The First Mage

Chapter 1808: Hourglass

The suppressed slaves on all planes, as the elves retreated, they also began to rise one after another. They learned magic in blood and fire—of course, it was an immature broken magic system.

Even human wizards can only gather under the blessing of the great powers of wizards that have risen during the war. They struggle to survive in that troubled world because they are limited by human talent. The magic obtained from the hands of the elves is still undergoing difficult improvement. Among them, only a part of extremely talented humans can learn.

This is not hidden, it is because the entire magic system is too incomplete. After other humans with insufficient aptitude learn, they will often fall into madness soon because they are not strong enough to bear the imprint of the spell model, or they have no body. The elves were so powerful, their bodies collapsed due to the impact of magical power.

And just [悠悠读书] at this time...

The upside down sage came into being. He was also a learner selected during this period. He was extremely talented and could easily master various magical powers, and soon became a human magic leader who can stand shoulder to shoulder with his predecessors.

Like everyone else, after he obtained enough qualifications, he began to participate in improving magic.

However, at this time, he chose a different path from the predecessors...

He chose to seek inspiration from the demons of hell.

You know, the power controlled by the demons of **** is not inferior to that of the elves. There were even battles during the Dark Dynasty. Every time it was a tragic tie, the Dark Dynasty chose to close all plane channels, and the demons really couldn't Adapt to the plane environment other than hell, so this history has come to an end in the history of the Dark Dynasty.

And what is the price to learn magic from them?

The high-ranking mages at the time opposed fiercely. They felt that this would lead to the suppression of another dark dynasty. It was absolutely undesirable to draw wolves into the room in order to obtain a breakthrough in magic.

But the human beings at that time had no choice but to go through too many hardships. Although the population base was large enough, there were still very few people who could master magic.

If the delay continues, I am afraid that the human race will really gradually die out in the fierce competition among all races.

Mankind was not destroyed in the dark dynasty, and naturally cannot die after the war!

Soon, there will be two factions between mankind.

Then there was a long tug of war...

The end of the tug-of-war was not the result of the dispute, but the monsters and other races began to rely on their tyrannical vitality to gradually multiply on the earth and begin to squeeze the living space of human beings.

There is really no point in arguing about this.

At this time, the upside down sage cooperated with several other top human powers and broke a road to hell...

Then the sage hanged upside down and went into hell...

No one knew what happened afterwards.

The final result is that the upside down sage brought inspiration from the devil, almost the entire magic system has changed, and the human race that can be popularized has indeed expanded rapidly.

The human race is also becoming stronger day by day, and gradually began to build its own empire on the earth.


At this time, the biggest hero hangs upside down, but the sage seems to be caught in a certain predicament. After bringing out the original magic system, he hides in his tower and cannot get out of the door.

In the end, the people outside couldn't help it anymore. Hundreds of years after the hanging sage closed the door, some major issues concerning the future of mankind needed to be resolved, and at this time they had to break in forcibly.

But the next scene I saw shocked everyone.

The tower where the sage hangs upside down is decorated with solidified blood and corpses everywhere. There are human corpses everywhere. People quickly recognize that it is a certain demon ritual performed by humans and requires humans to experience extremes. Tormented pain and then died.

The hanging sage himself was in the center of the altar. His legs were hung by a thick chain hanging from above, and the hem of both hands was weak...

And he himself is already full of dense, strange and evil magic runes.

Human corpses were scattered around him for four or four weeks, and blood gurgled out, converging into an encirclement of blood, gathering around him.

And the hanged sage died a long time ago in this **** corpse. I don't know how long, but because of his strength, the corpse still died as before.

The blood dripped from the eyes, along the hair on the cheeks, and dripped on the ground, forming a line of blood stained blood.

"I am right."

At that time, this sentence was spread to all human races. What does this sentence mean?

What do I mean?

You should know that the status of the upside down sage among the human race at that time was already the existence of magic light, even those who disagree with him, in that era when mankind gradually rose, they have been regarded as the guide of mankind. .

Why did he write such a line himself?

This incident caused a wave of waves. Basically all the top powerhouses of the human family gathered together to investigate whether there was any abnormality, especially the death of the hanging saint, and whether there was any interference from the devil...

After all, the ceremony at the time was indeed very reminiscent. Perhaps the hanging saint was in contact with the power of the devil for a long time, and was unconsciously affected by some kind of influence, even erosion.

But the final conclusion is that from the moment of hanging upside down, the saints are very awake, without any demonic factors, and even for this, they even sent people to **** to verify some things...

Then the final result is still the same...

Hanging sages upside down is the path of his own choice.


Since then, the name of the Hanged Sage has spread along with this terrifying method of death and the countless mysteries in it...


The mages are still full of curiosity about the hanging sages.

Fortunately, the upside down sage left a whole relic of the mage tower. Later, after several toss and turns, scattered around, it gave everyone a wealth of research materials, and then everyone knew that the upside down sage had reached a considerable distance on the magic road. To the point, his relics often carry powerful magical powers, even if they do not consider their research value, they are rare magic weapons.

So now.

After appraisal, the hourglass, which was judged to be the relic of a hanging saint, can be imagined for its preciousness.

It can be said that in this auction, basically all major forces will choose to shoot on this hourglass and try to win it.

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