The First Mage

Chapter 1760: vampire

This was a burst of swallowing and drinking, at the speed that made the vampires dumbfounded when they saw it, and bowed to the wind.

As for Lynch seeing this, he was relieved. It seemed that this constructed life could handle it, so he let him go.


Just when Lynch was ready to take a rest and wait for the construct's life to be fully absorbed, he suddenly sighed.

Because at this moment, Lynch suddenly discovered something very interesting...

"this is……"

For a while, Lynch couldn't care about anything else, and quickly moved forward a few steps before he could see clearly.

As the constructed life quickly absorbed the blood from the golden dragon, gradually, the golden dragon's body became shriveled, and at this moment, in the depths of its body, a sword was gradually revealed. Out.

It can be seen that this is a two-handed broad sword, with a few magic gems inlaid on the hilt, and the whole body of the sword is wrapped in dense magic runes. At first glance, it is the product of careful enchantment.

But despite this, Lynch can still see that this two-handed broadsword can actually be used...

Moreover, the alchemy magic runes inscribed on this look very complicated, even Lynch, at this moment, they can't recognize their specific effects.

The only thing that can be determined at this time is that this broad sword is probably one of the causes of death of this golden dragon...

And the level of the broadsword master should also be the heavenly rank.

Another Heavenly Rank powerhouse. ,

Lynch took a deep breath, feeling a little numb.

This time, I didn't think about it any more, and first took this broadsword and talked about it.

Obviously, after the broad sword appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of the Constructed Life, apparently trying to swallow it up.

However, Lynch no longer allowed it.

At that time, he issued a strong order, refusing the desire to construct life, but ordered it to bring this broad sword to himself.

Although constructing life is still a little reluctant, it may be because of a short mouth, but after eating and drinking, he reluctantly packs a takeaway for Lynch.

Soon, the giant sword appeared in front of Lynch.

Just after studying it for a while, Lynch was a little disappointed. Because of the long-term relationship between this giant sword, those magic runes worth studying above had long lost its effectiveness.

Even the metal essence in it has lost most of it, but the only thing worth mentioning is that this giant sword has been in the body of the golden dragon for a long time, and after it comes into contact with the dragon's blood, some mysterious change has taken place.

in other words……

This sword has mutated, and now when it is used, it can stimulate part of the power of the golden dragon.

But it was useless to Lynch.

Not to mention just a giant sword infiltrated by the blood of the Golden Dragon, even the blood of the Golden Dragon itself has been absorbed by the vampire of Constructed Life.

If Lynch needs it, he can spit it out again at any time.

So after thinking for a while, he threw it to Palin next to him and said, "Even if you help me with a little reward."

"How ashamed..."

Palin wanted to be polite and hypocritical at first.

But then Lynch said: "This giant sword should belong to a certain heavenly powerhouse."

"Damn it."

Suddenly, this sentence irritated Palin, joking, that was a heavenly rank, and he had never seen a living heavenly rank in his entire life.

If you can get one of his great swords, you will already be an ancestor. Where is the time to be polite?

After Lynch's voice fell, Palin was like a hungry tiger rushing for food, and he was rude and put him in his arms.

Lynch shook his head a bit funny, and didn't say more. After all, this thing may be a rare treasure in Palin's eyes, but to Lynch, it's just a tasteless...

With or without, it has nothing to do with the overall situation.

"Merlin, look, what is that..."

However, next, when Palin put away the great sword, he suddenly saw something unintentionally. Suddenly, a look of fear appeared on that face, the finger pointing to the void, There was even shivering.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Lynch was also taken aback at this moment. Following Palin's direction, he looked ugly.

It now appears that things are really bad.

I just saw that in the deep void ahead, there was suddenly countless strange red tides surging towards this side without knowing why.

From a distance, the red tide seemed to be a huge wave, and with an overwhelming momentum, it slapped toward the two men fiercely.

But immediately, Lynch discovered that this was not really aimed at himself...

But the space of this plane began to become unstable, and a chain reaction occurred, causing the entire plane to suffer...

"Damn, the plane collapsed."

Lynch almost collapsed, and such things could be encountered.

The complete death of a plane is divided into many years. There are many processes. First, the life of the entire plane is extinct, then the magic power becomes thinner, and finally the space gradually becomes unstable. Space storms come again and again, making The whole world became a dead silence, destroyed countless times by space storm...

In the end, it was the collapse of the plane in front of him.

Each collapse will directly turn a considerable part of this plane into nothing.

Come a few more times, the entire plane will become nothingness.

My luck is really bad.

When I was about to leave, I would encounter such a thing as a plane collapse!

It's more than bad luck, it's just going out without looking at the almanac!

and many more……

Not quite right.

The collapse of the plane often takes hundreds of years, or even thousands of years, to happen the last time. I have no reason and my luck is so bad that I can meet it the last time.

Could there be any tricks in it?

Could it be that……

This time the plane collapsed, is it related to yourself and others breaking into this plane and taking away many things from here?

But Lynch thought about it, but couldn't think of what the relationship was between.

The things that he took away belonged to the strong, and had nothing to do with this plane. How could it cause a plane to collapse?

There is no reason...

However, this is the only possible place that Lynch can think of now.

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