The first taboo in the world

Chapter 15 Xiao Huang’s Mutation

Xu Zifan was very uncomfortable. Every time he came home, Xiao Huang would greet him outside the gate, with his tail raised and his head shaking, very happy.

Now seeing Xiao Huang in such pain and possibly even dying, he felt very uncomfortable.

Suddenly, a blue light flashed, and Xu Zifan saw faint blue light emerging from all over Xiao Huang's body, dyeing his few body hair blue.

Xiao Huang was rolling in pain at this time, his whole body was shaking, and he was whining.

After a while, Xiao Huang stopped moving, his body became stiff, and he stopped breathing. Only a faint blue light shrouded Xiao Huang.

Xu Zifan was silent beside him, and Xu's mother burst into tears.

About a quarter of an hour later, the blue light on Xiao Huang slowly weakened until it disappeared.

Zifan, look, Xiao Huang is moving again. Xu's mother suddenly shouted happily.

Xiao Huang, who was lying on the ground, suddenly started to tremble all over.

Dong dong dong! Suddenly a strong heart beating sound came from Xiao Huang.

Xiao Huang's body was shaking more and more seriously. Its body was stretching and its bones were snapping. Its original body, which was the size of a native dog, was growing in size, and it stopped when it became the size of an adult lion.

The remaining hair on its body even fell off, and then new hair grew at a speed visible to the naked eye. The new hair is about three inches long, shiny and golden, like golden satin, which is very extraordinary.

Then the dog's claws became wider, thicker, and longer at a speed visible to the naked eye. They also appeared golden, sharp and attractive, with a cold light.

Similarly, the canine teeth in the dog's mouth are also growing longer, larger and thicker. After growing to two inches long, they stop growing. If you look closely, the teeth are sharp and thick, which makes people shudder.

Xiao Huang evolved at an unimaginable speed and mutated.

Xu's mother was shocked by this change. Xu Zifan asked Xu's mother to return home first and close the door. And he himself stood watching from a distance with an engineering shovel and a butcher's knife.

Xu Zifan has also seen relevant reports from news reports in the past two days, which are about the mutations that have occurred in his pets. Some of them have become vicious, cruel, crazy and bloodthirsty, and they do not recognize their relatives. Some of them have become more understanding after the mutation. Spirituality, getting closer to the master.

He didn't know if Xiao Huang would still recognize them after the mutation. No one knew the specific situation. To be on the safe side, he could only do this.

About a quarter of an hour later, Xiao Huang's mutation ended. After another blue light flashed from Xiao Huang, Xiao Huang's body stopped shaking and opened his eyes slightly.

After an instant, Xiao Huang stood up from the ground, shook his hair, relaxed his body, and shouted to the sky a few times.

Woof... woof woof. Xiao Huang's voice was rough and powerful, very intimidating.

At this time, Xiao Huang's hair was golden and thick, like golden satin, and very bright.

The body is more than two meters long and half a person tall. The body is majestic, the limbs are thick, the chest is broad, the head is huge, the pupils of the two eyes are golden, and they are extremely majestic.

There is a trace of blue in the center of the forehead, which is very mysterious. A set of canine teeth are sharp and cold, exposed outside the mouth, like a golden lion or an enlarged mastiff. It is so ferocious that ordinary people will be scared out of their wits at a glance. 【…*iQi Literature! ...fastest update]

Xiao Huang turned to look at Xu Zifan in the courtyard, let out a low whine, swung his thick and fluffy golden tail, ran to Xu Zifan's feet, and rubbed his huge head against Xu Zifan's trouser legs.

Xu Zifan put down his equipment and breathed a sigh of relief. He gently rubbed Xiao Huang's head with his hands. He looked at Xiao Huang carefully and found that his eyes were very agile and even better than before.

Xu Zifan was relieved and very happy.

Xiao Huang...are you hungry? Xu Zifan lowered his head and asked.

Woo! Xiao Huang actually lowered and raised his huge head, lowered and raised it again, making a whining sound.

Is this a nod? Xu Zifan was overjoyed. He didn't expect Xiao Huang to be so spiritual now.

Xiao Huang, come here! At this time, Xu Zifan's mother also came out of the house and called Xiao Huang happily.

When Xiao Huang heard it, he whimpered and ran towards Xu's mother, wagging his tail, very happy. Xu's mother also held Xiao Huang's head and was very happy.

Old Xu, is this your dog? It's so scary, so big! At this time, a voice came from outside the courtyard door.

Outside the hospital gate, Xu's father walked in with the veterinarian he had found.

After understanding the situation, Xu's father was happy and embarrassed at the same time. After thanking the veterinarian, he gave him two boxes of good cigarettes and sent the veterinarian away.

When the veterinarian left, he said he had never seen such a magical dog. He wanted to buy it at a high price, but Xu's mother declined.

Next, Xu Zifan continued to pack his things, and the whole morning passed like this.

By noon, everything was finally packed.

I didn't expect that the dimmed blue plant could have such a great effect. What about the blue exotic fruit? Why is there no movement?

Xu Zifan thought of the blue strange fruit that disappeared into his body last night, with a confused look on his face.

It should have a greater effect, right? It just hasn't shown up yet. Xu Zifan thought to himself to comfort himself.

Xu Zifan took out the stone ring he carried with him and looked at the nine-tenths of the outermost ring of the simple stone ring that was lit up. There were strands of golden light swimming around, which was very mysterious and extraordinary.

I originally planned to go into the mountain to dig out blue stones for the stone ring to absorb today, but after last night's earthquake, I couldn't leave today and could only wait for tomorrow.

Xu Zifan has a sense of urgency. After the change in the world, the aura is getting stronger and stronger. Now there are too many strange events. He understands that only when he is strong can he face everything calmly.

The mysterious silver-white substance absorbed at the entrance of the mine is really strange, and it seems to have the effect of cutting hair and washing marrow.

After he solved many problems on his way back yesterday, his body was in high spirits. He felt that his whole body was full of energy and his vitality had increased a lot.

Yes, he has been busy since the earthquake last night. He hasn't slept. He has been busy dealing with the ruins of the house this morning. He is still in high spirits, which shows everything.

He tried lifting the stone in the courtyard, and it felt much lighter than before. It wasn't that the stone was lighter, but that he was much stronger.

Then he specially found iron tools, tied them together with steel ropes, and tried to lift weights.

Boom! There was a loud noise, which was the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

Five hundred catties? Xu Zifan was surprised. He can actually lift five hundred pounds.

Am I considered a strong man? Xu Zifan said to himself, then shook his head. After the sudden change in the world, this is nothing.

In the news reports a few days ago, there was a strange person who could lift two thousand kilograms of objects. It was inhuman and terrifying. My strength was nothing compared to them. Everything is different after the change in heaven and earth.

Turn on the news reports on your mobile phone. Nowadays, there are more and more strange people, and many supernatural powers are mysterious and unpredictable.

Someone actually ranked the top 100 strange people in the country. Their abilities are extraordinary, mysterious, and terrifying. They are all powerful people after the change in the world. Each one is recognized as the number one in their respective places.

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