The First Mage

Chapter 195: get away

"You stand here and don't move, I'll see the situation." Lynch cautiously exhorted Palin, an evil existence like the Eye of the Undead, after rashly approaching, even Lynch didn't know it would what happened.

At this time, it is definitely better for one person to go in the past than two people. Even if something goes wrong, at least the other one can help.

Palin has heard some rumors about the evil name of Eye of the Undead. Now that he sees Lynch not letting it go, he definitely has no objection. He stays in place and cleans up some of the remaining undead creatures for Lynch.


Lynch's magic power passed through the chest of a skeleton warrior, smashing the skeleton warrior completely. At the same time, Lynch also stepped forward step by step on the bones on the floor.

To be honest, it feels good to have strength.

I remember the first time I went to the watch plane, dealing with these low-level undead creatures, it was like all kinds of scrolls and various potions were not consumed as money, if it weren’t because the camp had too many offensive buildings, it’s really not Definitely able to deal with those undead creatures.

But since he advanced to the second-level mage, the low-level undead creatures he faced again were equivalent to sweeping.

When I step into the realm of wizards in the future, I guess I will still have a feeling of looking at them like ants.

Lynch sighed and came near the Eye of the Undead.

Originally, Lynch planned to observe the eye of the undead first, and then find a way to destroy the eye of the undead, so as to eliminate the undead natural disasters in the canyon, but before Lynch acted, suddenly Lynch could see the surrounding space There was a wave of distortion, and then a huge amount of blood spread from the soles of his feet.

"What the **** is this?" Lynch's face changed suddenly. Although he knew that the Eye of the Undead was very weird, there was no need to be so weird, right?

Lynch retreated and hurriedly released a levitating technique at himself. Once the blood filled up, Lynch could immediately fly high to avoid the blood.

However, just as the blood gradually spread to Lynch’s legs, suddenly countless white paws appeared from the blood and grabbed them towards Lynch’s body. Lynch said nothing, right now. Use a series of rockets to conduct a high-density bombardment against the claws below.

However, the blood was still spreading, and the claws were still sticking out. At the same time, a more evil scene appeared beside Lynch, countless skulls screamed incomparably screaming hair, spinning around Lynch’s body, Lynch was completely besieged in it.

"Damn..." Lynch didn't even think that such a harsh scene would happen to him. Suddenly, his scalp was numb, cold and sweaty. At this time, he couldn't think too much, he could only use magic techniques to continuously attack and protect. Yourself.

However, as the spells continued to be smashed out, the number of these things was not only not decreasing, but also increasing, as if they were never stopped.

In addition, the blood spread faster and faster, even if Lynch had already flown high in the sky, the blood still reached the neck.

In case of being overwhelmed by blood, Lynch has no idea what will happen...


Just when Lynch was about to escape from this place, he was stunned, because it occurred to Lynch that he seemed to have overlooked one thing...

Although I came here alone, there are so many situations in the hall now, and I have released more than one spell, but why has Palin not been moving until now?

This guy will never fall asleep, right?

In other words, even if you are asleep, you should hear the movement now and run over to help yourself.

Lynch wouldn't feel that Palin had left anyway.

Could it be that……

Almost at the same time when the thought came out, Lynch took the wand in his hand and slammed it against his chest. When the wand was in close contact with the body, the pain in imagination did not come, not only that , I don't seem to feel anything.

Immediately afterwards, Lynch stopped resisting, allowing the blood to completely spread himself, and then countless claws grabbed his body, letting the skull scream in his ears.

But everything came to an end as Lynch cut a **** mouth on his finger.

The severe pain suddenly made Lynch's consciousness very clear. When he looked at the hall again, Lynch was surprised to find that there was nothing in front of him...

And Palin behind him shouted at this moment: "Malfa Merlin, what the **** are you doing, why didn't you move after you passed it? I called you for a long time, and you didn't react at all..."

"That's it." At this moment, Lynch understood everything. It turned out that everything that happened just now was not true at all. All of this was an illusion created by the Eye of the Undead, the purpose is to make his own consciousness. Completely collapsed.

There is too much undead aura in the eye of the undead. If it is too strong, once it is close to the eye of the undead, the wizard will even produce illusions for no reason.

Lin Qi secretly wiped a cold sweat. Fortunately, he just reacted quickly, otherwise he would really fall into a phantom and couldn't break free. This eye of the undead is really evil enough.

However, just after Lynch was sober, suddenly, the eyes of the undead suddenly turned into a black light and disappeared into Lynch's sight.

"What the hell?" This made Lynch who wanted to get close to the eyes of the undead suddenly stunned.

And more weird things are still behind.

With the disappearance of the Eye of the Undead, the entire hall is obviously about to collapse now. Large cracks have appeared from the soles of the feet and the top of the head. A lot of dust has fallen from the gaps, and in an instant, it has become gray. One after another, as the bricks fell, there was a series of muffled noises.

"Let's go." At this time, Lynch could not pay attention to the Eye of the Undead at all, and immediately left the hall through the space gate with Palin in a panic.

Returning to the alchemy airship, Lynch was relieved when he saw that the door of space closed quickly.

"The Eye of the Undead just disappeared?" Palin stared, as if he couldn't believe it. You know, the Eye of the Undead is a famous evil creature in history. Who knows the Eye of the Undead means controlling the display. The power of the undead natural disasters will be able to control the undead army to fight everywhere.

However, is such a perverted thing disappeared somehow?

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