The first taboo in the world

Chapter 293 Mushroom clouds bloom

Due to the evil deeds of the Snake Demon King and the Crocodile Demon King, Nanmuzhou was basically occupied at this time and turned into a forbidden land for humans.

After the changes in the world, this place is one of the most terrifying disasters in the world. There are killings every day, and death is accompanying everyone here.

The once beautiful and fertile infinite mountains and rivers were invaded by the snake demon and the crocodile demon. The earth was stained with blood, human corpses were everywhere, and the entire continent became a demon lair.

The culprits, the Snake Demon King and the Crocodile Demon King, are so powerful that conventional human weapons are useless against them. Therefore, although the humans of Nanmuzhou have been fighting back desperately, they have had little effect. They are no match for the infinite demons.

At this time, the entire Nanmu Continent has basically fallen, leaving only a small piece of land near the center of Beimuzhou civilization that has not been lost because of the support of many advanced human weapons. Hundreds of millions of people in the entire Nanmu Continent have suffered from this demonic disaster. Only hundreds of thousands of people survived, and now they all gathered here to make a last desperate resistance.

Negotiations between humans and sea tribes have failed, and a world-class race war is about to occur. Under this situation, many land demons have ceased. The struggles between humans and demons everywhere have gradually come to an end because of the impending war. Most demons and weird They all restrained themselves a lot and became quiet.

However, the Snake Demon King and the Crocodile Demon King were exactly the opposite. Not only did they not restrain themselves, but they became even more ferocious and bloodthirsty, driving the endless demonic beasts under them to advance by sea and land, pushing them all the way northward, with great potential. The entire Bad Island is in danger of being wiped out.

In addition, there are also Black Continent corpse demons causing trouble. Thousands of dead corpses, regardless of race, have crawled up, cold and bloodthirsty, and have turned half of the Black Continent into a paradise for corpse ghosts.

Regarding the Black Demon Corpse Disaster, it started after the sudden change in the world and spread rapidly. It is a terrifying disaster that all living creatures need to face.

Moreover, humans have a somewhat vague definition of corpses that cause disaster in corpse disasters. It is said that they are monsters, but they are dead objects and did not evolve from living creatures. They do not match the definition of monsters. It is not appropriate to say that they are weird? Because these corpses were all dead creatures in the Black Continent, they were named ghouls in the end.

There are also human organizations that have taken many risks to bring these dead but resurrected corpses back to the Baizhou Human Civilization Center for research, but to no avail.

Because from a scientific point of view, the bodies of these ghouls are all dead corpses. It is impossible for them to have any biological activity and they should never stand up again.

Even if spiritual energy is used to cause the corpse to mutate and channel, it cannot be explained, because there is no corpse disaster at all in other places in the world? This is only the case in Heizhou.

So in the end, everyone can only classify it as an unsolved mystery and wait for more information to be obtained in the future before making a judgment.

At this time, the war between humans and the sea tribe is about to begin. Although the Black Continent Corpse Demon has not made any arrogant words, it has shown everything with actions. In this sensitive period, it has not restrained at all and is still moving closer to the north.

The mighty tide of corpses is like the waves of the sea, sweeping everything along the way. Whether they are humans or other creatures, they are the targets of their killings. And as long as the creatures die, they will become walking zombies and become one of the zombies. It is extremely terrifying, frightening and terrifying all living creatures.

Finally, there is the vampire who calls himself Cain. The same is true. He still sucks human blood unscrupulously. On this day, he turned more than a dozen people into mummies. He has no fear of human beings. Food without any ability to resist.

Which of the above three is intolerable? They have become the public enemies of mankind.

Just in the evening of that day, first in Nanmuzhou, there was mankind's ultimate weapon, which attacked directly from outside the atmosphere. The speed reached dozens of times the speed of sound, falling from the sky, and then mushroom clouds rose from the earth. It towered into the clouds and lingered for a long time. It was particularly eye-catching in the bloody sunset shrouded in thick fog.

On the earth, the shock wave generated by the explosion of the ultimate weapon spread suddenly, turning all living things into ashes in an instant, and even the Amazon River was directly evaporated and ceased to exist.

