The First Mage

Chapter 1763: Collapse

And Lynch's whole person is now in this chaos, really like a small sampan in the storm, struggling hard in this mountain-like stormy sea.

Just a small wave can make Lynch almost die.

At this moment, maybe in the next moment, it will be swallowed up by the huge waves rolled up by the violent wind...

"May, Merlin, how can I help you?"

At this moment, Palin, who was behind Lynch, saw this scene, and he stepped forward to ask such a sentence very nervously.

Although he can't see the specific details, he also knows that Lynch really seems to be drained now, even though he feels that he can't even distinguish the situation under such complicated circumstances, but he should. Do something to help Lynch as much as possible to relieve stress.

In fact, just now, he had already made several timely shots, knocking some flying objects into the air, and then surveying the surrounding areas to provide Lynch with timely information.

It was with Palin's cooperation that Lynch, who had become blurred at this time and could not see the situation further away, avoided the crisis several times.

But at this time, Palin could already see that Lynch was really dying.

But now, they have to work together to get out.

If Lynch falls here, Palin can't live alone, and if Palin falls, Lynch would have lost an ear and an eye. In this extreme situation, it would be even more fierce. Dorje is missing.

"Help me... keep an eye on your heels."

At this time, when Lynch spoke, he was already very reluctant, and his voice was hoarse and weak.

To be honest, now Lynch also knows his condition very clearly.

His own magic furnace has already been mobilized to the extreme. Whether it is calculation ability, physical control ability, and spellcasting ability, he is already so extraordinary that he can no longer be extraordinary.

There is really no room for improvement.

Now if you want to improve, you can only rely on external forces, mainly relying on Palin.

As long as he can help Lynch guard the surroundings and collect information, he will be able to liberate Lynch, who has been forced to the extreme, for a while.

Of course, this task is not so easy...

After all, the two have crossed a long distance in the void since their departure until now. At this time, they are very close to the center of the riot...

The two could already see the source of the frantically surging riots in front of them. It was an extremely quiet nothingness, forming a clear and strange game with the scene of the extreme riots around them.

And countless fragments were flying around here, from all directions, randomly attacking Lynch.

Palin would undoubtedly take a lot of risks if he wanted to resolve this situation. He had some extremely abnormal requirements for vision and magic.

Lynch’s words already gave Palin an extremely difficult and extremely dangerous task.

This task might make Palin gamble all his life.

But now, both of them know that, in fact, even this chance of gambling is now a luxury.

If you really encounter a death crisis later, then this kind of opportunity will be missed forever...

"Okay, leave it to me."

Palin agreed very simply at this time.

He also knew how serious the situation was now, so after he agreed, he didn't say anything, and he went straight into the war against various incoming visions.

I have to say that following Lynch’s experience to the present, the rich young master of the past is no longer comparable to ordinary people, whether in magic or actual combat.

Between every move, the task can be accomplished very well.

At this time, with Palin's help, the pressure on Lynch was finally reduced a lot.

At this time, there was a rare opportunity to breathe, and finally got a free time. Lynch didn’t hesitate to take out a few bottles of the potion and drank it, and then he felt that his state had recovered a little. .


Lynch saw that at the source of the turmoil not far away, there was a sudden wave of instability, and it seemed as if a big outbreak was about to usher in.

"Finally caught up."

But seeing this, Lynch was a sigh of relief. He didn't hesitate at that time, and unreservedly output the little magic power he had just recovered.

Suddenly, I could only see a clean area in the void in front of him that was emptied by this powerful magical power.

At this point, Lynch can directly use the last force to rush to the source of the turmoil, because when the last wave, and the most powerful plane, collapses, it will be safe in that source.

It's just a matter of time to go in.

Those who can't get in early will definitely be crushed by the powerful force, and those who get in are late...

Well, if it is late, it means that there is no need to go in, because at that time, the two of Lynch had been crushed into dead bones in a space riot.

Time just passed slowly...

The spatial riot in the sky is becoming more and more intense...

This is a mysterious feeling. At this moment, Lynch has no numbers or calculations in his heart, only a subconscious intuition.

But at this time, Lynch trusted this intuition more.

Because at this time, countless data and countless formulas are scattered in this chaos, but Lynch has no time to distinguish one by one.

The only thing I can rely on now is my intuition that has been honed in numbers...


And just when the spatial fluctuation was unstable to the peak, Lynch suddenly opened his eyes. At this moment, he felt that the surrounding void was suddenly quiet for a moment.

It's just a moment.

But at this moment, Lynch left without hesitation.

He took Palin, the whole person turned into a flash of lightning, and headed towards the source.

At this moment, the sound seemed to disappear.

Space seems to become stagnant.

The scattered fragments in the air, numerous residual limbs, and space storms, everything seemed to be suspended by time, and all fell to a standstill.

At this time, in the entire time and space, the only ones moving were Lynch.

To be precise, it was Lynch alone.

Because at this time, Lynch ran towards the source in a posture of dragging Palin.

Everything seems to be silent, everything is absolutely quiet.

Only the two of them fled the slowly collapsing apocalyptic scene behind them in a slow motion, and ran forward desperately...

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