The First Mage

Chapter 1755: Unwilling


Just when the constructing life became more and more unwilling, it suddenly discovered that it was wrong, because at this time, Lynch did not force it to stay away from the dwarf king, but slowly approached the past.

Only this time when approaching, he became extremely cautious, and the route began to circuitously, and his movements became more cautious and extremely dexterous, just like a little thief who stole something.

Driven by the instincts of the previous constructing life, the current route is naturally becoming cunning and can avoid all accidents to the greatest extent.

In other words, now, Lynch is using magic as the thread to control this constructed life, making it like a puppet in his hand, so he controls it to slowly approach the king of dwarves...

It's just that it's easy to say, but it's hard to do it, and most people can't imagine the difficulty.

After all, under the pressure of the king of dwarves, everyone is under great pressure. It is not easy for ordinary people to release spells, not to mention the use of this incomparable control technique. .

How can the puppet be so easy to operate? Every strand of magic must be super controlled and clear. If it is a little bit, it will often be a thousand miles away.

Fortunately, it’s Lynch. The magic furnace has reached its limit. The king of dwarves on a huge scale. At this time, in Lynch’s eyes, the details of his body have turned into countless numbers and symbols, and then turned into various routes. .

Lynch is now carefully choosing among the routes here, choosing a route that will not touch the king of dwarves, and at the same time, will allow the construct life to approach the warhammer as quickly as possible.

Lynch didn’t dare to care at all. At this time, all of his energy was spent on manipulating life. For a while, there was no energy to take care of others, not to mention Palin and others around him, seeing Lin Qi suddenly Stopped, that questioned inexplicably.

Finally, under such careful manipulation, Lynch finally found a suitable and tortuous path to life for this construct.

Slowly, finally getting closer and closer to the warhammer...

And at this time, after watching for so long, Palin, who is most familiar with Lynch, was the first to react. What Lynch was doing was startled at the time and asked carefully: "Merlin, you did this. , Isn’t it too dangerous? The king of dwarves has been dead for so long and still has power. Then there may be something special about this warhammer..."

Although he was scared by this kind of association, Palin could also see that at this time, Lynch could not be disturbed between these operations, and talking nonsense by himself might be worse at this time.

Therefore, he had weighed this paragraph in his heart for a long time before he said it carefully and in a very soft voice.

"It's ok."

However, Lynch shook his head, as if he didn't think there was anything, but after speaking, he ignored everyone and continued to manipulate it carefully.

"How can it be okay."

For a moment Palin was almost driven crazy by this sentence, that is the real king of dwarves, even if he died, he is not something that he and others like small shrimps can provoke, if it really doesn’t matter, I’m still so much. Bullshit me?

But because of this, Palin really feels a little desperate. After all, how stubborn this person Lynch is, he knows very well that it is the person who can't bring back the nine cows after the real decision is made. Just a few words just want him to get rid of the thoughts?

Let's wash and sleep.

But it's such a dangerous thing, you can't say it...

At this moment, Palin really felt so uncomfortable.

I really feel like I'm going to die...

All of a sudden, Palin felt weak.

Now it seems that I really can't do anything, so I can only watch it like this. Lynch is controlling the constructed life, slowly approaching the dwarf king, and it is extremely dangerous when he is marching. Meeting the right, swaying from side to side in that extremely powerful power, it looks like a train that is about to run out of control. It lifts Palin's heart to his throat. It is almost a heart attack, for fear of Lin. The odd one was not well controlled and touched something dangerous and buried everyone here.

"Huh? Wait, it seems that it can be..."

Looking at it, Palin's eyes gradually light up...

That's right, now that Lynch controls the constructed life, it is indeed very difficult to advance under the pressure caused by the king of dwarves, but this does not mean failure.

After observing carefully here for a long time, Palin gradually discovered that this constructed life is on the move. Although the route is extremely weird, it looks twisty, like a drunkard, but really Nothing on the dwarf king was touched, even the messy clothes, the constructing life could be avoided with extreme dexterity.

"How is this possible!" After seeing this, Palin was a little dumbfounded.

This is not a joke.

The closer you are to the king of dwarves, the stronger the coercion, that is to say, moving in there is like traveling in a mire, and the difficulty is certain.

And Lynch added another layer to this layer of difficulty, that is, carrying a puppet and walking on it.

This is not difficult or difficult, it's just like acrobatics.

What is this concept?

This means that Lynch's control over magic has reached the level of subtlety.

The most amazing person, Lynch can maintain this kind of control for a long time.

But compared to these, for Palin, what really makes him feel terrible is actually Lynch's powerful nerve...

What kind of nerves is necessary to allow Lynch to perform such operations?

You know, this section of the road can hardly tolerate any errors...

But if there is a little mistake, everyone may be ruined here directly.

But Lynch did just that.

This is the same operation as a gambling.

Not only betting on his own life, but also on the lives of others...

I have to say that this is really irresponsible.

But I have to say that only by being able to overwhelm everything at any time and having an extremely cruel character can make him pass through various crises again and again...

And he really didn't seem to feel any difference, from beginning to end, he looked very calm, not even dripping sweat.

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