The mighty endless monsters, at this moment, even had no time to scream, were directly beaten into powder by the shock wave and dissipated directly in the air.

At the moment when the mushroom clouds rose, two angry and frightening beast roars were heard from a lake in Nanmuzhou and a lush jungle, and then two figures emerged from here. Flying out from two places, the speed was very fast, flying towards the end of the distant sky without hesitation.

However, a total of eight huge mushroom clouds rose up, blocking all the paths of the two figures. No matter which direction the two figures flew, they were within the attack range of mankind's ultimate weapon.

The next moment, the two figures that had flown to the end of the sky let out a desperate and frightening roar. Then their figures were annihilated, but were directly torn into pieces by the sweeping shock wave.

In the deafening explosion, the earth exploded, shaking and rumbling. The entire Nanmuzhou continental plate was actually shaken by the loud noise, and it moved about ten centimeters further south.

This is the ultimate weapon of mankind, with the power to destroy heaven and earth. Any living creature in front of it is like a piece of paper, which will be torn into pieces in an instant.

This scene was broadcast live to the whole world through video. The horrific scene of the ultimate weapon explosion shocked all living beings.

Watching such a live broadcast, not to mention the alien creatures who had turned on their spiritual intelligence for more than two months, even humans who had already understood the power of the ultimate weapon were shocked to the core.

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Moreover, in the live video, the last two powerful beings who were specifically tracked by the camera and could fly into the sky were recognized by everyone. They were the extraordinary powerhouses Snake Demon King and Crocodile Demon King who had just revealed their true identities yesterday.

For a moment, the whole world was quiet!

Two extraordinary powerful men were easily destroyed by mankind's ultimate weapon without any suspense.

At this time, many people and creatures around the world are paying attention to this live video. Looking at the final result, they can't come back to their senses for a long time.

Creatures with super senses and the ability to predict danger in advance will also suffer under a large-scale attack from this ultimate weapon. Unless their speed can be extremely fast, they can escape from such an attack.

The extraordinary powerhouses Snake Demon King and Crocodile Demon King, as well as countless subordinate demons, were instantly destroyed by mankind's ultimate weapon. This was a major event with far-reaching impact, shocking all aliens.

The human world, after being quiet, instantly boiled. Everyone was extremely excited and began to cheer and shout loudly.

The Snake Demon King and the Crocodile Demon King are so evil that after the sudden change in the world, they are like a magic stone that has always been weighing on everyone's heart, making many people breathless.

These two peerless demons have caused endless destruction and harmed too many people. To this day, they continue to threaten them, making many people feel resentful and filled with depression.

At this time, the two demons were finally killed, and everyone let out a breath of evil and began to cheer.

However, before the people in front of the video started celebrating, the scene in the live video changed.

In the video at this time, the tide of corpses is like a sea, extremely terrifying, and vast, like ocean waves, surging forward.

This is the Black Continent, a place that suffers from corpse disasters. It is another bad land on the earth after the change of heaven and earth. Countless creatures died and turned into a paradise and lair for corpse ghosts.

Just today, at this moment, in the video, a flash of fire flashed from the sky, and then with an earth-shattering bang, a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky and towered directly into the clouds.

Meet humanity’s ultimate weapon again!

Due to the evil deeds of the Snake Demon King and the Crocodile Demon King, Nanmuzhou was basically occupied at this time and turned into a forbidden land for humans.

After the changes in the world, this place is one of the most terrifying disasters in the world. There are killings every day, and death is accompanying everyone here.

The once beautiful and fertile infinite mountains and rivers were invaded by the snake demon and the crocodile demon. The earth was stained with blood, human corpses were everywhere, and the entire continent became a demon lair.

The culprits, the Snake Demon King and the Crocodile Demon King, are so powerful that conventional human weapons are useless against them. Therefore, although the humans of Nanmuzhou have been fighting back desperately, they have had little effect. They are no match for the infinite demons.

At this time, the entire Nanmu Continent has basically fallen, leaving only a small piece of land near the center of Beimuzhou civilization that has not been lost because of the support of many advanced human weapons. Hundreds of millions of people in the entire Nanmu Continent have suffered from this demonic disaster. Only hundreds of thousands of people survived, and now they all gathered here to make a last desperate resistance.

