished his sword and committed suicide in order to revive Huashan Mountain. He admired him very much. Although he was indeed a hypocrite, this world is a world of rivers and lakes, and there are pure and innocent people. A good person?

At least in Xu Zifan's own opinion, hypocrites are much better than those demons or real villains. Hypocrites, at least on the surface, have to restrain themselves for the sake of their reputation as gentlemen. However, some charlatans act without scruples, kill at every turn, and take human life lightly. Xu Zifan hates these people very much.

After a while, Yue Buqun calmed down and said, Zifan, you didn't tell anyone else about the secret cave, right?

Yes, master, only you and I know about this secret cave at the moment. Xu Zifan said.

Okay, it's about the swordsmanship of the Five Mountains Sword Sect. The fewer people know about it, the better! Yue Buqun said.

Xu Zifan was shocked. In the original work, after Yue Buqun knew about the secret cave, he made it known to the public. Although it was to trap and kill the masters of various sects, he still didn't care about these sword skills.

After thinking carefully, Xu Zifan suddenly realized that in the original work, Yue Buqun not only practiced the evil-fighting sword technique, but also became the leader of the Five Mountains Alliance. His mentality was also distorted and changed. Naturally, he despised these Five Mountains sword techniques.

Next, Yue Buqun copied all the martial arts and corresponding cracking methods on the stone wall, and took away all the magic weapons. Then Yue Buqun sealed the secret cave and told Xu Zifan not to tell anyone else.

Xu Zifan agreed, and went down Siguo Cliff with Yue Buqun. Looking at Yue Buqun's back, he thought that Yue Buqun did not cross out the martial arts on the stone wall, but sealed the secret cave. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart: Old Yue is still Lao Yue, you still have the idea to catch all the masters of other sects in one fell swoop.

Zifan, come to my study! Yue Buqun said to Xu Zifan after coming down from Siguo Cliff.

Arriving at the study, Yue Buqun looked at Xu Zifan who looked indifferent and asked: Zifan, what are your thoughts on the future development of Huashan?

Xu Zifan didn't understand what he meant, but he told the truth: Master, I said it on the first day I came to Huashan. I have been obsessed with martial arts since I was a child. I came to our Huashan just to practice martial arts. I don't have any idea how to develop it. It’s better to thank Master and all the brothers for their troubles!”

Then Xu Zifan fell into deep thought, looked up at the roof of the study room, as if seeing a distant unknown place, and said: This disciple has a wish. He wants to climb to the peak of martial arts and see the scenery above!

Yue Buqun looked at Xu Zifan and felt very emotional when he heard what he said. He didn't have this idea when he was young. But as he took over the Huashan Sect and entered the world, he couldn't help himself and had to be busy managing the sect every day. , competing with all forces, but looking back now, it is getting further and further away from his original intention at the time. Thinking of this, Yue Buqun couldn't help but sigh in his heart: The world is like the tide and people are like water, only a few people in the rivers and lakes return!

After a long time, Yue Buqun gathered his thoughts. At this time, he looked at Xu Zifan as if he was seeing his own lost hope.

Perhaps he can help me see the scenery at the peak of martial arts! Yue Buqun thought.

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