The First Mage

Chapter 1728: dignified

In an instant, a large expanse of golden and iron strikes like bright fire, bursting out, and the surface of this relief is quickly covered with numerous dense cracks, spreading rapidly.

Seeing that it will completely turn into a pile of gravel...

But at this time, Lynch still did not dare to be careless, but frowned deeper and deeper.

Because, just when this relief was about to be completely destroyed, suddenly it seemed to be blessed by a mysterious power.

He just slowly healed like this.

It took less than a minute before and after, the cracks on the relief body really slowly disappeared, and even the parts that had been broken and disappeared were quickly healed.

Lynch even felt that the relief itself was an incredible existence.

Will it heal automatically after being injured?

What the **** is this?

In terms of alchemy, this is simply the existence that scares the chin...

"not simple……"

In the ensuing battle, Lynch was even more cautious and did not rush to take action. Instead, he began to put most of his magic power on the defense. However, he was slowly observing these reliefs. Where is the mystery...

Then, it was a battle that could not come in the slightest.

Regardless of the bombardment of those reliefs, Lynch was extremely cautious from beginning to end, and would not rush them head-on. From beginning to end, it almost became an offensive and defensive battle.

At this time, other mages also discovered this particularity, and they were extremely difficult to deal with at the time, but everyone had different choices in response.

Some people, like Lynch, have to observe slowly first, they are much more conservative when attacking, and more energy is spent on observation.

Others, such as Knoll's, are much more radical. Although they have discovered something wrong with these reliefs, based on common sense of alchemy, they also know that this healing state cannot be maintained forever.

In the middle, there must be an upper limit.

As long as this upper limit can be broken, it can be defeated in one fell swoop.

All of a sudden, they began a fierce attacking battle.

At this time, Lynch’s advantage of the magic furnace was completely revealed. After all, in this stalemate battle, how many spells he mastered was second, and the most important thing was how much magic he could use.

At this time, Lynch was alone in the air, acting as the most conspicuous target, attracting half-relief crazy attacks in one fell swoop. The firepower attracted at that time actually helped other people relieve a lot of pressure.

This allows some people to try their best to test the healing limit of these reliefs.

at last……

This attempt is still fruitful...

While Lynch was dragging these reliefs, he only saw the few alchemy puppets released by Noel, using the body and spells, and under the intensive bombardment of countless firepower, finally smashed a relief to pieces. This time it can no longer heal.

After that, it took almost an hour, and everyone worked together to eliminate the remaining reliefs.

With the loud sound of "bang", it suddenly exploded, and this battle that had consumed everyone to the limit was finally over...

"But these reliefs are very interesting..."

However, Lynch did not rush to leave. Instead, he collected several broken bodies scattered with reliefs from the ground, and then studied them a bit. After looking over all the parts, he put them in. Among the space rings.

"What's the rush for this kind of thing, it's better to wait for it to come out, and then slowly clean up."

"Hehe, when you come out, I'm afraid you can't come out safely, there is no way to be so calm..."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Noel frowned, thinking that Lynch was mocking himself.

However, Lynch didn't bother to tell him more about the transformation of the Elf King. If the interior is safe, Lynch could use his eyes as a light bulb.

Anyway, Lynch felt that if he had a chance, he would put the benefits he could get into his pocket first, so as not to be chased out later...


Suddenly, as he was packing these parts, Lynch frowned.

"what happened?"

Noel was taken aback. Every time Lynch felt wrong, the next moment there was either danger or an accident, where he would dare to be careless.

However, this time, Lynch shook his head, handed him a part, and said, "This wreck is a bit strange."

"Strange? Why is it strange?"

Noel held it there for a long time, still without any clue, finally looked at Lynch suspiciously.

"Look at this pattern, as well as the alchemy ink on it. It doesn't fall off at all, as if it were new..."

"You mean, they are all too new?"

This time, under Lynch's guidance, Noel was also slightly taken aback, and when he looked at these details randomly, he couldn't help but frown.

Indeed, these bombarded parts are a bit too new...

Except for the bombardment scars caused by them just now, in addition, it was actually covered with a thin layer of dust, and there was no damage to any place on it.

After Knoll pondered for a while, he shook his head and said, "This should be related to their previous healing ability, right?"

"No..." But at this time, Lynch had already taken out the fragments of the elven guards that he had encountered before, and pointed them to Noel. "If these reliefs can be explained by healing power, then What about these things? They turned out to be like this... They have no healing phenomena..."

This...this, it seems there is indeed a ghost...""

For a while, after reading these things, Noel felt cold behind his back, like a gust of yin wind, swishing up.

This is too ridiculous...

You know, no matter how powerful the elven guards are, they are just dead objects. They can usually stay here, and when the invaders come, they can still perform their functions.

Still counting on them to clean up for themselves? Assure that you are still as new after countless years have passed?

What a joke!

"Very weird..."

After watching here for a while, Lynch also had no clue, shook his head, and slowly put the fragments of these alchemy puppets into his pockets, raised his head, and looked at the tower with a solemn expression.

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