The First Mage

Chapter 1742: Crack

In an instant, the momentum was tightened to the extreme, as if the flow of air had stopped for it.

At this time, everything is quiet!

Everyone was stunned by the successive bombs.

No one thought that it was shocking enough for Garlock to quietly become the titled wizard, but no one expected that Rudolph had stepped into the titled wizard without knowing it. The ranks of...

"Rudolph, you hide well..."

Garlock stared at Rudolph with a slightly ugly expression, this sentence was almost squeezed out of his teeth.

"Old stuff, you are not bad too..."

Rudolph also sneered, staring at Garlock's every move.

At this time, no one came out to persuade him uninterestingly.

Just kidding, the struggle between these two titled wizards, now come out to persuade him? Isn't that a peace between two giant dragons?

What's the difference with looking for death?

Now, it is only possible for the two titled wizards to decide a winner first...

However, at this time, Rudolph smiled and said: "Old man, if I remember correctly, your life alchemy should be at a critical time?"

"Hehe, your news is very good..."

Garlock sarcastically said, this news, everyone knows, so he will participate in this exploration.

However, who knows, Rudolph didn’t care at all, but he continued to say, "So, you are determined to win this treasure house? Later, you are seriously injured. I don’t know who the treasure house will fall into. Up."

"Rudolph, don't talk nonsense with me, aren't you worried that both sides will be hurt and there will be no gain? Well, then it's up to who has the ability to crack the treasure house."

Garlock snorted.

After these words fell, the people finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that these two titled wizards are very smart. Although they are old rivals, they also know that this is not the time to fight.

Even if there is a grudge, you have to see the treasure house first.

Otherwise, the two will fight first now, and it is hard to guarantee that no one will be behind the mantis to catch the cicada or oriole...

Rudolph also smiled and said, "Then please."

Garlock sneered, and rolled his sleeves, and suddenly a complex space array rose up beside him, and then the light flashed, and he took Adam and Noel and disappeared in place.


And at this time, Rudolph also said this to Lynch, also using the space magic circle and taking Lynch in.

Fortunately, Rudolph hadn't forgotten the head and brain in the Chamber of Commerce that he was watching eagerly, and went in together.

When the two parties appeared again, they were already outside the treasure house.

At this time Garlock had already studied this space magic circle here.

And Rudolph began to think about it after watching it for a while, then raised his hand, and scribbling in the air, a series of extremely complex numbers and formulas began to appear out of thin air.

Only after cracking this for a while, Garlock over there frowned first as if thinking about something, and then said: "Noll, figure out these circles for me."

After finishing speaking, a series of alchemy circles suddenly formed in the void and fell in front of Noel.

Everyone knows that this is Garlock's cracking, but part of it is for Noel to complete it, and then help him speed up the cracking progress.

"is teacher!"

At this time, Noel also responded quickly, but began to study on the alchemy array in the void.


Rudolph also said lightly at this time, and Lynch also agreed and stepped forward and said, "Teacher."

"You will count these."

After that, he pointed to some of the alchemy circles just listed in the void, and threw it to Lynch as well.

At this time, both sides began a nervous cracking.

When Noel faced those alchemy circles, he seemed to show his confidence again, and he kept listing a series of formulas and numbers in the void, although he was desperate for Lynch’s magical strength before. , But now he cracked the alchemy circle, he wouldn't be imaginary.

He was taught by Garlock hand by hand. At this time, the alchemy arrays Garlock listed for him were within his ability. He felt that in this respect, he would not be weaker than Lynch.

The most important thing is that his teacher is a great master, and although Rudolph is also a titled wizard, he is only a great alchemist at this time. How about being on top of the great alchemist even if he is experienced?

A great master is a great master, and a great alchemist is a great alchemist. A difference of one level can crush a person.

Noel felt that it was impossible to lose here!

Both of them were engrossed in cracking the void, and with the full cracking of the two titled wizards, the progress was really fast.

But in a moment, the alchemy circle set up by the Elf King had already been exposed to the outer disguise.

Soon, the whole alchemy circle began to become concrete...

It was actually the image of a tree of life, but the tree of life was floating in the air at this time, just a vague light and shadow, and every branch and leaf in it was composed of extremely complex symbols.

The progress on both sides is equally astonishing. It took a total of half an hour before and after, and the degree of visualization of the two alchemy circles is almost the same...

The next thing the two sides have to compare is who can completely crack the mystery of the tree of life. As long as the tree of life is completely destroyed, then the alchemy circle that locks this treasure house will be completely destroyed. Cracked.

At this time, Lynch's cracking speed actually seemed to be faster.

Just saw Lynch waving like splashing ink in the void as he raised his hands, countless numbers quickly flicked across, and quickly collapsed. Each data generation represented a large number of difficult calculations.

On the other side of Noel, it seems that the stamina is greater, because the data Garlock gave him are simpler, so the overall cracking steps are greatly omitted. There is no doubt that this is a master facing a peak. The advantage that the alchemist should have.

That's the case, Lynch is actually doing exactly the same as Noel's progress with more workload, even a little bit faster.

This made the alchemists all amazed and unbelievable.

Lynch is equivalent to making up for Rudolph's disadvantages greatly. It is hard to imagine that Lynch's alchemy attainments...

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