The First Mage

Chapter 197: Coercion

Because, the undead creatures that haunt the Crimson Demon Diamond are almost the weakest of the Dark Gold Skeleton Warrior level. Among them, there are many Skeleton Conjurers. If there are one or two, at least Lynch spends more money. Some time can be resolved.

But for thousands of undead creatures, this can't be solved by stacking time alone. It would take at least a few months to advance according to Lynch's strength.

What is the concept of months?

I believe this time for the entire Budapest to open up, not a few months.

"Is it going to be handed over to Oakland College again?" Since Lynch came to Oakland College, he was really afraid of poverty. Now he sees a vein of Crimson Devil Diamond, which means a steady stream of wealth. , Lynch was really reluctant.

When Lynch was tangled, suddenly, Lynch felt an extremely terrifying pressure from the depths of the Crimson Devil's diamond vein.

The moment this coercion appeared, the entire world suddenly darkened, a dark cloud enveloped the void, and then violent storms, rain, lightning and thunder swept across.

The whole world suddenly became confused.

Under Lynch’s shocked gaze, a phantom with a height of hundreds of meters stood up directly from the depths of the earth veins. The phantom was enveloped in the aura of the undead, if at first Lynch Lynch didn’t know what happened. What happened, then now after seeing this phantom, Lynch can immediately understand what he saw.

This is a high-level undead creature...

Compared with all the undead creatures Lynch had seen before, as soon as this undead creature appeared, its undead aura was even strong enough to change the rules of the world.

Countless undead creatures crawled and shivered on the ground as if they saw a monarch, and even these unconscious undead creatures felt extremely scared, let alone ordinary mages like Lynch.

Even if he didn't see the face of the undead creature clearly, Lynch's cold sweat flowed out in an instant, and a dead shadow enveloped every part of his body. He had no doubt that once he was discovered by this undead creature, It may just blow over in one breath, and they will become ashes all over the floor.

This is a gap in strength that cannot be crossed and matched.

"Damn, what is this?" Palin has no eyes of detection, so he doesn't know that a terrifying creature has appeared in the Crimson Devil's diamond vein. Now he feels this creepy breath, and his face is suddenly covered. Fear and panic.

"Nothing, let's go." Lynch quickly retracted the Detective Eye, and then walked back with Palin.

Lynch was in cold sweat on the way.

Damn, how could such a terrible undead appear in the Crimson Devil's Diamond Mine?

Although I usually take a look, judging from the coercion emanating from the undead, this undead creature is definitely a terrifying existence, at least it is an undead creature at the level of the Great Sorcerer, even if it is now gathering all of Budapest. Mage power, it should be difficult to solve this undead.

This is too ridiculous...

Originally, Lynch was still considering the ownership of the Crimson Devil Diamond, and still thinking about how to solve thousands of undead creatures, but when this guy appeared, Lynch knew that all his thoughts would become a bubble, let alone Own, even if Hawking and Les were found, it would be difficult to get this Crimson Devil diamond vein.

The Crimson Devil Diamond Mine is indeed very attractive.

However, the undead creatures guarding the Crimson Devil's diamond ore veins need at least one great wizard to contend!

At this time, Lynch didn't even dare to stay in this world anymore.

He is still very clear about his own strength, although he is very sorry, but Lynch knows that once the undead creature is disturbed, neither he nor Palin will be able to get out of this world.

Until he escaped out of the dark river, the extremely powerful pressure that the undead creatures brought to Lynch had not completely disappeared. He sat on the ground and gasped, only feeling weak. It took a long time for him to escape from this. I recovered from the bad feeling.

Palin, who was next to him, still looked dazed. He didn't see the undead creature with his own eyes. He just felt that the world suddenly changed. Then the huge pressure enveloped him, followed by Lynch and took him away. Film world.

In fact, Palin didn't understand the situation at all.

However, it was the first time he saw Lynch with such a scared expression, and even took him to escape without saying a word. Even when he first encountered the devil, he never saw Lynch so panicked...

"What did you see?" Palin couldn't help asking.

"A undead creature comparable to the Great Sorcerer..." Lynch took a deep breath and said a word slowly.

"Hiss..." Palin took a breath subconsciously, all doubts were resolved at this moment, and even a chill suddenly surged in his body.

Damn, how come there are undead creatures of this level?

At this time, Palin knew what kind of situation they had just faced. It could be said that they had walked in front of a ghost gate. If Lynch had not brought him out, he was still with a terrifying undead creature. In a world, if something happened, he really couldn't find a place to cry.

"It seems that this place is not something we are qualified to look at now." Lynch took a deep breath, the Eye of the Undead, Dasta, and the undead creature comparable to the Great Sorcerer, everything sounded so incredible, that There are too many secrets in this world, and too dangerous.

"Then we go back now?"

"Yeah." After the undead creature, Lynch was not in the mood to continue exploring, and then returned to the camp with Palin.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

In these three days, Auckland College has also completely completed the construction of the camp. In this gorge named by Hawking as the Valley of Ashes, a three-meter-high wall has been built with wood and some gravel. This city wall was blocked outside the camp like an iron bucket, enough to withstand the attacks of some low-level creatures.

Two tall towers rise from the canyon. The white tall tower is used to store the resources obtained in Budapest, which is the so-called resource library. This is also a heavily guarded place. The ten mages almost do not divide day and night. In the patrol, not even a fly is allowed in.

As for the other black tower, it is the office of the archmages. A temporary office was built here, which is also the center of rights. All instructions about Budapest will be transmitted from this tower in the future.

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