The First Mage

Chapter 1708: Warning

After going around the periphery of the entire canyon, Lin Qi showed a satisfied smile. It was indeed right to stay here. In this short hour, the gains were too great.

The mastery of magical elements has taken another level, and Lin Qi faintly felt that his control of alchemy seemed to have broken through again.

What is needed next is an opportunity to pierce that layer of window paper...

As long as you have this sense of breakthrough, then the next things will be easy to handle. You only need to wait slowly for the opportunity, sooner or later, you can truly step into that higher level...

"I want to see what is so special about this canyon..."

After making progress in the control of this element, Lynch no longer hesitated, and really walked into the canyon, and began to find the origin of the magical element chaos based on the harvest just now...

This gorge doesn’t look too big, but it’s just a few hundred meters in radius, and it’s overgrown with vegetation. There has been a big battle at this time, and there is no beast interference. But for that, Lynch just wandered inside. More than two hours.

Finally, Lynch, who was looking for it, suddenly lit up. He looked at an inconspicuous pit in the canyon, and jumped down toward the pit. In the pit, a slanted slanting hole was inserted. The trees are dry and dry. It doesn't seem to know how many years it has withered, and how tall a person is, it is like the kind of dead branches and leaves that can be seen everywhere.

"Help me dig together."

At this time, Lynch also called Palin over and helped him start digging under the dead wood.

"Are you sure the source is here?"

Palin also looked curiously, a little puzzled, this kind of inconspicuous place actually hides the place that would disturb the entire environment.

But since Lynch is so determined, there is nothing to say, so he cast spells at that time and began to dig around here.

This digging is not easy. The dead wood seems to be a bit longer. The two dug down for seven or eight meters []. They are all in sight, making people suspicious, and then dig down. Will a well be dug down...

Finally, after digging nearly a dozen meters, the dead wood finally reached the point, and then fell to its knees.

"Huh? What is this?"

At this time, Palin finally shined.

Because he discovered that the dead wood that looked like it had withered a long time ago was still growing roots. At this time, the roots were also atrophied with malnutrition. The root system was thin, probably only the size of a fist. What people pay attention to is that there is something wrapped in this root system.

Palin was going to use a wind blade to chop up this root system and take it out.

The strange thing is that the wind blade that even Tier 3 monsters can chop melons and vegetables, when it touches the root system, it disappears without warning...

"It was the elemental chaos in that place that was so chaotic that it directly disintegrated the spell, making the wind blade unable to maintain its form!"

Lin Qi's eyes lit up at this point. At this point, he naturally knew that the thing hidden in this root system was the source of all these changes.

At that time, Lynch did not hesitate, so he took out an alchemy scalpel and cut it on the root system himself.

Facts have proved that what is wrapped in this root system can disintegrate spells, but it has little effect on physical damage to objects.

Lynch’s alchemy planer easily cut off the beards, exposing what was wrapped in it...

Under the lighting technique, the two could clearly see the appearance of this thing, and then they couldn't help but glance at each other, both of them were dignified in the eyes of each other.

Because the appearance of this thing is really scary.

It is about the size of a peach pit, sharp up and down, and round in the middle. The whole is red like a crystal with a faint light color, but in the middle position, there is a little round black, exuding a mysterious light...

This look reminds people of their eyes.

An erect eye.

At this time, when it appeared, the nearby space was slightly distorted, and all the elements suddenly became violent, but fortunately, there are still countless alchemy array adjustments outside, which will not let this violent. Pervade.

Lin Qiguang was holding it, and he could vaguely feel as if everything around him was out of his control. It seemed that he couldn't use even the simplest spell, as if the space was beginning to twist and deform...

But Lynch knew that it’s not that it really has the kind of power that can interfere with the space, but that it has too much influence on the magic elements, making the surrounding magic elements chaotic, as if forming a space-time that is very different from the surroundings. , This will give oneself a sense of space chaos.

"This thing... is not easy..."

After Lin Qi felt it carefully, his face became more dignified. To say that Lin Qi's own strength is really not weak now, and he can fight against the Great Sorcerer. But now, just holding this thing, he can actually It feels so strange...

Moreover, this thing is only a natural influence, and has not been urged.

What does this show?

This can only show that the true rank of this thing is probably extremely high, even if someone says that it belongs to the existence that can be controlled by a titled wizard, Lynch is not surprised.

Lin Qi knew that after going back, he still had to calm down and study it slowly, so he put it back in his pocket and waited to study it later.

But who knows, as soon as he was about to put it in his pocket, one of the existences in his pocket suddenly seemed to be frightened, sending out a sharp warning.

"What the hell!"

Lynch was almost taken aback, but it seemed that the constructing life was even more excited at this time. Just now, it was the alarm it issued. At this time, this always-lazy little thing seemed to be a mouse meeting a cat. In that desperate warning to Lynch, as for itself, it was hiding in Lynch's pocket, shivering, and it didn't dare to appear at all.

"You mean... don't want to touch it?"

Lynch was confused there for a while before trying to say.

After that, I tried to take this thing farther.

After the words fell, the constructing life really seemed to be relieved. It didn’t have the kind of nervousness just now, but it still seemed to be uneasy. I still didn’t dare to move while hiding there, as if it was a decision Is to keep a safe distance from this thing.

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