The First Mage

Chapter 1731: Earth fire puppet

"I don't know if I can find what the teacher needs..."

Noel looked forward to the place where the smelting elf guarded.

After coming here, although he encountered all kinds of temptations, Noel never forgot from beginning to end. He came here by himself, but he shouldered the mission of the teacher...

That is to find a useful technique for life alchemy, so that the teacher can break through and become a true creator.

Before, Noel knew from the battle that these elven guards and reliefs indeed have extremely special and mature skills in alchemy puppets.

They can only use the materials of those dead objects to create these puppets that do not need to rely on manpower and have considerable autonomy, which has already surprised Noel.

You know, the shackles of life alchemy are now also in the fit between the soul and the shell.

It is because the physical body is too unqualified, that the fit between the two is far from enough, so that the puppets created by life alchemy will never be able to exert their full strength before birth, and they can achieve the most seven or eight achievements.

Not to mention that there are still disadvantages that can never be upgraded. After experiencing a battle, you still need to put on a new body, otherwise it will easily damage the soul and so on.

And these elves guards and reliefs are just very strong at expelling shells.

Noel felt that if he could dig out the mystery of the alchemy puppets made by these elves, he would not say that he would have a decisive impact on the research progress of life alchemy, at least, he would be able to solve some of the existing problems...


At this moment, Noel, who is full of joy and expectation, doesn't know...

At this moment, behind him, Lynch did not rush, and followed him far behind...

Lynch can think of it with his heels, what idea is Noel playing now.

In fact, Lynch also needed the breakthrough technology of life alchemy.

It's just that the inheritance crystal of life alchemy that I got before is actually quite incomplete. After all, it was just the initial contact with life alchemy for Noel, at best it was a basic version.

As for the true complete version, I am afraid that there is no inheritance crystal recorded at all, but it exists in Garlock's head.

As a disciple of Garlock, Knoll should know a little bit about the progress of Garlock's research, and then he will be able to find a breakthrough for Garlock.

Lynch also wants to know where Garlock is now...

That's why I came to quietly follow up and take a look...

After two or three minutes, he only saw Noel head straight for the goal and soon arrived at the alchemy puppet’s workshop. After all, he did not forget to be vigilant. Before entering, he looked around. After looking at it, I confirmed that no one was paying attention to myself, and everyone was busy digging out what they wanted, and then slowly entered the alchemy workshop...

At this time, Lynch stopped following, but raised his hand to release a wizard's eye, quietly following Noel and sneaking in...

Noel was still ignorant at this time, and after walking in, he couldn't wait to search everywhere.


His luck seems to be really bad.

After searching here for a long time, I couldn't find anything of value. Everything I can see is covered with a thick layer of dust.

I finally found some scrolls, opened them, and they actually shattered into powder...

After searching inside for a long time, nothing was found. In the end, Knoll looked unlucky and left angrily in the smoke and dust...


At this time, Lynch behind him, but after a while thinking there, suddenly thought of something: "The thing that the Wizard's Eye saw just now, could it be..."

When he got here, talking to himself, Lynch suddenly made some decision and stopped following Noel anymore. Only after Noel had gone away, did he suddenly use the acceleration technique. The whole person was like the wind, and soon He got into the alchemy workshop where Noel had just walked out, but Lynch turned a blind eye to the mess that Noel was looking for.

The whole person is just moving forward...

Soon, Lynch stood in front of a huge melting pot.

This place was the place where the gold puppets were tempered to drive the shells. At the time of its heyday, the furnace underground should be connected to a ground fire. The high temperature around the clock to quench the impurities in the metal drive shells looks like driving The technology of the alchemy puppet has nothing to do with it, and the place has been empty for a long time, so at that time, Noel just hurriedly searched for it to find the places where good things were more likely to exist.

In fact, this place does look very rubbish.

Covered with dust, the air was dirty, and a few rusty metal garbage was scattered on the ground.

However, at this time, Lynch was quite patient with this seemingly **** place. He circled and observed the three-person sized furnace. It seemed that this furnace was very interesting. Lynch was here. The more I look at it, the more addicted it means, and even the face begins to show surprise.

"Sure enough, there are good things!"

Suddenly, Lynch was inside the furnace, saw something like it, and then directly used a mana hand to fish out something from the furnace.

In the end, what appeared in Lynch’s hands was a black, fist-sized piece of coke...

That's right...

It is the kind of coke that is originally buried deep in the ground and formed over a long period of time. I am afraid that it will not damage the deterioration no matter how long it has passed...

Noel seemed to have noticed these things too, but after seeing them, he didn't even have the interest to take a look, and left angrily...

But now, Lynch is holding this thing with a smile of satisfaction: "Heart of Earthfire, it really is this thing, this is a good thing for refining Earthfire Puppet..."

In fact, if Knoll heard what Lynch said now, he would have to vomit blood on the spot.

What is the earth fire puppet?

That was one of the strongest puppets handed down from the Dark Dynasty period. It is said that these puppets were all born in that era of war.

Their birth has only one purpose, and that is war!

Each one is truly comparable to a titled wizard, and the Earthfire Puppet is one of them. It only appeared for the first time during the final retreat of the Dark Dynasty.

However, in that battle, this puppet faced the three major titled wizards of the human race alone.

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