Negotiations between humans and sea tribes have failed, and a world-class race war is about to occur. Under this situation, many land demons have ceased. The struggles between humans and demons everywhere have gradually ceased due to the impending war. Most demons and weird They all restrained themselves a lot and became quiet.

However, the Snake Demon King and the Crocodile Demon King were exactly the opposite. Not only did they not restrain themselves, but they became even more ferocious and bloodthirsty, driving the endless demonic beasts under them to advance by sea and land, pushing them all the way northward, with great potential. The entire Bad Island is in danger of being wiped out.

In addition, there are also Black Continent corpse demons causing trouble. Thousands of dead corpses, regardless of race, have crawled up, cold and bloodthirsty, and have turned half of the Black Continent into a paradise for corpse ghosts.

Regarding the Black Demon Corpse Disaster, it started after the sudden change in the world and spread rapidly. It is a terrifying disaster that all living creatures need to face.

Moreover, humans have a somewhat vague definition of corpses that cause disaster in corpse disasters. It is said that they are monsters, but they are dead objects and did not evolve from living creatures. This does not match the definition of monsters. It is also inappropriate to say that they are weird. Because these corpses were all dead creatures in the Black Continent, they were named ghouls in the end.

There are also human organizations that have taken many risks to bring these dead but resurrected corpses back to the Baizhou Human Civilization Center for research, but to no avail.

Because from a scientific point of view, the bodies of these ghouls are dead corpses. They cannot have any biological activity at all and should never stand up again.

Even if spiritual energy is used to cause the corpse to mutate and channel, it cannot be explained, because there is no corpse disaster in other places in the world, only the Black Continent.

So in the end, everyone can only classify it as an unsolved mystery and wait for more information to be obtained in the future before making a judgment.

At this time, the war between humans and the Sea Tribe was imminent. Although the Black Continent Corpse Demon did not utter any arrogant words, it had shown everything with actions. During this sensitive period, it did not restrain itself at all and continued to move closer to the north.

The mighty tide of corpses is like the waves of the sea, sweeping everything along the way. Whether they are humans or other creatures, they are the targets of their killings. And as long as the creatures die, they will become walking zombies and become one of the zombies. It is extremely terrifying, frightening and terrifying all living creatures.

Finally, there is the vampire who calls himself Cain. The same is true. He still sucks human blood unscrupulously. On this day, he turned more than a dozen people into mummies. He has no fear of human beings. Food without any ability to resist.

Just in the evening of that day, first in Nanmuzhou, there was mankind's ultimate weapon, which attacked directly from outside the atmosphere. The speed reached dozens of times the speed of sound, falling from the sky, and then mushroom clouds rose from the earth. It towered into the clouds and lingered for a long time. It was particularly eye-catching in the bloody sunset shrouded in thick fog.

On the earth, the shock wave generated by the explosion of the ultimate weapon spread suddenly, turning all living things into ashes in an instant, and even the Amazon River was directly evaporated and ceased to exist.

The mighty endless monsters, at this moment, even had no time to scream, were directly beaten into powder by the shock wave and dissipated directly in the air.

At the moment when the mushroom clouds rose, two angry and frightening beast roars came from a lake in Nanmuzhou and a lush dense forest, and then two figures emerged from here. Flying out from two places, the speed was very fast, flying towards the end of the distant sky without hesitation.

However, a total of eight huge mushroom clouds rose up, blocking all the paths of the two figures. No matter which direction the two figures flew, they were within the attack range of mankind's ultimate weapon.

The next moment, the two figures that had flown to the end of the sky let out a desperate and frightening beast roar. Then their figures were annihilated, but were directly torn into pieces by the sweeping shock wave.

In the deafening explosion, the earth exploded, shaking and rumbling. The entire Nanmuzhou continental plate was actually shaken by the loud noise, and it moved about ten centimeters further south.

This is the ultimate weapon of mankind, with the power to destroy heaven and earth. Any living creature in front of it is like a piece of paper, which will be torn into pieces in an instant.

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