The first taboo in the world

Chapter 27 Morning Sword Dance

The clouds and mist are steaming, and the clouds are shining brightly. Chaoyang Peak is one of the main peaks of Huashan Mountain. There is a platform on the top of the peak. It is high up and has a wide view. It is a famous place to watch the sunrise, also known as the Chaoyang Terrace.

Xu Zifan sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain, looking at the vast sea of ​​clouds in front of him, stretching as far as the eye could see. A bright sun was rising slowly, reflecting the colorful colors of the clouds and mists in the eastern sky. It was indescribably spectacular and made people feel heroic.

The whole world suddenly became alive and full of hope.

Xu Zifan held a thin thread-bound book in his hand. This was one of the books given to him by Yue Buqun, who paid homage to the ancestors of Huashan Mountain two years ago. The other book was Huashan Sword Technique.

In the past two years, Xu Zifan has attached great importance to the thin book Huashan Xinfa. Now the internal skills practiced by Huashan disciples are Huashan Xinfa, Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan are no exception.

As a major sect in the world, the Huashan Sect has a long history. It has its own reasons to use the Huashan Mental Method as the internal strength to consolidate the foundation of the sect's disciples. Countless predecessors and sages have carefully studied and revised this inner strength, and it should also be ranked among the best in this world. The top three basic internal skills.

Xu Zifan has listened to Yue Buqun's instructions on how to practice internal energy for two years, and has also consulted Yue Buqun privately. Ning Zhongze is already very familiar with this internal energy practice.

It may be because he absorbed the spiritual energy formed by the silver-white cauldron, small bell, etc. in the real world. At that time, he only felt warm and bulging in his abdomen. Later, he even gained five hundred kilograms of strength because of this.

The progress in practicing the Huashan Mind Technique is now very fast, and he has already caught up with Linghu Chong. There are nine levels in the Huashan Mind Technique, and he has now reached the fourth level.

Xu Zifan is busy studying and practicing all day long. He is like an invisible person in the eyes of Huashan disciples, and his reputation is not obvious at all.

But Yue Buqun and Ning Zhongze knew about his situation, especially Yue Buqun, who often paid attention to him.

At night, Yue Buqun was alone in his study, thinking about the construction of the Huashan Sect, and frowning. When he thought about Xu Zifan, he was also very confused.

In the past two years, he has also been to Fuzhou Prefecture to investigate Xu Zifan's ancestral home, but he could not find any useful results. Xu Zifan seemed to appear out of thin air, and suddenly one day appeared in Fuzhou Prefecture. This is what he is most worried about. .

But after two years of observation, he also found that Xu Zifan had no intentions towards the Huashan sect. Apart from studying every day, he practiced martial arts, and he was also calm. He liked this kind of character and behavior very much, looking like a good boy and good student.

If Xu Zifan's origins hadn't become a mystery, he would have already taken Xu Zifan into his inner circle.

Senior brother, it's late at night and you're still awake? Are you worried about the sect again? Ning Zhongze walked in at this time and asked with concern.

Junior sister, you also know that now that Huashan is in decline, Zuo Lengchan has ulterior motives, and the Sun and Moon Demon Sect is determined to destroy me. Now the disciples in the sect have not grown up yet, and only you and I are shouldering everything and falling for my husband. It’s nothing, but having you, madam, bear great pressure along with me makes me feel really sorry for my husband, hey!” Yue Buqun sighed sadly.

Senior brother, the most difficult period has passed. Now the sect is getting better and better, and the disciples are also making progress. Chong'er is seventeen years old, and he has practiced both internal skills and swordsmanship well. He is among his peers in the world. Zhongye is like a dragon or a phoenix among people, and our Huashan sect will definitely revive in the future. Ning Zhongze said. 【…iQi Literature¥Free Reading】

And don't say anything about suffering with you in the future. I understand your senior brother's intentions. I am very happy to be able to build such a big business with my senior brother. Ning Zhongze scolded.

Thinking of the many hardships they have experienced since taking over as the head of Huashan, Yue Buqun and Ning Zhongze were filled with emotion.

At this time, Ning Zhongze was already leaning on Yue Buqun's shoulder, recalling the ups and downs the two had experienced together.

Brother, do you still have doubts about Zifan? Ning Zhong thought of the many disciples in the sect and suddenly said: I think Zifan has a stable personality in the past two years since he joined the sect, he is serious and studious, not interested in fame and fortune, and has a very good character. He shouldn’t be someone with ulterior motives.”

I hope so too. Although Zifan is a little older, he is diligent, steady, and eager to learn. If there is really no evil in his heart, he would be a very good disciple. Yue Buqun responded.

What are you going to do, senior brother? Do you want to continue to observe? Ning Zhongze asked.

Let's take a closer look. The Huashan Sect is no longer as prosperous as before. It must be managed on thin ice and no mistakes can be tolerated. Yue Buqun sighed.

Well, although senior brother has ideas and I shouldn't interrupt, I still feel that senior brother has thought too much on this matter. Ning Zhong looked into Yue Buqun's eyes and said.

Hey, I have my own considerations for my husband. I will give him more guidance in martial arts. Yue Buqun said with helpless eyes.

Senior brother, don't worry. It's late at night. Go to bed early. You have to instruct the disciples to practice kung fu tomorrow! Ning Zhong looked at her husband and said with concern.

Well... Yue Buqun responded, full of exhaustion.

In the morning, the sun shines and the sword dances in the morning light. Huashan Jade Girl Peak is a martial arts training ground. All the important disciples of Huashan are dancing swords in the field. This is the daily morning class time for Huashan disciples. Every day, Yue Buqun or Ning Zhong personally instructs many disciples in martial arts here.

