The First Mage

Chapter 2053: Coming enemy

As Lynch's voice fell, the Griffin stopped.

At this time, the three elves were already dying. The three elves were two men and one woman, but they were all usually very handsome, and their auras were also extremely not weak, and they were all at the level of the great wizard.

Any patrol team actually has this level, and it can also be seen that the elves have a talent against the sky.

But for Lynch, a great wizard is still a great wizard, and the difference is really not that big.

It's just a snap.

Lynch looked at the three pale, extremely weak elves, and said lightly: "Don't you know this battleship?"

"It's just an ancient battleship that my elven empire left out thousands of years ago. Lost in the void, are you worthy to control?"

But when one of the elves screamed in anger, the female elves next to him immediately stopped him from continuing.

At this moment, the three elves couldn’t see the depth of Lynch at all. From start to finish, they only saw Lynch raising his hand, and no magical fluctuations appeared. Their magic warships, unexpectedly It just got out of control.

In fact, until now, they didn't even know whether what they encountered was magic or some other means.

Although they can't see the depth, from the confrontation just now, they also know that the young man in front of them is definitely not simple...

Not what they can handle.

And as Lynch raised his hand and waved, these elves suddenly regained their spirits. They were a little surprised to feel that they could not move at all, and their bodies were so weak that they surged out of thin air. A bit of strength.

Then I only heard this terrifying young man say faintly: "Take me into your plane."

"Impossible, humble human, I tell you, let us go now, otherwise no matter which plane you are from, your entire plane will bear the empire's wrath!"

Lynch frowned: "Do it."

After that, I saw that the Griffin seemed to be pleased with a brow, and then a silver flame like a starflame spurted out of the mouth, which was surrounded by dots of star-like light, which was aimed at these elves. .

These elves suddenly exclaimed, and then only saw that the flame was only aimed at the clamoring difficult elves, and in the flames, only the male elves were not burned to death.

It's just that in the silver flame, weirdly aging.

That young and handsome face was covered with wrinkles in an instant, the vigorous vitality of his body disappeared, and the whole person looked like an old man with a dwindling life span.

"Born, life swallowed?"

The Griffin sucked the silver flame back at once, and then licked its mouth contentedly. This was also one of its gains in the past ten years.

After swallowing a Tier 5 level spirit sucker, he gained this ability to devour lives.

"You, you, who are you?"

At this moment, in the eyes of these elves, the griffon who licked his mouth and looked at him with a look of food was already extremely terrifying.

And the owner of this silver griffin is even more terrifying like a **** or devil...

"Me?" Lynch thought for a while, and then smiled: "It's an Avenger from a long distance. As for why I'm here, it's to settle an old account."

"Go report the news, this person will leave me as a guide."

As the voice fell, the two elves were as if they were amnesty, and they didn't dare to say any more, they immediately headed towards the magic warship in the distant void...

After a while, several magic battleships that had heard the news flew over and greeted the elves.

The scale and level of these warships are a bit higher. The warships are made of unknown cyan metal, and the surface is carved with gorgeous lines. On the deck, there is a statue of a tree of life erected.

As long as it is a slightly knowledgeable wizard, you can see that these battleships are in the typical elven style...


After seeing it, Lynch raised his brow.

Because Lynch discovered that these warships, compared with the elven warships recorded in ancient books, did not change much...

I insist on saying something different...

That is, the style seems more gorgeous and more elegant.

It really looks good.

But you can't eat it because it looks good?

What are these elves doing for so many years?

Lynch's face looked a little weird.

Faintly, it seems that something is wrong.

At this time, when these warships arrived, they were in a typical frontal attack formation. This is another classic tactic in the ancient times, but...

Is it too classic?

Is it true?

You know, although the human wizards are a bit poorer in talent, the battleships manufactured so far are similar to these warships, but they are also made by the human wizards step by step.

And in the exploration of the plane, although there is not much progress, the various tactical theories are blooming. If it is placed on a human mage at this time, I am afraid that there are several formations that can be used.

It's not going to use such old-fashioned things that have been studied thousands of times.

At this moment, above those battleships, two elves lifted into the air, but when they swept towards the Lynch battleship, their expressions suddenly changed.

The aging appearance of the companion who had been absorbed cleanly was shocking.

However, the Griffin lying lazily there also exudes a sense of deep depression that makes them all feel a deep depression, and the most terrifying thing is that young human...

They also couldn't see the depth of this human being, but it was him just now, and abolished three patrol warships.

I can't see his depth, so there is only one possibility...

His strength has far surpassed himself, and he can't even capture a bit of his strength...

"This place is blessed by the Elf Empire. We are the Honor Guard personally identified by His Majesty the Emperor. Who are you who dare to trespass into the territory of the Elf Empire! Return now, or don't blame us for being rude!"

Lynch glanced at them and said slowly, "It's polite enough."

This is not entirely ironic...

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