The First Mage

Chapter 1768: movement


When Lynch heard this, he suddenly showed a puzzled expression.

At that time, the dean was frustrated and mad. He didn't take advantage of doing a good job after the war to make Oakland College the top power on the mainland, so he was busy fighting inwardly?

What kind of hatred is this?

"No one knows what happened at that time. It was just mentioned in the classics. The other founders were suppressed by the dean alone, but they didn’t know why. They were just imprisoned. They were not killed. After the dean died, the imprisonment was naturally released. Fortunately, all of them were still alive. Therefore, after their freedom was restored, the Auckland College could continue to continue. However, several founders at the time believed that , The dean was in madness..."

"It turned out to be so, but what does it have to do with the current sword..." Lynch said.

"Hehe, this great sword belongs to the dean..."

"Belongs to the dean? But he is not a mage?" Lynch was suddenly taken aback.

"Hehe, of course it is a mage, but in fact, he is not just a mage, but a true genius of both magic and martial arts. It is said that he has reached the extreme on both roads."

Rudolph said here, his eyes were filled with awe and admiration.

It's not just Rudolph anymore. Lynch heard it all for a while. It's not easy to know that it is not easy to go to the extreme on the magical path. Is the dean able to walk two paths at the same time?

This talent, not to mention that it is unprecedented, at least it is a temporary no one...


For a while, looking at this great sword, Lynch was really speechless for a while.

Who would have thought that if you just walk around there, you can actually find the weapons left by the founder of your own dean. This is really a coincidence among coincidences, and it makes people speechless.

"But this great sword is actually a bit strange..." At this moment, Rudolph suddenly said.


"Not bad..." Rudolph said after nodding, "Even though this great sword has been lost for countless years, there is still a power echoing in it, but this power is very strange, if there is nothing, it is not like it. It’s the magical power belonging to the Oakland Academy..."

Speaking of this, Rudolph's face also showed a pensive color, holding this big sword and began to think.


For a while, Lynch was also curious about it. This is something that even Rudolph can't see through. What is it?

After studying here for a while, Rudolph said with some uncertainty: "This force... does not seem to be for attack or protection, but more like... a legacy left on purpose?"


Hearing this, Lynch also moved his heart, and suddenly felt that this was really possible!

Think about it, if it weren't for inheritance, how could I find this sword by coincidence?

Maybe during that aimless exploration, I subconsciously got a little enlightenment?

Yes, this is just a guess, but Lynch feels increasingly that this guess is really reliable. After all, how does the founder of Oakland College exist?

How can his methods be expected by ordinary people?

Some extremely mysterious mages have this ability, and the methods left behind after death can invisibly affect the fluctuation of the line of fate...

"It's just a speculation. I don't know if it's true. Don't be too happy." At this point, Rudolph shook his head and said: "But since it has found your head, I believe that The founder does not want such a heritage to fall into the hands of an old man who has come to an end like mine. It is better to stay in your hands than mine."

After speaking, Rudolph returned the great sword to Lynch.

Then I thought about it, and said: "But you can try it. During this period of meditation, put this big sword beside you, maybe there will be unexpected effects..."

After speaking, Lynch looked at the big sword in his hand, but was a little bit dumbfounded. What a cracking method was this.


Time just goes by day by day...

Soon, almost half a month passed.

In the past half month, Lynch has really been meditating all day, studying this great sword, as Rudolph said. Other than that, he couldn't get out.

At the beginning, Lynch wanted to crack the sword as soon as possible, but then gradually during the meditation process, Lynch began to focus on the magic itself. At first, Lynch also observed every few hours. This great sword, but afterwards, Lynch seemed to have forgotten the great sword directly, and was constantly meditating...

Although Lynch did not go out, almost everyone knew that at this time, Lynch was at a very critical time...

Because even though Lynch was only in the room, everyone around could clearly feel that around Lynch's room, shocking waves of magical power were constantly spreading out.

This wave of power is so strong that everyone around has to walk around Lynch's room.

Now Lynch’s whole person is almost like a powerful magic machine. It’s constantly running. If you get closer, it may hurt him. So after realizing this, Rudolph took a look in person and was satisfied. Nodded, and told Lynch to turn the area around his room into a restricted area, and no one was allowed to approach it.

And Lynch is in the room, meditating day after day. People outside don’t know that the magic furnace in Lynch’s body has already been operating to a terrifying level. Every moment, it will absorb and give birth to countless Magic power, at the beginning, Lynch felt a little uncontrollable with this huge magic power, but gradually, Lynch has become more comfortable.

During this period of time, Lynch had also felt that the magic furnace in his body had undergone a transformation.

And this transformation will affect his next promotion!

At this time, Lynch knew that he had reached a critical period and could not tolerate the slightest interruption.

So for a whole half month, I couldn't make a single step, I just spurred the magic furnace with all my strength, and kept accumulating magic power.

During this period of time, let alone the surroundings of Lynch's room, even the mages above and below the gilded rose tower felt restless during this period of time.

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