The morning glow is brilliant, falling like broken gold, bathing people in warmth.

I saw many energetic disciples in the field. They were practicing boxing, dancing swords, or fighting each other in pairs to dismantle each other's moves.

Today, Yue Buqun was on hand to provide guidance, correcting the mistakes and deviations in the martial arts practiced by his disciples one by one.

Zifan, you practice a set of Huashan swordsmanship and show it to your teacher. Yue Buqun said to Xu Zifan after instructing a disciple.

Okay, master! Xu Zifan responded.

Many disciples around looked at this fellow disciple in surprise.

Because Xu Zifan is usually too low-key and has little contact with other disciples. He is either studying in the library or practicing alone all day long.

Under the morning sun, Xu Zifan began to dance with his sword. He saw his figure flying and moving, the sword light flickering, reflecting the sharp sword light in the sun.

White clouds come out of Xiu, there is a phoenix coming to the ceremony, the heavenly gentry hangs upside down, the white rainbow penetrates the sun, the green pines welcome guests, the golden geese cross the sky, the boundless falling trees, the green mountains are hidden, the ancient cypresses are thick, the unparalleled and unmatched, the gold and jade are full of the hall, his practice is all standard. The Zhongzheng is strict and the sword is brilliant.

Okay! I don't know who shouted first, and everyone started to cheer.

Many fellow disciples around him did not expect that this fellow disciple who usually did not talk much could be so skilled in swordsmanship. They were all shocked and talked endlessly.

Yue Buqun was also surprised at this time. He didn't expect that this older apprentice could practice swordsmanship so well and to a very standard level. Linghu Chong had been practicing for more than ten years, so he was at this level!

Xu Zifan himself knew about his family affairs. Before he came to this world, he had never been exposed to martial arts. After coming here, he can only learn what he can learn from the standard first, learn to master it, and then try to change. Now is the time to lay the foundation, and there is no room for sloppiness.

He can practice to such a standard because, firstly, he has really practiced hard, and secondly, he has already mastered the Huashan Mental Technique and has internal strength in his body, so it is easier to get started with the Huashan Sword Technique, which is still a basic sword technique.

After a while, Xu Zifan danced the Huashan Sword Technique again.

Many fellow disciples around him praised him one after another, including Linghu Chong.

Zifan, you have practiced swordsmanship well. Each move is very standard. Next, you should consider the changes in swordsmanship and how to connect different moves with each move. In the world of martial arts where people compete with each other, swordsmanship is dead. Only by practicing your sword skills can you defeat the enemy. You must remember to learn and use them! Yue Buqun explained to Xu Zifan, and also to other disciples.

In addition, swordsmanship is only inferior, and internal strength is the foundation. If you practice martial arts without practicing martial arts, you will be in vain. When you practice internal strength to a high level, you can not only prolong your life, but also be able to integrate any martial arts and increase your power. When the time comes, you will be able to fly and pick flowers. Ye Jie can hurt people, but walking in the snow without leaving a trace is just a matter of leisure. You must not put the cart before the horse, otherwise you will regret it for the rest of your life!

Xu Zifan was also listening carefully, and he agreed with Yue Buqun's point of view.

After Yue Buqun explained this, he took a step forward instantly. Xu Zifan felt a figure flash by, and with a light movement in his hand, he saw that the sword in his hand had already been in Yue Buqun's hand.

Watch it! Yue Buqun shouted.

In the martial arts training ground, the sword energy was everywhere, the cold light was flashing, the beauty was extraordinary, but the dangers coexisted. It was as if a tall and independent mountain, handsome and independent, full of wonders and dangers appeared.

Huashan Mountain has been famous for its wonders and dangers since ancient times. The sword meaning of Huashan Sword Technique is taken from the two words strange and dangerous of Mount Huashan in Western China. The infinite scenery of Huashan Mountain is full of wonder and danger.

Strangeness and danger often go hand in hand with beauty, so the Huashan swordsmanship is extraordinary, majestic and unparalleled, and the moves are full of the artistic conception of winning in danger and winning in danger.

Yes, this is the sword intention of Huashan Sword Technique. Xu Zifan was surprised that Yue Buqun could use this basic sword technique to achieve the sword intention.

Sure enough, I still have a long way to go, but this world is quite interesting.

The sword clanked, and the sword energy was like frost.

Whoosh! There was a sound from the sword, and a sword energy streaked across the sky and hit a big tree next to the martial arts training ground.

A gust of wind blew, Boom... The big tree fell down with a crash. The fracture was flat and smooth, and it was cut by the sword energy.

What a great move, White Rainbow Penetrating the Sun, Xu Zifan sighed, it contains the sword's intention and controls the sword with Qi, it is really powerful.

The surrounding disciples had their mouths wide open and their eyes widened in shock.

Is this the strength of this world-class master? Xu Zifan was also shocked. There was a huge difference between what he saw on TV and what he saw in person.

Wow! Master is so awesome! The disciples exclaimed!

After finishing the Huashan Sword Technique once, Yue Buqun stopped and stood with his sword in hand. The breeze came out and his green shirt fluttered. With his indifferent expression, he looked like a master of sword technique in the world. Yue Buqun said: This is using Qi to control the sword. Everyone has seen it, so Qi is the main force and the sword is the supplement. You must not go the wrong way.

All the disciples were impressed by his charisma and praised him one after another.

After the morning class, Yue Buqun said: Chong'er, Zifan, come to me in the study later.

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