The First Mage

Chapter 1778: Don't care

With few people around, Lynch was brought to this trail by Rudolph, and when he walked towards the small mage tower, he clearly felt that the top priority of the Auckland College was obviously different from other towers... …

"This place is called the Heart of Auckland. Hehe, it is the most core place of the Auckland Academy. All important people in the Academy must be approved here before they are allowed to take up their posts. And here every once in a while, the Academy The internal heads and brains will also hold a party to exchange some of your newly acquired collections, and by the way, discuss the recent happenings within the academy. You are also eligible to come here in the future..."

Rudolph explained all the way, and it took about four or five minutes to walk down this path and came under the tower.

"Old guys usually gather at the highest level, come with me..."

As Rudolph said, he took Lynch in.

At the same time, some nasty smiles appeared on his face: "I believe that when those old guys see you, the expressions on their faces will be very wonderful."

Lynch shook his head helplessly, and then walked in.

The interior is surprisingly simple, the seemingly plain stone walls, without the slightest decoration, but on the walls there are a few lamps and candles that are not visible for a long time, emitting a warm yellow light.

And the entire high tower seems to be hollowed out from a whole mountain peak. There are actually no gaps inside, all of which are dark stone walls...

The whole building exudes a faint breath of vicissitudes, as if the times have been long ago, and there are some stains on the stone walls that have long been invisible...

In fact, after walking in, Lynch also knew that the interior was really big.

Compared with the transformation land that the Elf King prepared for himself, this place looks different. It also uses the space alchemy circle to expand the space on each floor, just the hall on this floor. , It looks like a vast expanse, the inside is actually a tortuous road, divided into several areas.

It's just that every area is protected by a thick stone wall, and I don't know what's inside.

"During the war, all members of the academy will be protected here."

However, seeing Lynch’s shock, Rudolph smiled faintly: “This place was not on the same scale as it is now, but it has undergone several generations of repairs to this day. Haha, its internal mystery is not just What you see now, you will know it slowly in the future."


Lin Qi's curious gaze narrowed a little, and he was deeply impressed by Rudolph's words. Even though he only briefly glanced at this place, his first impression made Lin Qi feel that this place is absolutely It is not of the same level as the Gilded Rose Tower.

If he insisted, Lynch felt that although the interior of the gilded rose tower had undergone many alchemy and magical transformations, Lynch felt that there were still traces to follow, at least within the regular rules of the tower.

But this place...

Lynch felt that perhaps the appearance of the tower now was just a disguise, and even Lynch didn't know what rules the place was built according to.

It's just a faint feeling, as if waiting for the moment when this tower tears its camouflage and reveals its fangs, an extremely terrifying sight will be revealed.

"This place used to be the meeting place for the entire parliament. Generations of parliamentarians were here to welcome important guests and discuss major issues about Auckland College..."

Lynch followed Rudolph to the second floor. This place looked rather relaxed. Old furniture was placed around, and oil paintings hung on the walls. They were the portraits of past senators... …

"Okay, go with me, those old guys are still waiting for you in the chamber."


When Lin Qicai was about to follow Rudolph to the third floor, he only saw where one person just came down...

"Hehe, Rudolph? Is this your precious disciple who would rather shamelessly save?"

The man walking oncoming, wearing a black robe, with some silver dots on it, looks like stars in the night sky. He looks like he is in his forties. For the mage, it was the peak period, and his eyes were rather narrow. At this time, he looked at Lynch, then stared at Rudolph and sneered. He looked a little pale, as if he hadn't seen the sun for a long time. ...

However, Lynch knew that this mage, who looked like a middle-aged man, was actually more than 500 years old, and he was also one of the seven towers of Auckland, the current owner of the Stars Tower...

At this time, Rudolph didn't show any face, and he snorted and went back: "Wolf, let me go back and stay honestly if I know him."

Rudolph's remarks are quite rude.

However, at this time Wolf was actually not giving up, and he continued to block there with a smile and said without a smile: "Hehe, you disciple, as a younger generation, actually made us members of Congress wait for such a day. The big one, I think your teacher has a problem with his teaching. You have a little bit of accomplishment, and you are so defiant. How long did you enter the academy and dare you to go to the place of inheritance?"

After saying this, his silver-gray eyes turned again, staring at Lynch, and said with a faint smile: "It’s hard to be a great wizard at a young age, but it looks like a temper. It’s a little big, but when I see my elders, I don’t even bother to ask if I say good things?"


At this time, Rudolph frowned, but this time he didn't want to harden Wolff anymore. On the contrary, he was a little worried that something might happen...

This guy, who is so immortal, went to taunt Marfa Merlin?

Rudolph still knew a little about his own disciple. Although he was young, his temper was really not young. Facing the original Noel and Adam, he never gave up and chose to be positive.

It can be said that this is a person who will never suffer from provocation.

Rudolph had no doubt, even facing this Wolf.

The owner of the towers of the stars, a member of the Auckland Council, is a very important person to outsiders, but for a disciple who has traveled through many planes and seen many great worlds, it is really impossible. Care……

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