The First Mage

Chapter 1775: jobs

Looking at the entire gilded rose tower, only Lynch and Rudolph were qualified to do this job.

Therefore, no matter how simple the classification or the incomparably complex magical preservation, these two important figures, Lynch and Rudolph, who are now in Auckland College, must complete them one by one...

Anyway, during this period of time, Lynch found that although his strength had broken through, there were more affairs that followed.

It's hard to be idle for a moment.

So at this time, Lynch deeply realized how important it is to have a helper by his side.

And Rudolph received so many disciples and assistants before, but it is really not just to cultivate reserve forces, but more importantly, he really has a lot of work to do.

But Lynch’s side is much simpler. Next, apart from some relatively simple tasks, which are distributed to the archmages below, when performing various demonization operations in the alchemy laboratory, he will directly pull Palin. come.

After all, there are so many mages in the entire gilded rose tower, maybe there is really no tacit agreement with Lynch than Palin.

And speaking of it, since Lynch officially became the Great Sorcerer, Palin has also been regarded by the outside world as a direct supporter of Lynch’s side. There is no standing in line, struggle, etc., but everyone’s acquiescence. fact.

After all, everyone knows what happened in the past. Among the young generation of the Gilded Rose Tower, Palin and Lynch are probably the most familiar with each other, and they have been in contact for the longest time...

And then, if not surprisingly, Palin will become the undisputed number two in Lynch’s long years in charge of the Gilded Rose Tower. For example, now, Lynch will give Pei the most important work. Lin came to help...

"By the way, how is your alchemy study?"

Lynch had explained to Palin a generation before and asked him to study alchemy, so that he could help himself a little. When more important tasks are entrusted to him in the future, no one will say anything.

Actually speaking, Palin’s foundation is still good. In this generation, perhaps after having been with Lynch for a long time, Palin’s alchemy skills seem to be among the best of his peers, even When I have free time, I can study some alchemy techniques with my elders and put forward some insights.

Of course, it is pure nonsense to say how advanced the insights can be, but I have to say that Palin's research on this alchemy is extremely solid, and this is enough...

At least, it is enough for now, because after the gilded rose tower has obtained the treasury of this batch of elven kings, it will become a decisive existence on the mainland in the future, and in this process, it is necessary to Perform a lot of expansion.

At this stage, at least in the early stages, Palin is competent.

The trouble is that in the future, as the entire gilded rose tower expands faster and faster, what if Palin can't keep up?

Lynch was a little worried about this. After all, such a familiar assistant is hard to find.

So Lynch told him many times, let him go to study alchemy.

Fortunately, Palin also knew it well, knowing that although he had some talent in alchemy, he was definitely not as good as Lynch, so if he wanted to follow the team in the future, there was only one choice left.

I can only work hard.

And during this busy period of Lynch, Palin finally did not live up to Lynch’s expectations. During this period of time, whenever there is some free time, he will go into the alchemy laboratory and study hard, although most of the time The subject of study is not groundbreaking, but the victory lies in a steady pace.

Lynch felt that as long as he kept going this way, it would not be difficult for him to achieve success in the future.

Today, the results are preliminary.

For example, now, Lynch can throw some less important tasks to Palin to operate. This is to reduce the burden on himself, and secondly, it is also to give Palin more opportunities to practice. What is wrong with Palin? When it was time to solve it, Lynch also gave instructions in a timely manner. After such practice day by day, Palin is gradually improving...

And it’s the same today.

Lynch is asking about the progress of his work.

But at this time, Palin showed some embarrassment on his face: "I only completed one of the few demonization missions you gave me last time. The rest are still being processed. I'm afraid I still need seven. It takes eight days to complete."

"Um... seven or eight days..."

Lynch pinched his finger and forgot it for a while, and then nodded: "It's okay. Even if I come, the time for those magical tasks can be shortened by more than half. If you do it slowly, what's wrong? If you understand, keep showing it to me."

After that, Lynch was ready to go on busy.

But Lynch did not expect that, just as he had just finished speaking, Palin immediately made a request...

"That... I just didn't understand something..."

"Oh?" Lynch shook his head dumbfoundingly, knowing that after solving Palin's problem today, he was afraid that there would be no rest time.

At that time, he came to Palin's alchemy platform and helped Palin solve it.

However, when Lin Qicai was about to start work, the door of the alchemy laboratory was knocked.

"Come in."

Lynch frowned. This alchemy laboratory is the top one in the entire gilded rose tower, and he is usually the only one who uses it here. He has already ordered it unless he allows it, such as Palin. Assistant, the rest are not allowed to come to interrupt.

This was just a bit of thought, and was interrupted.

And then, I saw only a young mage with a little face and immature face carefully pushing the door in, and then he was a little nervous before giving a salute to Lynch and said: "Ms. Merlin, it’s the tower master who let I'm here to invite you..."

That's right, now Lynch's position in the Gilded Rose Tower, I don't know when it will start and officially become a teacher.

No wonder, looking at the entire gilded rose tower, I am afraid there is no way to teach him, so long ago when Lynch was still a wizard, Rudolph simply sent Lynch not to waste time in class and pretend to be something. Students, even if they will scare the teacher.

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