The First Mage

Chapter 1765: the study

Speaking of it, this constructed life has been with him for a long time. For this reason, Lynch has also checked various information about constructed life, and for this reason, he has formulated several future plans. Growth and evolution plan.

However, there is no plan that is related to the current situation.

"Seeing a ghost..."

After tossing and studying there for a long time, he almost pinched the neck of this construct to force him to speak, but in the end there was no gain.

In the end, Lynch could only give up temporarily, and then study slowly after returning.

Before leaving, Lynch couldn't help but glanced at the shining plane behind him.

After experiencing a big explosion at this time, the entire plane is already in continuous destruction. Although the interior of this plane has not been completely destroyed at this time, at this time, apart from death, there is only disaster.

Not to mention Lynch, even the Titled Sorcerer could hardly step in and search for any information.


Thinking of this, Lynch also sighed with a pity.

Even though I only stayed in it for less than a day, I found many big secrets. Lynch believes that if the entire plane can be thoroughly digged, I am afraid that more secrets will be discovered...

It's just that there is no such opportunity now...

After a period of time, the entire plane will probably be transformed into nothingness in this terrifying destruction, and even if Lynch can achieve something in a short period of time, when he comes here to explore again, he can’t find anything. The information.

, The secrets of the plane of apocalypse are far more than I imagined, but unfortunately, I have no chance to dig these secrets anymore. Under the storm of the doomsday, everything will eventually become nothingness in my life. I am afraid there will be no chance to set foot in this void again...

After sighing with a sigh of regret, Palin, who was next to him, suddenly said with some worry: "I said Merlin, how should we go back now?"

Palin's worry is not unreasonable.

After all, there are still various masterpieces outside, and this teleportation point has been destroyed in the violent spatial fluctuations. The next two people want to leave, it is indeed a big challenge. ,

However, this time...

But Lin Qi suddenly raised his head and glanced, then smiled and said, "It seems that there is no need to worry."


And then, when Palin was puzzled, he only saw that in this void, there were countless magic talismans floating out, and then only saw an astonishing figure walking out of it.

That is Rudolph.

At this time, Rudolph, after walking out of the teleportation formation, saw the two of them for the first time, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Fortunately, you are all right."

Following that, he just stepped down.

With Rudolph's departure, some magical scene happened, and I saw that the countless obstacles in front of Rudolph seemed to be pushed away by an invisible force.

Rudolph stepped forward step by step, everything in front of him seemed to be the sea heading to both sides, everything was making way for Rudolph.

When Rudolph arrived in front of the two, an invisible and gentle force wrapped them up. In an instant, the two of Lynch felt a sense of peace of mind from the bottom of their hearts.

It seems that after experiencing all kinds of dangers, it is finally safe now.

"Thank you, teacher."

Palin said gratefully.

"Hehe, it's not too late, are you all right."

While speaking, Rudolph looked calm, but there was a faint fatigue on his face.

"Teacher has worked hard."

Lynch also saw this and said sincerely.

If nothing else, Rudolph should have been worried after the people in front left, and wanted to come and see what happened. It turned out that there was a problem with the transmission point here.

And from the discovery to the crossing, I am afraid it will only take a few short hours.

During these few hours, finding anomalies, redefining the teleportation array, and rebuilding the teleportation space array from scratch, all of these things in the middle require a lot of energy.

It is hard to imagine that Rudolph could construct a teleportation array and come here so quickly...

It is really hard to imagine how much resources Rudolph has expended and how much price he has paid.

Among other things, it is enough to make such a titled wizard who will never get tired in theory, show this fatigue.

"It seems that this exploration has failed..."

At this time, Rudolph also cast his gaze on the glorious plane of being destroyed, and it was inevitable to show disappointment.

Finally, I found a plane coordinate, which was actually destroyed...

This is really a pity, the resources consumed in it are undoubtedly wasted.

"Teacher, this plane is very strange..." At this time, Palin couldn't wait to say.

After all, the heavenly ranks are the most top-notch existence between heaven and earth, not to mention that the heavenly rank corpses in this plane are all extraordinary figures.

Augustus, the king of dwarves...

The news of their death here might immediately smash a vote of scholars and mages' years of painstaking research, so Palin said hastily about these important news.


And hearing Palin's simple saying, it was very simple, but the names of those heavenly corpses still surprised Rudolph.

It's just that those corpses are already destroyed in this plane...

After that, Rudolph took such a look, but only shook his head disappointedly. He stopped thinking about it anymore and said to the two of them: "Now go back and talk carefully."

When the voice fell, he just raised his hand, and all of a sudden, he saw that magic runes flashed under the feet of the two, and countless magic runes flew up, along with the three of Rudolph. Wrapped together.

The magic rune turns faster...

In the end, only a bang was heard, the space was distorted, and the three disappeared together.

At this moment, apart from the shining plane that is still being destroyed, there are only a few sporadic magic runes left in the void, still spinning in place...

After returning to Oakland College, the news that Lynch and others failed in their exploration quickly spread.

Everyone is disappointed by the collapse of this plane. After all, the entire Auckland Academy is one. Although the exploration of the Gilded Rose Tower will get the most benefits, if the exploration is successful, there is no doubt that everyone can Get benefits;

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