The First Mage

Chapter 1771: Space prism


Lynch also nodded when he heard this.

This is really necessary. Breaking through a big level will change not only oneself, but the real all-round.

From the spell to the identity, to the staff, everything must be changed.

Fortunately, Lynch really has no shortage of these foreign objects.

Whatever you need, anyway, there is a treasure trove of the Elf King, there is almost everything.

At this time, Lynch followed Rudolph and headed towards the treasure house of the Elf King.

At the beginning, after dividing the treasure house, Rudolf wasted effort and moved the entire space of the treasure house back.

At this time, the entire treasure house is placed in the safest and most important place of the entire gilded rose tower.

The place where the magic furnace is located.

Following Rudolph all the way along the stairs to the lower level of the gilded rose tower, the two soon came to the hall, and then found an inconspicuous stone door in a corner of the hall on the first floor.

But here, Rudolph turned his head to tell Lynch specifically: "Look at how I did it."

After speaking, he began to form a mudra while chanting a mantra in front of the stone gate.

When the last syllable of the mantra was recited, the handprint was just finished. At this time, a faint light flashed on the surface of the stone gate, and then it opened to the inside...

"This is an entry spell. Only you can know it. If it is leaked, it will be troublesome."

Hearing this instruction, Lynch also nodded, knowing that this was going to him, making the details of the entire gilded rose tower.

This is only after becoming the Great Sorcerer.

Although Lynch had become the heir appointed by Rudolph before, the level was still not in place after all, so some secrets were still not handed over to Lynch, and only a great wizard had the prestige and ability to lead the gilded rose tower.

At this time these are all manifestations...

After the two entered the stone gate, the stone gate behind closed silently, and inside was a long tunnel. The whole tunnel was made of stones, which is just as high as one person and can accommodate two people walking side by side. .

On the two sides of the stone wall, there were magical lamps and candles lit one after another, which emitted a weak and warm yellow light in the tunnel, accompanying the two slowly moving forward.

The front was dark and couldn't see everything clearly, so the two of them walked slowly.

Almost half a minute later, this tunnel was at the end, and in this place, there were five tightly closed stone gates on the stone walls on both sides.

Rudolf said: "This is the family property that we have accumulated for countless years of gilded rose towers. Each stone gate is an independent space, in which all the treasures accumulated for countless years and the ashes of every tower owner are placed. , This is the most important reserve of the Gilded Rose Tower. It cannot be used as a last resort... and behind this door is the magic melting pot of the Gilded Rose Tower..."

As he said, Rudolph pointed to the one beside him: "From now on, it's up to you to look at it."

"Teacher rest assured."

Lynch also looked at it one by one, then nodded at Rudolph and made a promise.

On the road just now, Rudolph had clearly described the situation in this place, and gave Lynch how to open each door.

It can be said that if he masters this, Lynch will have no obstacles even if he will be in charge of the Gilded Rose Tower tomorrow.

"Well, behind this door is the treasure house of the Elf King, haha, teachers and others must have never imagined that they can still be next to the treasure house of the Elf King after death."

After speaking, he just opened the door with a spell...

Inside is still the same as when Lynch entered the treasure house before. There is a white space everywhere, and the various treasure houses are dazzling, piled everywhere...

Just look carefully at this time and you can find that something seems to be missing. This is also something that is divided towards the Chamber of Commerce and others...

"This alchemy puppet is very suitable for you."

Just when Lynch still felt a little heartache, Rudolph on the side pointed to a place and said.


Before setting off to the glorious plane, Lynch and Rudolph probably searched the treasure house once, but the treasure house had not been moved here at that time, so he didn't take a closer look.

But now, Rudolph has clearly sorted it out briefly, and knows how much things are here.

At this time, he pointed to an alchemy puppet and said, "As long as this thing is activated, it can be used immediately. Maybe the combat power is not a big deal, but it is a good helper to win."

Lynch looked over and nodded in agreement.

Indeed, this alchemy puppet itself is attached to some shadow-like spatial arrays, which can hide in the space without being noticed. If someone is close, they will be severely overshadowed.

It’s also a good choice to use it to set up a trap and wait for it. Its combat power is even more between the Sorcerer and the Great Sorcerer, just because the Dark Dynasty and the current alchemy puppets have some magic crystal interfaces. There are some differences that make it inconvenient to exchange for magic crystal energy. This one was obviously prepared by Rudolph for Lynch after some simple repairs...

But now...

Lynch is not very interested in these alchemy puppets. After all, as long as they understand the technology, they are not too difficult to make.

What interests him more is the rare materials...

After all, the world environment during the Dark Dynasty was fundamentally different from now. Some of the commonly used materials at that time have long since disappeared. If they can be found again, they might be able to make great use of.

And just after Lynch rummaged for a while, he really became more satisfied with the search.

Because he found that there are really many rare materials, and they do not appear in units of pieces, but in piles.

A pile here, a pile there...

huge amount of.

Even Lynch couldn't calm down.


After rummaging for another moment, a surprised expression appeared on Lynch's face.

Although in the process of searching, Lynch had seen rare things many times, but this time, he was still surprised.

This turned out to be a spatial prism.

It does not look the size of a thumb, the whole body is crystal clear, and there are countless edge faces inside, these faces reflect each other, one by one, making the inside feel like an endless feeling.

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